I think I am at the final stretch and almost done. It's a pleasant surprise to see how NT decided to present the Giants, explain what they actually are and for Senua to find a way to deal with them, not to mention that it's different for each of them
when you learn about their origins and stuff and calm them down by learning their names. What's also great about the sequel is that there's way more characters than just Senua this time around, not only the main cast by others as well and it's really cool how NT showing their involvement in the story and what's going on around Senua, which is absolutely and never a thing in other AAA action games where everything is just on the background and you don't even see what's happening cuz you always move forward, but here people (and the main cast) act constantly around Senua, be it by helping her in the fight, or Senua helping them to stay alive, kill enemies together etc. etc.
This kind of thing helps the immersion a lot and I hope more devs will take notice. The writing and acting is also astounding and here's where this game shines as well, unlike something like Horizon: Forbidden West where acting and mocap is great, but the writing and emotions is just not there, not to mention kind of a one note characters which are always on good terms with Alloy, and the story,... well, you know, it's not terrible, but not great either and almost completely lacks emotional aspects where they absolutely must be and cuz of this reason a lot of events in the game fall flat and not triggering emotional response from you. Hellblade II on the other hand feels and looks like a more compact, extremely well directed, written, shot and presented norse saga with more memorable characters and story.
I don't want this game to end and obviously I haven't finished the game yet, but I really hope that it's not the last we see of Senua and maybe in the next game we can help her get rid of the voices and let her live a normal life with someone who cares about her, like before the events of the first game. I mean, after so many terrifying events, emotional hell and all sort of other shit, the story of Senua must end on a positive and optimistic note