FFXII is one of the best games ever made.
That's not controversial unpopular opinion at all. That's just facts.Gaming in the 90s was objectively better than before or after, and there's many reasons for it.
Death Stranding is just shy of being an absolute masterpiece.
FromSoftware storytelling is a meme at this point.Your first statement and perspective demonstrate an inability to observe context clues to piece together lore and subtle narrative storytelling.
I don't like Blade Runner.You probably enjoy the narrated theatrical cut of Blade Runner over the Final Cut.
The point of an action game is freedom of expression. Sekiro is designed in a way to punish that by mandating specific responses in given scenarios.To say Sekiro's combat system is shallow is Simple Jack-tier analysis of an action game. I'm guessing you also think Hi-Fi Rush has a deeper combat system than Ninja Gaiden Black or Bayonetta 1.
Final Fantasy was never good.
Get out! Now!Half life 2 wasn't a good game.
Half Life 1 wasn't a good game.Half life 2 wasn't a good game.
Half life 2 wasn't a good game.
Okay, here's a few.
Nintendo are an overrated toy company that make games for manchildren, and nobody has any interest in assessing their output rationally - if they did, they'd find a lot of extremely mid franchise titles that barely innovate, but remind losers of what it was like to be eight years old, and hence get the '10'.
Sony first party titles are overrated movie games that appeal to game journalists because you can complete them while having an actual ABI.
BOTW/TOTK are the most overrated games of all time, and they are boring and aimless.
Spending thousands and thousands of dollars on PC hardware is an extremely good idea, and anyone who denies this is a poor, broke motherfucker.
The exodus of console players to the PC during the PS4/Xbone era has resulted in meme spewing 'PC players' shitting up every PC gaming space with their shitty computers, retarded takes, and total disinterest in actual PC gaming - they want console games that run a little better.
Half Life 1 wasn't a good game.
I hate first-person view in games. I've skipped quite a few games that I thought looked good when I found out they were first-person.
What I mean is... WoW used to be a game requiring a reasonable amount of technical skill to play properly. You had to learn it, and had to understand it.When it comes to WoW, I actually think it's catering more towards the autists nowadays than before. I used to love the game and was pretty good at it, and it was relatively simple. Getting your BiS gear felt good, and feeling like you're "done" with your character for a while. Now you need all kinds of outside addons and bullshit to calculate what combination of particular items are best depending on what you have, you need to use raider io, grind your way to a decent score, play the meta FOMO class, depending on what that class is you might have to take a PhD to understand its rotation, download and setup weakauras to help with that process AND THEN pray that you get invited into a group to do the worst kind of content ever: Mythic+. It would be absolutely fine if they just killed the timer and/or made it so keys didn't break if you failed. The way it is setup right now just brings out the worst in people.
So yeah, if that isn't appealing to the autists, I don't know what is.
I was agreeing with you for all of these and then you lost me a little bit, but I can see your points.
It's really poorly paced and I greatly prefer the original as well. Ravenholm elevates the overall experience. Episode 2 is where Half-Life found it's footing again and Episode 1 is the low point.
Tell me just one 8bit microcomputer.. only one game that plays, looks and SOUNDS like Nes-famicom Ninja Gaiden 3. (There's probably like 100 Nes-famicom games with similar or even better quality though)8-bit microcomputers like the Commodore 64 were better, in every imaginable way, than consoles like the NES.
BotW is really boring.
Is it dated devs trying to mimic that you are literally the main character of the game? Rly?I agree with this it just feels so dated I can't do it anymore in the 90s was I was all over them
So, as far as music and sounds go, the C64's SID chip was infinitely superior to what the NES was offering at the time, and had some of the best game composers in the business (Rob Hubbard, Ben Dalgleish, etc.):Tell me just one 8bit microcomputer.. only one game that plays, looks and SOUNDS like Nes-famicom Ninja Gaiden 3. (There's probably like 100 Nes-famicom games with similar or even better quality though)
Other than that, I loved your unpopular opinions and I agree with everything and I think we could be best friends forever (no homo)
Given that Kingdom Hearts itself is just Nomura coming up with bullshit, it actually kinda fits.I have a hate boner for the song Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru. Lyrically, it makes no sense in the context of Kingdom Hearts, and even if it did, it's sung in the most retarded of ways.
"Don't get me wrong, I love you
But does that mean I have to meet your father?"
When we are older, you'll understand
What I meant when I said
"No, I don't think life is quite that simple"
Fuck, I hate this song.
PC master race cuntism taken to the next level.Modern PC gamers are nothing like the 80s and 90s PC gamers and I hope someone takes that in the worst way possible. Today's PC gamers are console gamers with extra steps.