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Your most Unpopular Gaming opinon?


Death Stranding is just shy of being an absolute masterpiece.
Season 2 Lol GIF by Insecure on HBO
Your first statement and perspective demonstrate an inability to observe context clues to piece together lore and subtle narrative storytelling.
FromSoftware storytelling is a meme at this point.

You probably enjoy the narrated theatrical cut of Blade Runner over the Final Cut.
I don't like Blade Runner.
To say Sekiro's combat system is shallow is Simple Jack-tier analysis of an action game. I'm guessing you also think Hi-Fi Rush has a deeper combat system than Ninja Gaiden Black or Bayonetta 1.
The point of an action game is freedom of expression. Sekiro is designed in a way to punish that by mandating specific responses in given scenarios.
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Neo Member
I vastly prefer Multiplayer games getting sequels every few years instead of seasonal content. It's better for preservation and come on, why wouldn't you want a sequel?? I feel like we've been robbed of them as of late, and no i don't think updates could possibly compare to a full fat sequel.


Final Fantasy was never good.

Dragon Warrior/Quest always been better imo😁

My unpopular gaming opinion the WiiU had PEAK Nintendo online functionalities and should absolutely return with the Switch 2.

Give us back the eShop music , updating with each season, make it fun again to browse.

Give us Miiverse in all its glory and controversy. Each game had its own page and community it was fun as hell! Just moderates it better Nintendo!

Bring back the interactive home hub. Yes, miis were fun and much better than a simple gamer picture or whatever.


Gold Member
There’s no bigger bunch of suckers in gaming as the Elden Ring fandom.
Miyazaki’s surely had the funniest two years of his life watching all these poor sods lapping up this infinite trollfest and calling it the greatest game ever, the game so good that ruined every other game, etc.
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Technical fidelity still reigns over artistic direction. Why else do hardware manufacturers keep releasing new consoles every cycle with better graphics and tech, otherwise if they were to produce a "new" system that had the same power as its predecessor but the games for it had a better artstyle, then that alone wouldn't be enough to sell the console.

That's why the Playstations, Xboxes, and Nintendo hardware need fresh graphics updates every generation, to maintain public interest.
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What time is it?
Half life 2 wasn't a good game.

It's really poorly paced and I greatly prefer the original as well. Ravenholm elevates the overall experience. Episode 2 is where Half-Life found it's footing again and Episode 1 is the low point.

Sgt. Pinback

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
Okay, here's a few.

Nintendo are an overrated toy company that make games for manchildren, and nobody has any interest in assessing their output rationally - if they did, they'd find a lot of extremely mid franchise titles that barely innovate, but remind losers of what it was like to be eight years old, and hence get the '10'.

Sony first party titles are overrated movie games that appeal to game journalists because you can complete them while having an actual ABI.

BOTW/TOTK are the most overrated games of all time, and they are boring and aimless.

Spending thousands and thousands of dollars on PC hardware is an extremely good idea, and anyone who denies this is a poor, broke motherfucker.

The exodus of console players to the PC during the PS4/Xbone era has resulted in meme spewing 'PC players' shitting up every PC gaming space with their shitty computers, retarded takes, and total disinterest in actual PC gaming - they want console games that run a little better.

World of Warcraft is one of the few franchises that is consistently fun to play, and Blizzard's attempts to modernise it haven't ruined it, they've made it easier for non-autists to enjoy.

Diablo 4 was the best game of 2023.

Real men love sexist, violent video games and anyone who denies that fact is either gay, a video game journalist, or trying to impress some broad.

The 1980's are an incredibly underrepresented period in video game history due to the ages of most 'video game critics'.

8-bit microcomputers like the Commodore 64 were better, in every imaginable way, than consoles like the NES.

The 'video game crash' didn't exist - it was a 'north American video game crash'. Video games in Europe, Australia, etc. were just fine, as evidenced by the success of the Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC, etc.

This is the absolute worst time for video games ever. This isn't a 'golden age', there isn't 'more amazing games than ever before', and it isn't 'the best time to be a gamer'. It's a shitty time, packed with exploitative games designed to rape your wallet, make you stupid, and spy on you. It's a sea of trash tier franchises, DEI bullshit, journalist grifters, and an audience of absolute fucking morons who suck up every explosion of liquid shit that pours out of release trailers as though it's creme brulee.

And finally...

Vampire Survivors is the best game of the last 10 years.
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Okay, here's a few.

Nintendo are an overrated toy company that make games for manchildren, and nobody has any interest in assessing their output rationally - if they did, they'd find a lot of extremely mid franchise titles that barely innovate, but remind losers of what it was like to be eight years old, and hence get the '10'.

Sony first party titles are overrated movie games that appeal to game journalists because you can complete them while having an actual ABI.

BOTW/TOTK are the most overrated games of all time, and they are boring and aimless.

Spending thousands and thousands of dollars on PC hardware is an extremely good idea, and anyone who denies this is a poor, broke motherfucker.

The exodus of console players to the PC during the PS4/Xbone era has resulted in meme spewing 'PC players' shitting up every PC gaming space with their shitty computers, retarded takes, and total disinterest in actual PC gaming - they want console games that run a little better.

I was agreeing with you for all of these and then you lost me a little bit, but I can see your points.

When it comes to WoW, I actually think it's catering more towards the autists nowadays than before. I used to love the game and was pretty good at it, and it was relatively simple. Getting your BiS gear felt good, and feeling like you're "done" with your character for a while. Now you need all kinds of outside addons and bullshit to calculate what combination of particular items are best depending on what you have, you need to use raider io, grind your way to a decent score, play the meta FoTM class, depending on what that class is you might have to take a PhD to understand its rotation, download and setup weakauras to help with that process AND THEN pray that you get invited into a group to do the worst kind of content ever: Mythic+. It would be absolutely fine if they just killed the timer and/or made it so keys didn't break if you failed. The way it is setup right now just brings out the worst in people.

So yeah, if that isn't appealing to the autists, I don't know what is.
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Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
I hate first-person view in games. I've skipped quite a few games that I thought looked good when I found out they were first-person.

I agree with this it just feels so dated I can't do it anymore in the 90s was I was all over them
Nintendo's first party is wildly overrated and generally lacks ambition. There's the occasional gem title that seems to have that AAA effort, but those are few and far between (BoTW, ToTK, MO, etc). Years go by without me hardly touching my Switch, it seems. Yet their fanbase certainly seems like they are always excited every single year no matter what.
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Sgt. Pinback

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
When it comes to WoW, I actually think it's catering more towards the autists nowadays than before. I used to love the game and was pretty good at it, and it was relatively simple. Getting your BiS gear felt good, and feeling like you're "done" with your character for a while. Now you need all kinds of outside addons and bullshit to calculate what combination of particular items are best depending on what you have, you need to use raider io, grind your way to a decent score, play the meta FOMO class, depending on what that class is you might have to take a PhD to understand its rotation, download and setup weakauras to help with that process AND THEN pray that you get invited into a group to do the worst kind of content ever: Mythic+. It would be absolutely fine if they just killed the timer and/or made it so keys didn't break if you failed. The way it is setup right now just brings out the worst in people.

So yeah, if that isn't appealing to the autists, I don't know what is.
What I mean is... WoW used to be a game requiring a reasonable amount of technical skill to play properly. You had to learn it, and had to understand it.

Do you want to know how I play it in 2024? I put a bunch of things on the skill bar, and then I slap them with the back of my hand on the keyboard until things die. I stop from time to time to wipe the dribble from my mouth, or to let someone change my diaper, and then I go and bash the keys some more. Stuff dies and I get given a bunch of loot. It's great.

There's definitely the type of high level play that you are describing, where you have to be some kind of turbo dork to play it well. But, they seem far more accomodating to retards like myself who just want to smash the keys and grunt.

I was agreeing with you for all of these and then you lost me a little bit, but I can see your points.

I know. What can ya do. Can't please everyone. I got you onboard with a few of them, which is a win.


Zelda is a franchise of eternal déjà vu, the most reheated thing ever. It’s the same thing coming back, just changing how it’s done.


It's really poorly paced and I greatly prefer the original as well. Ravenholm elevates the overall experience. Episode 2 is where Half-Life found it's footing again and Episode 1 is the low point.

This sums it up pretty good. It's a crime that we still are at that cliffhanger tho.


Mass Effect Andromeda is actually pretty good.
The cast of characters suck compared to 1 and 2 (I dont like anyone they added in 3, Jarek the Prothean was OK I guess), and the bad guys are not very intimidating compared to you know, the Reapers.
But the graphics looked great for the time (after patches), the combat was much better than the original trilogies which I enjoyed perfectly fine. Now you can swap specs on the fly, airdash sniper mechanics, proper melee builds, lots of experimentation.
Multiplayer was fantastic, maybe my favorite Horde mode game ever.
Anyway, it had a super buggy launch but so does every Bethesda game and those don't get torn to pieces and reviled forever. Maybe I was more inclined to like it because I think ME3 was pretty bad story and character wise (whereas ME2 was near perfect), and Andromeda kind of met my lowered expectations story wise while vastly improving gameplay.
8-bit microcomputers like the Commodore 64 were better, in every imaginable way, than consoles like the NES.
Tell me just one 8bit microcomputer.. only one game that plays, looks and SOUNDS like Nes-famicom Ninja Gaiden 3. (There's probably like 100 Nes-famicom games with similar or even better quality though)

Other than that, I loved your unpopular opinions and I agree with everything and I think we could be best friends forever (no homo)


posts news as their odd job
BotW is really boring.

I'd further that to say very large open world sandbox type games are kinda boring.

If 90% of the game revolves around traveling or collecting endless bullshit I'm out.

This is why I'm very meh on GTA 6. After buying 4 and 5 at launch and not finishing either I realized the novelty of the cool open-sandbox wears off and the actual GAMEPLAY part is mediocre. Get call -> drive -> mediocre mission, rinse/repeat.
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Socom Confrontation was the best socom because it was actually a tactical shooter and not just Call of duty quake


The diminishing returns is fake, and it’s just an excuse to not advance gaming.

You can’t tell me that we hit a ceiling when it comes to graphics, when you have PS3 games with destructive environments, while PS5 games have static environments (Final Fantasy VII Rebirth have static grass and objects) and that’s just one thing of many.

If you had everything (graphics, physics, lighting, etc) all in one game and you can’t advance from there, then that would be a ceiling. Right now we’re not there yet.
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Sgt. Pinback

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
Tell me just one 8bit microcomputer.. only one game that plays, looks and SOUNDS like Nes-famicom Ninja Gaiden 3. (There's probably like 100 Nes-famicom games with similar or even better quality though)

Other than that, I loved your unpopular opinions and I agree with everything and I think we could be best friends forever (no homo)
So, as far as music and sounds go, the C64's SID chip was infinitely superior to what the NES was offering at the time, and had some of the best game composers in the business (Rob Hubbard, Ben Dalgleish, etc.):

Graphics are always going to be a matter of taste, but I do not like the look of Ninja Gaiden 3 at all. But, I do like The Last Ninja 3:

Let's be best friends forever - homo optional.
I have a hate boner for the song Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru. Lyrically, it makes no sense in the context of Kingdom Hearts, and even if it did, it's sung in the most retarded of ways.

"Don't get me wrong, I love you
But does that mean I have to meet your father?"
When we are older, you'll understand
What I meant when I said
"No, I don't think life is quite that simple"


Fuck, I hate this song.
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Gold Member
I have a hate boner for the song Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru. Lyrically, it makes no sense in the context of Kingdom Hearts, and even if it did, it's sung in the most retarded of ways.

"Don't get me wrong, I love you
But does that mean I have to meet your father?"
When we are older, you'll understand
What I meant when I said
"No, I don't think life is quite that simple"


Fuck, I hate this song.
Given that Kingdom Hearts itself is just Nomura coming up with bullshit, it actually kinda fits.
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