Satya Nadella: Annual letter to stockholders. Content on new platforms will continue


Yeah. I think they are slowly trickling out the news because it’s less painful to dedicated Xbox consumers.
I think you mean Colt Eastwood. I heard he has a heart condition (I really didn't), so he may not take this lightly.

Colt, if you're still alive, make an inane tweet so we're sure you're ok. (not going to follow his Twitter, but he will)


- consoles should die, just build a PC, PC is where it's at, who can afford an optional $700 Pro, have we shown you that we can build a similar PC for just a measly $300 more than the Pro?

"When we all play, everyone wins." - Good Guy Pillsner

First statement is more response to some team blue fanboys saying that ps5 will be best place to play multiplatofrm games (while in truth it is PC)
Second statement is absolutely correct, but lacks specifics.

If this is true, doesn't it mean that Microsoft is going third party?

But then, if they do release a new Xbox but also release their games on other platforms, what would they be?
Biggest gaming company in the world?


Identifies as young
If it fits a particular narrative, we believe every word they say.

Sheryl Lee Ralph No GIF by ABC Network


Moderated wildly
Where is this narrative that no one believes Satya Nadella coming from?

Come On What GIF by MOODMAN

I think the narrative is no one believe Microsoft in whatever they are saying?

I mean Satya is already telling the truth, and so is Phil tbf. He said its only 4 games right now and they will continue to evaluate.

They've now announced Indy which is a Disney game...and Satya is saying they will continue to bring more content to other platforms. Indy is one of those I guess.

I do agree with some that say Microsoft needs to get ahead of this some way and be a bit more direct with the messaging. Similar to what sony said. Is it a minimum one year for titles outside of franchises like Indy? What's the next games etc.

They just need to be more open about it I think. But that won't happen.


Anyone who believes MS purchased ABK to lock it unto one platform is out of his mind. They might've played with the idea at first, if they saw surges in Xbox subs and hardware, but as it stands.. no. They would lose billions on keeping those games exclusive. It doesn't make sense. They need to recuperate this investment in due time and generate profits. Which is best done if you unleash your big hitters on every platform, generating persistent extra sales and mtx in the process.


Moderated wildly
Anyone who believes MS purchased ABK to lock it unto one platform is out of his mind. They might've played with the idea at first, if they saw surges in Xbox subs and hardware, but as it stands.. no. They would lose billions on keeping those games exclusive. It doesn't make sense. They need to recuperate this investment in due time and generate profits. Which is best done if you unleash your big hitters on every platform, generating persistent extra sales and mtx in the process.

I don't think it's lose billions but it's lose millions upon millions.

The rest i agree with. We are going to see a push from everyone to get their content in front of more eyes. Be it through streaming or releasing on more platforms.


It's the same with PlayStation going Pc. They don't want to hammer the dildo in dry, they slowly insert it with some lube so the fanboys won't cry too loud. Microsoft going 3rd party publisher with all games day1 on PlayStation and Sony going Pc day1 is a given to me. The question is only when.
What would be the point of yet another console if you are putting your content on the other consoles who offer their own games as well as third party and now yours on top of that.

How many people do you expect to buy it when its possibly around the same price point as the others or even more expensive depending on its capabilities.
I think you've answered your own question, there wouldn't be a point, but yet they are continuing to make further Xbox hardware. Exclusive content is needed to sell a new console so that all but confirms that certain franchises will remain console exclusive but this level of common sense doesn't sit well in a Pro PS neogaf.


This could quite literally cover Indiana Jones and Doom coming to PlayStation in the next 6-8 months, as well as Black Ops 6 on Switch 2 and it’d still be right. It could also mean the floodgates opening up.

I guess it’s human nature to read the meanings they want into things

Anyone who believes MS purchased ABK to lock it unto one platform is out of his mind. They might've played with the idea at first, if they saw surges in Xbox subs and hardware, but as it stands.. no. They would lose billions on keeping those games exclusive. It doesn't make sense.

they told the courts and regulators they’d be keeping Activision’s biggest franchises (at the very least) multiplatform. They’re legally bound to this. Nobody sane thinks that they plan to lock ABK’s content to one platform.
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Gold Member
Wait, so now we believe MS?

Microsoft: "We're only bringing some of our titles to other platforms."
NeoGAF: "Microsoft are lying! It'll be every game! They always lie! Everything they say is a lie!"

Microsoft: "We're going to continue to bring some of titles to other platforms."
NeoGAF: "God himself has never spoken a more objectively true statement. This is beyond question."

Never change, GAF.

If it fits a particular narrative, we believe every word they say.

They never say ALL games, but I can see a lots thirst in PS community for Xbox ("has no games") games.

Life Cycle Omg GIF by La Guarimba Film Festival


I think the narrative is no one believe Microsoft in whatever they are saying?

I mean Satya is already telling the truth, and so is Phil tbf. He said its only 4 games right now and they will continue to evaluate.

They've now announced Indy which is a Disney game...and Satya is saying they will continue to bring more content to other platforms. Indy is one of those I guess.

I do agree with some that say Microsoft needs to get ahead of this some way and be a bit more direct with the messaging. Similar to what sony said. Is it a minimum one year for titles outside of franchises like Indy? What's the next games etc.

They just need to be more open about it I think. But that won't happen.
Lol no, the 4 games was never true. Phil is always a liar. It was all pr talk for gullible fans like you and it worked. Yall need to wake up and smell the coffee. You’re making one of the biggest fanboys like Timdog look good.
Allow me to provide the highlight of the highlight since everything else is white noise:
The entire thing: "We are bringing great games to more people on more devices. With our acquisition of Activision Blizzard King, which closed October 2023, we’ve added hundreds of millions of players to our ecosystem. We now have 20 franchises that have generated over $1 billion in lifetime revenue—from Candy Crush, Diablo, and Halo, to Warcraft, Elder Scrolls, and Gears of War. And with Xbox cloud gaming, we continue to innovate to offer players more ways to experience the games they love—where, when, and how they want. Finally, we brought four of our fan-favorite titles to Nintendo Switch and Sony PlayStation for the first time, as we continue to extend our content to new platforms."
But he did mention being excited about bringing games to other platforms twice.
I mean.....he even mentioned the consoles for Playstation and Nintendo and (again) didn't even mention the Xbox console or Game Pass.
That's not normal.
PS and Nintendo could've both blocked those 4 MS games from their platforms and MS would have nothing positive to say about "Gaming" for the last 12 months outside of the fact that it spent more money buying studios in a sad attempt at buying active users. Both PS and Nintendo would have survived just fine without the added sales from those 4 games but the damage it would've done to MS Gaming would likely be permanent.
I don't think it's lose billions but it's lose millions upon millions.
The rest i agree with. We are going to see a push from everyone to get their content in front of more eyes. Be it through streaming or releasing on more platforms.
Inconsistent gameplay across a massive range of substandard devices will benefit MS and its core purpose of making PC the only place where serious gaming lives.
The more devices MS can ship its games on the more devices MS can use in the comparisons where the PC version of every game looks and performs the best.
No x86 PS or ARM Nintendo console can beat an x86 PC at playing x86 PC games.


Lots of thirsting in the PS community? Like who?

The ones that do are mostly people who either came from Xbox or who own both and who are ready to double-dip.
sea of Thieves did pretty well looking at charts on PS5, Forza horizon probably would sold bonkers on PS5 as there is no competition for this kind of game on PS5, CoD will sell a lot as usual, Doom Dark ages as well, I am expecting next TES do sell well, state of decay 3 will probably be a multiplatform GaaS, so it would benefit from day 1 releases across all platforms, same if they would release Halo or `gears remasters/collections.

Maybe they should sign a deal Concord for Xbox in exchange for redfall on PS5 /s


The answer to this , in here, really feels like some of you were on the edge of getting an Xbox for years but could either never afford one or were too proud not to.

Reminds me of kids at my school who could finally play Mortal Kombat on the system that allowed blood. 8 years old kids



It's the same with PlayStation going Pc. They don't want to hammer the dildo in dry, they slowly insert it with some lube so the fanboys won't cry too loud. Microsoft going 3rd party publisher with all games day1 on PlayStation and Sony going Pc day1 is a given to me. The question is only when.
Horizon Remaster is the first one SP game, but we already had Helldivers 2 and Concord going PC day 1.


sea of Thieves did pretty well looking at charts on PS5, Forza horizon probably would sold bonkers on PS5 as there is no competition for this kind of game on PS5, CoD will sell a lot as usual, Doom Dark ages as well, I am expecting next TES do sell well, state of decay 3 will probably be a multiplatform GaaS, so it would benefit from day 1 releases across all platforms, same if they would release Halo or `gears remasters/collections.

Maybe they should sign a deal Concord for Xbox in exchange for redfall on PS5 /s
Define 'pretty well'.

And I can't remember the PS community begging for a Sea of Thieves port.
Those that did primarily fall within the demographic I mentioned before: former Xbox fans or people who own both systems and dont mind double-dipping, which most likely explains why SoT sold 'pretty well'.
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