Is it just me who wants a few new evolutions to be present in the next generation? I'd kill for a Steel- or Flying-type Eeveelution or an epic new member of the Dunsparce family.
ROFL SHINY SCRAGGY GET! egg # 285. 20 more then zorua
just breed a male with the egg move and keep breeding with a ditto that have good ivs until you get a good one.
I don't have good dittos for the right stats. I really need to go catch some more.
I have tons of max IV dittos in Emerald. What exactly are you looking for? I wouldn't mind giving you a few if I have the right ones assuming you don't mind the Emerald cloning glitch.
k what shall I name him?
sorry... bashful/moxie 12/29/16/31/31/26
I'm still missing perfect HP, Attack, and Speed (the one that's really hurting right now). Surprisingly, I have 3 of the perfect stats over only, like, 6-7 dittos.
Done. Ready to trade when you are
Blogs based off random forum posts. I love journalism! (Referring to the first article which has the events wrong, not the second which is true).
Is it just me who wants a few new evolutions to be present in the next generation? I'd kill for a Steel- or Flying-type Eeveelution or an epic new member of the Dunsparce family.
Nah i don't need anything special.
... i'll take a petil if you have one
Might as well post a funny picture I saw on Reddit.
Thank you so much!
I'm good to trade now, if you want.
Is it just me who wants a few new evolutions to be present in the next generation? I'd kill for a Steel- or Flying-type Eeveelution or an epic new member of the Dunsparce family.
Dunsparce will get an evolution in Gen VI and it will turn out to be a legendary. Just watch.
Might as well post a funny picture I saw on Reddit.
You can get all the Eevee evolutions in Black.
Lol, really? I don't think I've encountered an Eevee yet. Or do you mean I have to get him from Dream World or something, because that is the worst thing ever.
Lol, really? I don't think I've encountered an Eevee yet. Or do you mean I have to get him from Dream World or something, because that is the worst thing ever.
Alright, Mank, I was able to find some Dittos with the IVs you needed. My friend code is 2064 8507 1802 if you want to trade some time later.
In the meantime, I'm gonna start breeding prankster Sableyes. Ought to be easy after HP fire Rotom.
Just don't forget that Recover (and Trick, if you're going there) are Egg Moves. Priority Recovery is pretty sweet.
Alright, Mank, I was able to find some Dittos with the IVs you needed. My friend code is 2064 8507 1802 if you want to trade some time later.
In the meantime, I'm gonna start breeding prankster Sableyes. Ought to be easy after HP fire Rotom.
Cool. I'm 1764 6119 3522.
I'll head on in a second.
Edit: Any chance you know how to tweak router settings? ColtraineGF got it to work last night, I believe with the settings he posted. Unfortunately I can't really tweak any settings on my end as I have to run things through Connectify to get a "router" running, and that doesn't really have much in the way of options.
Yeah, I've got my ports forwarded and DMZ set up. Looks like we just can't connect. I'll hold on to these Ditto for you in case you ever find a better connection, though.