The average Vita owner uses the handheld 18.7 hours every week
This can't be real. I mean, it's more than 2 hours a day if every single Vita owner used it.
I haven't used mine since Fall, somebody has to be playing a lot :lol
This can't be real. I mean, it's more than 2 hours a day if every single Vita owner used it.
I haven't used mine since Fall, somebody has to be playing a lot :lol
This can't be real. I mean, it's more than 2 hours a day if every single Vita owner used it.
I haven't used mine since Fall, somebody has to be playing a lot :lol
IGN said:For starters, a third of all Vita games sold are sold digitally through the PlayStation Network, an impressive number.
This can't be real. I mean, it's more than 2 hours a day if every single Vita owner used it.
I haven't used mine since Fall, somebody has to be playing a lot :lol
"were always worried about copycats"
You can't make this joke after last fall's PS3 lineup consisting of Not Super Smash Bros., Not Wii Sports and Not Mario Kart.
Minis are not made any more.Probaly a lot of mini's?
LittleBigPlanet Karting?Huh?
I'm not surprised by this at all. It's the best handheld I've ever owned.
My user satisfaction would be higher if they had bigger/cheaper memory cards, and a better system UI with folders. Other than that, it's an extremely awesome handheld, and I'm quite happy with the system, and the selection of games for it.
I really hope Sadness comes to Vita.
There has been a lot of sadness on Vita already. Why would you wish for more?
Not Super Smash Bros. =
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale SCEA 11/20/12 US T
Not Wii Sports =
Sports Champions 2 SCEA 10/30/12 US E10+
Not Mario Kart =
LittleBigPlanet Karting SCEA 11/06/12 US E
Yeah...Sony DEFINITELY didn't copy anyone last holiday season.
I really hope Sadness comes to Vita.
As such, Mesa jumped into the numbers. For starters, a third of all Vita games sold are sold digitally through the PlayStation Network, an impressive number.
I would guess less than 5 of those 100 titles are actually AA/AAA titles.
I hate to be sceptical, but I would wager that includes PSPlus games. If you give away to subscribers some of the best games available for the platform, then yes, digital 'sales' will be higher than normal.
I would love to be wrong though. Maybe.
Classic PR doublespeak and re-direction.
No addressing mention of retail 3rd party support...a very superficial interview.
I freakin' love the Vita, and am completely fine if it continues to get only 1-2 "AAA" titles a year--the PSN content has been decent so far, and looks to be amazing in 2013. Would love to see more PSN games become cross-buy or, at the least, cross-play; but perhaps this dream sort of come true with PS4-Vita Remote Play.
I sure do wish that SONY would release bigger Memory Sticks, as well as allow for the creation of folders in the O/S... not sure why they're dragging their feet on both of these things.
Questions (that are unlikely to be answered):
1. Does this include Playstation Plus game downloads as a sale?
2. Does this include download only titles, such that buying one DL-only title and one retail would be "50% of games sold through PSN" talk?
If this is the download % for retail games only and not counting Playstation Plus, then it's very good results. Big IFs, though. Detailed clarification would be nice.![]()
1/3 of games are sold on vita can mean a lot of things and is open to interpretation. Does it mean that, on average, 1/3 of sales come from DD for retail games? That would mean the DD scene on vita is very healthy and a lot better than most here assumed. Or does it mean that, out of the total of all the games sold, 1/3 are from Vita? That would mean Vita's SW sales are not that healthy, retail or DD since we know retail sales are poor and we know there are a lot of games that are PSN only for vita. If all DD sales put together only amount to 1/3 of total sales while retail amounts to 2/3 then we know everything is bad. Or it can be a combination of both.
I would guess less than 5 of those 100 titles are actually AA/AAA titles.
Pushing Vita as an indie platform is a fantastic way to increase sales. The triple A titles will come eventually when the user base is big enough. A B C really. This post is sort of useless.
"were always worried about copycats"
You can't make this joke after last fall's PS3 lineup consisting of Not Super Smash Bros., Not Wii Sports and Not Mario Kart.
Yes, this totally happens all the time in the industry.
Yes, this totally happens all the time in the industry.
Hopefully they never update the Vita store into that mess on the PS3.
To be fair at what other point in time was such a strategy either feasible or even attempted?
I'm glad the Vita has found its own little niche. The AAA titles are never coming but they're still making a go at having some content on the system.
18.7 hours per week is 2.67 hours per DAY on average.... That seems like a WHOLE lot and I have a vita. When does that leave time for the average vita user to play his PS3 that he/she likely also has? I wonder if they count the time that the system is asleep and periodically refreshing the LiveArea screens...
I hope that survey Sony conducted also informed them that those people using their Vitas daily (like myself) want larger-capacity memory card sizes.
Yes, this totally happens all the time in the industry.