There's so much to see and discover in this game, it's mindblowing.
Tell me more, Patrick. This is what I like to hear.
There's so much to see and discover in this game, it's mindblowing.
W...what the hell is this? Oh god I need to lay down before I have a stroke.
1 day and 10 hours to go
I highly recommend enabling subtitles for this kind of stuff.
Dax was joking, how do people see single posts without the ones surrounding them?
It wasW...what the hell is this? Oh god I need to lay down before I have a stroke.
Dax was joking, how do people see single posts without the ones surrounding them?
I'm pretty sure System Shock 2 stole the idea of a female AI from Cortana.
Yeah sound design in this game sucks. I don't care what other cool stuff you did with the effects or the music or whatever, if when I turn around the dialog volume drops from 100% to 5% your game is broken. This is not how it works in real life! I do not have to face a person to hear what they are saying.Sometimes it sucks though. Example: I was standing in a lift and was unable to properly hear what the speaker inside was saying as well as look outside to see what the game was showing me. To hear properly I had to take a step back and look directly up at the speaker, meaning I couldn't see the window anymore. I notice similar things with Elizabeth too. Sometimes she'll say stuff but it'll be SUPER muffled, and by the time I turn and figure out where she is she's stopped talking.
Difficult to say - I'm tempted to say 'neither' at this point. The differences to my eyes are minimal so far. A bit more tearing on the PS3, traded against what feels like less frame-drops than the 360 version.
At the moment I'm continuing on the PS3 because the tearing is relatively infrequent and it is slightly more crisp. I guess Digital Foundry will have an article up in the next day or so.
One thing I have noted is that Booker turns more slowly on the PS3 when sprinting. At first I thought I was imagining it, but I'm not - make the same turn on the PS3 and you can crash into walls and objects that you avoid on the 360. Increasing the Look sensitivity helped a little, but not completely. I guess Irrational need to patch it on one version or the other.
Yeah sound design in this game sucks. I don't care what other cool stuff you did with the effects or the music or whatever, if when I turn around the dialog volume drops from 100% to 5% your game is broken. This is not how it works in real life! I do not have to face a person to hear what they are saying.
What's the easiest and risk free way to unlock the game early via VPN?
I never really liked bioshock but Infinite looks tempting - how does it compare in terms of general gameplay from the original 2 bioshock games?
Sound design sucks? Unbelievable. BioShock's sound design was incredible.
Big difference to me is I feel that I'm playing a standard FPS. I feel, in Bioshock 1 or 2, splicers are hanging around the Rapture and I encounter them but in Infinite, the enemies are placed on my path and wating for me to come. I don't know why I feel like this, level design or my playstyle makes me feel this way, I guess.
Bah, almost forgot to play the Industrial Revolution game. I forgot the thing would link to your Steam account if you bought it from there and was waiting for a key for some reason. Playing through it now.
Sound design sucks? Unbelievable. BioShock's sound design was incredible.
Sounds like a very specific issue, namely things going quiet if you turn away from them. It is annoying, I've noticed it in other games, but it's not an indictment of the game's entire sound design.
I used spotflux to unlock Dishonored early, it was as simple as pressing a few buttons. I stayed in offline mode afterwards, just to be sure.
Stayed offline so Steam wouldn't detect the game or for other reasons?
I'm wanting to get back online after unlocking or not have to worry about being offline.
Dont fret if you dont finish. There arent any end game in game rewards. You can stop once youve passed level 12 and are awarded the weapon and additionalgene tonicsgear vigors.
If you go back online after unlocking a game that's still locked in your native region after using a VPN, the game will "relock" and you won't be able to play it again until you go back in the VPN.
So you want to stay offline if you want to keep playing it.
Bah, almost forgot to play the Industrial Revolution game. I forgot the thing would link to your Steam account if you bought it from there and was waiting for a key for some reason. Playing through it now.
Fink had some really weird pre-order bonuses. I suppose extra credits and such are fairly par for the course, but "increased sideways movement"?!?![]()
Oh, and here was me about to slog through all 59 of these levels now. Thanks for that.Dont fret if you dont finish. There arent any end game in game rewards. You can stop once youve passed level 12 and are awarded the weapon and additionalgene tonicsgear vigors.
34 hours here! (UK), Can't wait.48 hours? 48 hours... (Except for the Aussies..)
I'll be picking it up about 12ish, so forty six hours.
I can't friggin' wait. 2 days from now I'll finally be able to see columbia with my own eyes.
Damn, I stopped playing that Industrial Revolution minigame after 4 rounds. Guess I will hit it up later.
We will all celebrate with sandwiches. And in the middle we will dump chips.
Looking forward to trade impressions with you Andrew. We will eat lots of sandwiches.
Don't look now...Spoiler thread will have to go up on Tuesday.
How's the city look? Wasted on consoles, or still interesting to explore (guessing the latter...hopefully)?just finished it. great game overall with some problems: framerate on console hits unplayable levels towards the end, game focuses to much on uninteresting combat situations in the last third and the terrible framerate doesnt help. strangely, there are some huge open areas with tons of combat options that dont have any framerate issued. must be really bad optimisation or a bug.
if you have any questions, shoot.
Don't look now...
So with the HD textures, it's a 25 GB game right? I need to know if my poor Solid State has the room
How's the city look? Wasted on consoles, or still interesting to explore? Assuming the latter?
How's the city look? Wasted on consoles, or still interesting to explore (guessing the latter...hopefully)?