i am on 360 btw.
i had to unlock the framerate torwards the end, since the framerate became way to low. when unlocked, you have a shitload of tearing and still a bad framerate, just slightly better and more playable.
@derrick01: the combat torwards the end is mostly bad because the framerate on console shits itself.
PS3 never sputtered to the point where I felt cheated. It's an impressive feat.
@derrick01: the combat torwards the end is mostly bad because the framerate on console shits itself.
12 ish? i dont know. it was longer than most (or almost every) other shooter.
framerate aside, its a much better gane than bioshock overall.
i am on 360 btw.
i had to unlock the framerate torwards the end, since the framerate became way to low. when unlocked, you have a shitload of tearing and still a bad framerate, just slightly better and more playable.
@derrick01: the combat torwards the end is mostly bad because the framerate on console shits itself.
Having very few problems on PS3 too. Superior version confirmed?![]()
PS3 does just fine at 720p. IGN cranked out a review that was superficial at best. There's a lot that they should have mentioned in the eyes of the consumer or even a fan that was keeping track of this game over the past couple years. I'm sure there was some kind of exchange that resembles a moneyhat or at the very least a pseudo-moneyhat.Should be interesting to see if other reviewers put a bigger spotlight on this. While IGN said it has some hitches on consoles, it certainly did not factor into the .1 difference between versions in the final score. Then again, we are talking an exclusive review from IGN here. At any rate, I hope the PS3 version does not collapse under it's on weight like that.
Excellent!There's a lot. There are (number).80 audio diaries, or 'voxophones'
Huh? IIRC, I'm pretty sure Ken and crew got the idea of being trapped on an abandoned spaceship from Halo: CE and its first level "The Pillar of Autumn."W...what the hell is this? Oh god I need to lay down before I have a stroke.
Metacritic! Pfft.They must be discounting Metroid Prime, which I guess is okay, even still, it's misleading. Halo CE has a metacritic of 97, averaging that with the PC port to lower it is just wrong.
This game is really sounding uninteresting as more completed game impressions come in and start saying many of the same things. Things like too much boring combat in the last third.
You mean you're going to end up not liking this game?
Huh? IIRC, I'm pretty sure Ken and crew got the idea of being trapped on an abandoned spaceship from Halo: CE and its first level "The Pillar of Autumn."
So with the HD textures, it's a 25 GB game right? I need to know if my poor Solid State has the room
Crazier in what context? That's what I would ask. They have a game to sell and I am not mad at them. For all of the technical struggles they had to go through to meet this day... get the darn game and enjoy it for what it is.In other words, don't search for moments that you remembered in the trailers as grand and visually spectacular. They had reasons to compromise their target product.
edit: But I could be wrong if console versions are substantially different from PC. I would guess no...
HD textures? Are we getting the shitty console textures by default on the PC? That HD texture pack better be available day one.![]()
Not bad. Not great. 6/10.Huh? IIRC, I'm pretty sure Ken and crew got the idea of being trapped on an abandoned spaceship from Halo: CE and its first level "The Pillar of Autumn."
Shawn I saw your name in the credits and had to smile just because I remember reading your name back in the EGM days had to think of how you how you got be involved with a project like this.
I've been mulling the game over in my head for a few hours now.
Congrats man. To you and the rest of the team.
Anyone else finding it kind of funny that most of the people in here that have gotten early copies of the game didn't care for Bioshock much? Why did they go out of their way to get the game early at full price then? Not trying to start some kind of conspiracy accusation, it's just amusing. I also love that several people's final impressions have been, "Meh, it's alright. Way better than Bioshock, at least." I don't think they realize how high of a complement that is to most of us in here.
Awesome, thanks.I don't wan't to have a black barred spoiler discussion before the game is officially out, but once that's cool I'll point you to the encounters I have in mind.
Thanks disappeared. And of course I remember you from way back too.
So I heard thatthe game forces you to kill enemies in order to advance, and then one of the main villains chastises you as a murderer...
Is that true? Because I HATE when games do that.
i am on 360 btw.
i had to unlock the framerate torwards the end, since the framerate became way to low. when unlocked, you have a shitload of tearing and still a bad framerate, just slightly better and more playable.
@derrick01: the combat torwards the end is mostly bad because the framerate on console shits itself.
That's true but i a least like to give gaffers the benefit of the doubt when it comes to piracy and several of them have proven they have legit copies. My friend that pirates everything is downloading it now and I've been threatening him for months in case he spoils it for me. He's the worst person about casually dropping spoilers that I've ever met. It's never intentional or malicious, he just forgets that some of us have to wait until release and don't finish things in one sitting like he does. He also usually drops the most major plot points too. I wish I could temporarily block him on my phone and Facebook until I'm done.I imagine a bunch of people here pirated it but will pass some story off that lets them talk about it. Much of the discussion came immediately after it leaked.
I'll have to wait for this before diving into the PC version, which I very much long for to unlock. My body is ready.Awesome, thanks.
No, you can uncap it so it'll run at over 30 but it sounds like it never hits 60 and introduces some nasty tearing. That feature was in the first two but it sounds like they fared much better without it. I remember Bioshock 2 was really smooth uncapped on PS3 and I never noticed any tearing, which I hate with a firey passion.Wait, you can lock the framerate at 60 on consoles?
Awesome, will definitely do that.
I posted this on the Halo community OT, there is a large amount of BS fans on there.
I might as well add it here, I've added some stuff from after playing some more. Specifically the tears and two weapon limit.
Well I'm some hours (possibly 5-6 hours) into Infinite, so here are my initial thoughts on it, I'm not going to say anything about the story.
The game itself is an incredible sequel, Irrational do many things in infinite that really resonates with me.
The first thing is that they have created a world, contrasting with rapture but built up with interesting characters and ideologies. They've populated it with grandeur and mystery far beyond what I thought was possible this gen.
Certainly it costs them, there is a regular occurrence of stuttering, although I don't think as much as you would get if you installed the disk (I have it installed). But, there is an ability to unlock the framerate to provide a smoother experience at the expense of graphical fidelity.
Everything else top notch and you can see and hear style ooze throughout every inch of the game, the music sublime, the menu is awesome, I could just leave it on there for a couple of minutes.
Now, in relation to the gameplay, this is Bioshock through and through, yet, more polished. The most common criticism of BS1 was that the gunplay was quite poor. I think they've done a marvellous job to bring that up to scratch, it now plays as good you would expect from a traditional shoot bang game. The sky hook is a very thrilling and novel way to travel, and in combat situations, the whole game when using the sky hook, plasmids and guns, it just clicks.
Then there are tears, and these really open up useful options during combat, I'll explain one battle, it was the battle before the gondola ride, the whole place is set up to exploit, as I'm waiting to fight the men who enter the area, I quickly dispose of two before accessing the skyline, at this moment I'm getting pegged. So I ask Elizabeth to 'tear' in some cover, as I land behind it, I lay a crow trap. The men who were pinging me with bullets, give chase on the skyline, my health is low, Elizabeth tosses me a health pack, I get back on the skyline and go to a rooftop which contains a sniper rifle tear, Elizabeth calls it in, I aim to where I layed the crow traps to see men stumbling and proceed to literally snipe their heads off. Just glorious amounts of possibility.
In relation to the two weapon limit this is perhaps the first game since Halo ODST (and before that Halo CE), where I have genuinely had to pause and consider which two weapons will benefit me before entering the next area.
Two tips, if you want to maximise the better FPS mechanics you should choose the second controller option, which put ADS on the left trigger and plasmids on the LB. the second tip is that start the game on hard, it is pretty easy so far.
Irrational have also delved into issues such as racism and religion with great depth, this is evident from how game presents such issues, either graphically or through audio diaries. They have confronted those issues whereas other devs would shy away from.
And as a last word, to those on here who are big BS fans, what can I say? Well, remember seeing Rapture for the first time? Exploring its wonder and mystery and being satisfied by it all? Well, be prepared to have that feeling all over again.
No, you can uncap it so it'll run at over 30 but it sounds like it never hits 60 and introduces some nasty tearing. That feature was in the first two but it sounds like they fared much better without it. I remember Bioshock 2 was really smooth uncapped on PS3 and I never noticed any tearing, which I hate with a firey passion.
I checked again and I couldn't find your name in the 'FROM THE TEAM' section of the credits, where a lot of dev members write a sentence. I expected a WHY SO LOW there...![]()
Thanks for quoting that post, I missed it. Sounds exactly like what I was hoping for. The next couple days are going to be brutal.Love this post for obvious reasons and agree that GAF should play Hard and use the controller config you mention (marksman).
been debating if I should get this for PS3 or 360
Love this post for obvious reasons and agree that GAF should play Hard and use the controller config you mention (marksman).
So is Hard like Heroic in Halo? Where veterans of the series should play that?
I kinda just want to enjoy it and not get frustrated the first time through, not sure if I should play hard or normal.
Go normal. It still gets kinda crazy toward the end.
It's kind of surreal that this launches tomorrow.
Love this post for obvious reasons and agree that GAF should play Hard and use the controller config you mention (marksman).
It might not be an issue with m/kb, or just switch to a lower difficulty during that moment. Controller FPS is something I may never figure out. There are moments where I wanted to reevaluate my hobbies. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=pzbn0yR2A-w#t=9sGo normal. It still gets kinda crazy toward the end.
Go 1999 then
When you say bad framerate what do you mean? 20 FPS? 25 FPS? 27ish?
Or less? :X
How long does it last?
What's strange is I watched the first half hour or so and didn't notice many framerate drops besides when Booker melee's. *Shrug*