Syphon Filter
xbox green is ugly green.
probably too similar to 360's green.
Naw i love it.
xbox green is ugly green.
probably too similar to 360's green.
Nosaw this one in the mall
saw this one in the mall
Woah, clever.saw this one in the mall
saw this one in the mall
Is this sarcasm? Who gets this excited about billboard ads?
Wouldn't that be a 90 degree turn?
Is this sarcasm? Who gets this excited about billboard ads?
actually that would be a smart move to grab them, thats probably a instant 100k sales
anyone see any xbox one ads in NY?
saw this one in the mall
get up get up and get down
Well they've already done more marketing than Nintendo did for the Wii U.
"Everything you can imagine
Plus some things we really don't want you to know."
Jump ahead? Eh, alright.
Hopefully MS does a good job building the hype - I've got 3 Xbone pre-orders to unload on eBay at launch.
So they still want to lead with non-gaming after that worked so well the first time...
So they still want to lead with non-gaming after that worked so well the first time...
no way, i Love Green!Green is ugly, but at least they spend money on marketing.
I don't think so lol. The whole ad appears fake. The text look weird and the reflection at the top looks awful. haha
saw this one in the mall
Saw this ad in ESPN and Rolling Stone magazines.
At ease, soldier. All I said was "lead with"Who said that was the only commercial? They will be targeting all kinds of audiences.
Saw this ad in ESPN and Rolling Stone magazines.
Greatness AwaitsPeople keep forgetting Sony hired a new ad agency this year, who were responsible for some Google Chrome ads. We have little to no idea how Sony's new marketing push will fare.
I can't bring myself to like the overwhelming amount of green colour in their ads. So ugly. :/
Admittedly, it is a pretty neat proposition for the millions of guys who get really into Fantasy football. You don't have to have multiple screens/games/tabs open all at once, it's all connected under one interface. The drawbacks are that it launches late in the season, and they'll have to do some work to convince these guys that it's worth $500.
Really wish they'd grab support for other fantasy leagues. If they supported ESPN, I'd be all over that come the Sunday after launch.
And... the brain washing begins... That's Advertising. Wonder when Sony will start their brain washing campaign.
"Jump ahead"? LOL.
Jump In
Jump Ahead
What will the next slogan be?
Saw this ad in ESPN and Rolling Stone magazines.
lol I hate football, but because of the xbox one hype I'm watching the Broncos vs Ravens game.
GAF be damned, "Jump Ahead" is good and so is MS marketing in general.
Next few months will be fun.
Three? Damn. I'm holding on to one PS4.To sell pre-launch or right after?
Well you must have at least some interest in football. Otherwise that really doesn't make any sense. The ad is lrady out on the web if bags what u were excited I hate football, but because of the xbox one hype I'm watching the Broncos vs Ravens game.
yes because you can't be 'hardcore' and like American football.You know these NFl ads can be a double edged sword. On one end they appeal to football fans on the other hand they push away those kind of gamers who don't like sports. (the hardcore)
Madden as a free game would be huge.
Well you must have at least some interest in football. Otherwise that really doesn't make any sense. The ad is lrady out on the web if bags what u were excited for.
Truest of warriors, right here.