I'm still thinking there will be a lot of parity between multiplat games. The Ps4 version will not blow the xbone version out of the water on many, if any, multiplat games. If I'm wrong I'll eat my hat.
I don't think it's likely that the PS4 versions of multi-plats will be extremely different either. The power difference will likely show up in things like higher native res, less frame rate drops, and less texture pop in or better textures. It will probably mean more later in the generation when the average PC will be better than both consoles and studios aim higher. Then the PS4 will be able to keep up better than the XB1 and you'll see more severe compromises on the XB1.
For first parties or exclusives you might see more leveraging of GPGPU like you have on resogun on the PS4, and for XB1 you'll probably see games that lean on effects that favor fast frame buffers due to the ESRAM.