Dr. Kitty Muffins
Stick that message in a TV ad along with being the cheaper of the two (yes, ignore the Wii U) and ingrain that message into consumers. It will have a bigger effect than even their E3 performance.
This thread is tearing my heart apart.
I have the XBONE Day One edition on pre-order at Gamestop. I really want to stick with them as I've put so much time into xbox getting my gamerscore to almost 50k. But with all this news, I dont want to be an early adopter then end up getting butt-screwed by M$ and they release a better updated xbox one within a year.
SOMEONE PLEASE CONVINCE ME TO KEEP MY XBONE PREORDER! PLEASE! Tell me everything is going to be ok. =[
I really don't want to start all over on the PS4 and also I'll deeply miss Halo and I want to try Titanfall. Plus I fuggin hated the PS controller ever since I laid my hands on an xbox one. But I refuse to get a subpar system. Someone give me advice, my head hurts now and I dont know what to do.
This thread is tearing my heart apart.
I have the XBONE Day One edition on pre-order at Gamestop. I really want to stick with them as I've put so much time into xbox getting my gamerscore to almost 50k. But with all this news, I dont want to be an early adopter then end up getting butt-screwed by M$ and they release a better updated xbox one within a year.
SOMEONE PLEASE CONVINCE ME TO KEEP MY XBONE PREORDER! PLEASE! Tell me everything is going to be ok. =[
I really don't want to start all over on the PS4 and also I'll deeply miss Halo and I want to try Titanfall. Plus I fuggin hated the PS controller ever since I laid my hands on an xbox one. But I refuse to get a subpar system. Someone give me advice, my head hurts now and I dont know what to do.
This thread is tearing my heart apart.
I have the XBONE Day One edition on pre-order at Gamestop. I really want to stick with them as I've put so much time into xbox getting my gamerscore to almost 50k. But with all this news, I dont want to be an early adopter then end up getting butt-screwed by M$ and they release a better updated xbox one within a year.
SOMEONE PLEASE CONVINCE ME TO KEEP MY XBONE PREORDER! PLEASE! Tell me everything is going to be ok. =[
I really don't want to start all over on the PS4 and also I'll deeply miss Halo and I want to try Titanfall. Plus I fuggin hated the PS controller ever since I laid my hands on an xbox one. But I refuse to get a subpar system. Someone give me advice, my head hurts now and I dont know what to do.
Don't worry. The only huge problem is the $500 price tag. Games will look pretty much the same on both with the "huge" difference being resolution.This thread is tearing my heart apart.
I have the XBONE Day One edition on pre-order at Gamestop. I really want to stick with them as I've put so much time into xbox getting my gamerscore to almost 50k. But with all this news, I dont want to be an early adopter then end up getting butt-screwed by M$ and they release a better updated xbox one within a year.
SOMEONE PLEASE CONVINCE ME TO KEEP MY XBONE PREORDER! PLEASE! Tell me everything is going to be ok. =[
I really don't want to start all over on the PS4 and also I'll deeply miss Halo and I want to try Titanfall. Plus I fuggin hated the PS controller ever since I laid my hands on an xbox one. But I refuse to get a subpar system. Someone give me advice, my head hurts now and I dont know what to do.
Games on Xbox One will be fine just lower res/lower framerate for multiplats most likely
Still will have good looking games but chances are later in the generation 1P PS4 games may outshine MS's offering
Controller for PS4 is all new and you may wish to try it before you decide
But if you really want halo you'll need an XB1 unless they release it for X360 too???
Im buying a next gen system, thats a given. But I do own a PS3 and the only game i played on it was TLOU (which was A-W-E-S-O-M-E). But now im deeply considering going PS4 especially if everything is going to look so much better. Granted I may possibly by both systems in the future but I am soooo ready to get off this 8 year old tech. The prospect of next gen engine is too good to pass up. Im losing faith in MS, but its not all gone yet. I really need them to wow me before release day to renew my longing for their system.
This thread is tearing my heart apart.
I have the XBONE Day One edition on pre-order at Gamestop. I really want to stick with them as I've put so much time into xbox getting my gamerscore to almost 50k. But with all this news, I dont want to be an early adopter then end up getting butt-screwed by M$ and they release a better updated xbox one within a year.
Get whatever system you want to get. Just know that either way, your going to get great games. And the other system isn't going anywhere either. Buying a xb1 on launch day doesn't mean you can't then save up for a ps4. And buying a ps4 at launch doesn't mean you can't get an xb1 later.Im buying a next gen system, thats a given. But I do own a PS3 and the only game i played on it was TLOU (which was A-W-E-S-O-M-E). But now im deeply considering going PS4 especially if everything is going to look so much better. Granted I may possibly by both systems in the future but I am soooo ready to get off this 8 year old tech. The prospect of next gen engine is too good to pass up. Im losing faith in MS, but its not all gone yet. I really need them to wow me before release day to renew my longing for their system.
Hmm I'm not sure PS4 multiplats will look "so much better" but they will look better
How much is bound to be subjective to some extent
Do you notice differences in resolutions?
1080P versus 900P?
60 frames per second vs 45-50?
Get whatever system you want to get. Just know that either way, your going to get great games. And the other system isn't going anywhere either. Buying a xb1 on launch day doesn't mean you can't then save up for a ps4. And buying a ps4 at launch doesn't mean you can't get an xb1 later.
Yeah, if only it was that easy. I feel like im going to get the system and no matter which one I get im going to feel like I shouldve just waited.
...but if i do wait im going to wish I had got a release day system.
Yeah, if only it was that easy. I feel like im going to get the system and no matter which one I get im going to feel like I shouldve just waited.
...but if i do wait im going to wish I had got a release day system.
Get both on launch [if still possible]
Sell both on launch
Buy both a year from now
how much would a day one xbox even go for?
Id basically be making gas money as a profit. and is there even a "day one ps4"? i thought all theirs are the same no matter what
Just be smug that you're going to make an informed rather than knee-jerk fanboy decision. Maybe that'll take some of the edge off waiting.
Seriously though, wishing you had gotten a system on release day typically only lasts until you actually get the system. Then you can start worrying that you still made the wrong choice.
yeah, hopefully MS drops a MEGATON announcement before i get mines to make me feel like i made the right choice. I can only hope. if im not liking it, ill hook my ps4 into the tv and only use the xbox for halo5 and titanfall....sadly
There really is no good reason to think MS still has a megaton up there sleeves imo
What reason would MS have to wait until now when pre-orders have been live since E3?
Maybe something will pop up in the IGN AMA haha
there is absolutely no reason they would drop one right now. which is why now is the best time to do it! everyone is in a lull....a calm before the inevitable storm before the systems release.
maybe throw in dead rising 3 for all american day one pre-orders? id take that.
there is absolutely no reason they would drop one right now. which is why now is the best time to do it! everyone is in a lull....a calm before the inevitable storm before the systems release.
maybe throw in dead rising 3 for all american day one pre-orders? id take that.
I think Dead Rising is a Capcom franchise.
Ah yes that's actually not out of the realm of possibility
Although maybe madden is more likely?
Still not likely to happen
Would be interesting to say the least
I think Dead Rising is a Capcom franchise.
This argument is the distillation of the worst aspect of gaming.
This is the reason why people think gaming is childish...this RIGHT HERE.
This thread is tearing my heart apart.
I have the XBONE Day One edition on pre-order at Gamestop. I really want to stick with them as I've put so much time into xbox getting my gamerscore to almost 50k. But with all this news, I dont want to be an early adopter then end up getting butt-screwed by M$ and they release a better updated xbox one within a year.
SOMEONE PLEASE CONVINCE ME TO KEEP MY XBONE PREORDER! PLEASE! Tell me everything is going to be ok. =[
I really don't want to start all over on the PS4 and also I'll deeply miss Halo and I want to try Titanfall. Plus I fuggin hated the PS controller ever since I laid my hands on an xbox one. But I refuse to get a subpar system. Someone give me advice, my head hurts now and I dont know what to do.
hyperbole throughout this thread with regard to the power differences. You will not be able to tell the games apart.
its all good. It's just some people will never admit it so they make stupid numbers addup to an opinion on their favorite console being more powerful
Gameplay hasn't needed an upgrade in decades now (aside from maybe physics engines, which have been laughably atrocious for decades now as well). All new consoles are about graphical power. They aren't even terribly pragmatic for that.I guess that makes sense. Looks like it's a choice between eye candy and potential gameplay improvements by the looks of it.
hyperbole throughout this thread with regard to the power differences. You will not be able to tell the games apart.
its all good. It's just some people will never admit it so they make irrelevant numbers addup to an opinion on their favorite console being more powerful
there is absolutely no reason they would drop one right now. which is why now is the best time to do it! everyone is in a lull....a calm before the inevitable storm before the systems release.
maybe throw in dead rising 3 for all American day one pre-orders? id take that.
hyperbole throughout this thread with regard to the power differences. You will not be able to tell the games apart.
its all good. It's just some people will never admit it so they make irrelevant numbers addup to an opinion on their favorite console being more powerful
At this point Nothing MS did or gave away could make me Preorder an XB1.
Instead of spending money making their HW the best MS spent a boat load of cash on timed exclusives . If they can get you to drop your cash for the "Illusion" of exclusivity they have you for the life of the console.
For me to ever buy one Microsoft better be holding something back I haven't seen before.
This is pure insanity.
The PS4 is a good deal stronger then the XBO. Period.
TL;DR version.
* PS4 has a clear, significant advantage for traditional rendering.
* PS4 has a clear, significant advantage for GPGPU.
* PS4 is easier to develop for in the short term.
* PS4 has more customisation for better long term gains.
* Xbone using eSRAM muddies the waters, but general consensus is the PS4 has a clear RAM bandwidth advantage, and a single unified pool gives a clear development advantage.
hyperbole throughout this thread with regard to the power differences. You will not be able to tell the games apart.
Yes gameplay improvements are likely to be based on physics. Resogun is a good example of this.Gameplay hasn't needed an upgrade in decades now (aside from maybe physics engines, which have been laughably atrocious for decades now as well). All new consoles are about graphical power. They aren't even terribly pragmatic for that.
Should be good.
If someone is actually keeping track of these posts the DF comparisons should be a blast.
Ha. I really hope someone is doing this.If someone is actually keeping track of these posts the DF comparisons should be a blast.
This is pure insanity.
The PS4 is a good deal stronger then the XBO. Period.
About the CU's ...
All are the same, no differences between them.
About the "balance". As Cerny said in the interview you can use them as you wish, render or GPGPU. They simply said that those "extra" 400 Gflops are "ideal" for gpgpu tasks instead of rendering, but it is up to you how to use them. Not that you can't gain anything using the 18 CU's for rendering, obviously you will see a difference using them only for rendering versus 14 CU's but they want to encourage devs to use gpgpu compute in ps4.
So it's a misunderstood that the gpu is unbalanced in any way.
Get both on launch [if still possible]
Sell both on launch
Buy both a year from now
To be perfectly honest I doubt we'll see any huge jump in physics engines in the next-gen. I could be wrong but that was what everyone touted about this gen and that didn't even remotely happen.Yes gameplay improvements are likely to be based on physics. Resogun is a good example of this.
I really hope people don't think that will be easy this time around. There will be way, way more machines available day one than last gen. You'd be lucky to make a few bucks.
Yes most applications of 'PhysX' look pretty trivial.To be perfectly honest I doubt we'll see any huge jump in physics engines in the next-gen. I could be wrong but that was what everyone touted about this gen and that didn't even remotely happen.
I hate consoles primarily because their enhancement has always been about graphics and companies are now spending hundreds of millions of dollars on... hair physics, which I couldn't care less about. Maybe spend that same money on your writers and designers and we can talk AAA industry.
Yes! Ignore what many 3rd party developers have commented on. While you are at it, ignore technical specifications because those aren't fact - they just "addup to an opinion".hyperbole throughout this thread with regard to the power differences. You will not be able to tell the games apart.
its all good. It's just some people will never admit it so they make irrelevant numbers addup to an opinion on their favorite console being more powerful
Sony's machine was designed with 2GB in mind. They simply lucked out.
Yes! Ignore what many 3rd party developers have commented on. While you are at it, ignore technical specifications because those aren't fact - they just "addup to an opinion".