13 Minutes of Star Wars: Outlaws Leak Online


Gold Member
The leak comes from known leaker Visceral and 404 leaks online, and shows over 13 minutes of gameplay and cutscenes.

The footage shows what appears to be the beginning of the game. Right at the start it cuts to Kay Vess recovering from a crash and discovering her bike to travel across the planet. If you are worried about major spoilers, it doesn’t appear to have anything too big from the game’s story.

I watched the IGN preview and was genuinly interested and planned on trading in some games towards this. I see this video, skip to around 6 minute mark and see some scripted slow walking section. Hype totally deflated.
The 13 minutes is mostly cutscenes, you don't see the open world basically at all. If it's generic Far Cry Assassin's Creed Watch Dogs shit in the open world then Ubisoft can fuck right off

Also I don't get why female Han Solo besides wokeness, was real actual Han Solo not available for licensing or something? This could easily have just been a Han Solo game

At least her pet critter is cute
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I'd be pretty concerned if I was a dev that just spent a fortune on a game and 13 minutes of gameplay leaks and not even 3 people bother to comment on it.
No takedown from Ubisoft too.

Sounds like an attempt to save their stock.
14 minutes of walking and cutscenes. Easy pass
Yeah as a full time working parent who maybe gets some gaming time after midnight, these types of games just put me to sleep.

I really need to actually be doing things if I'm going to play a game, not pressing forward and waiting for dialogue to finish.

Granted, this is just the first few minutes so maybe it gets better, but it's looking like a pass for me so far.
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Gold Member
I'd be pretty concerned if I was a dev that just spent a fortune on a game and 13 minutes of gameplay leaks and not even 3 people bother to comment on it.
Ubisoft and modern Starwars are you not hyped??????

Lokaum D+

Jurassic Park Poop GIF by Vidiots
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Writes a lot, says very little
Some cosmetic shit, but if you get the gold you got a $10 gift card.

A steelbook is what it needs, though.


Will cancel my Amazon Pre-order and get the Best Buy one then.

I do wish this had a steelbook version

edit. G gpn ftw Respect.

I'll pre-order this one. The steelbook is the regular price too. 69.99
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Steelbook is at Target this time.


Will cancel my Amazon Pre-order and get the Best Buy one then.

I do wish this had a steelbook version

edit. G gpn ftw Respect.

I'll pre-order this one. The steelbook is the regular price too. 69.99

Nice job, gents.

I shall not be purchasing from bestbuy.

I mean how did they even let Target one up them on this?

At regular price, too.


Gold Member
The visuals looks great. Love the look of the city in particular.
But the gameplay and story look pretty boring so far.

I really need to actually be doing things if I'm going to play a game, not pressing forward and waiting for dialogue to finish.

I can get into something like this if the story, world and characters are really engaging.
But it's a Ubisoft game so we already know they won't be
You can tell story and gameplay bad without playing it
The visuals looks great. Love the look of the city in particular.
But the gameplay and story look pretty boring so far.

I can get into something like this if the story, world and characters are really engaging.
But it's a Ubisoft game so we already know they won't be


Gold Member
You can tell story and gameplay bad without playing it

I mean yeah, because I know who is making it and the videos don't show anything that seems to indicate it will be different from all the other Ubisoft crap.

I can also guarantee you the next Steven Seagal movie will be crap even though I've seen literally zero seconds of it. Amazing, I know


A month ago when they had that last big media blitz, like several streamers were putting up like hour long gameplay videos, with a variety of different scenarios. Who cares about a 13 minute video?
I mean yeah, because I know who is making it and the videos don't show anything that seems to indicate it will be different from all the other Ubisoft crap.

I can also guarantee you the next Steven Seagal movie will be crap even though I've seen literally zero seconds of it. Amazing, I know
Lol story in Assassin's creed Odyssey is good Valhalla is good far cry immortal fenyx rising is good not every game made by ubisoft story is bad and their gameplay is top notch
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