Star Wars Outlaws | Review Thread


Huh, better than I expected... but will wait.

I'm still waiting for Stellar Blade to drop, £70 for new titles the past few years is more of a killer when you know you don't have as much time as you used to to play


This game just looks so bland and forgettable to me. I'd say I'd get it on sale but by the time that happens I'll probably be interested in other games.


Newd Member
Instantly failing when spotted is one of the laziest ways to force stealth in a game. Make combat challenging enough without it being cheap to motivate the player to not be detected. For crying out loud, this is something that was solved literally decades ago in other games, and I'm not just talking about Metal Gear.
It's somewhat forgivable in games where stealth is a fairly rare thing, just a few levels, but when it's such a major focus of your game, then there's no excuse.

If thats the case, then this is probably a reskin of Farcry games, which happens to work in the same manner. Once you fail a stealth it's probably some kinda of game over, where everyone in the stronghold is alerted and reinforcement comes everytime(unless you disable the alarms) or its literal game over and you have to restart.
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Neo Member
After playing for a couple hours, the game is fine. Nothing to go crazy about but nothing too bad either. If you are on the fence go grab ubisoft + for one month. Had more fun with it than I did with other recent Ubi games tbh


So it has pretty much the same meta as AC Mirage. After a patch or two it should be in good enough shape for an 7.5/10 30 hour game. And that's... Actually fine?

I played for a bit yesterday and it runs well enough without going crazy with full RT, looks fantastic and is exactly what I expected - a ubi star wars game. Performance and image quality wise this is miles better than the disaster that is Jedi Survivor.

As for the main character - I really don't see the problem, and the trend of cherry picked screenshots is just tiresome.

If anything - all human faces look mid in the game. It's like they have last gen tech for just faces across the board which is a bit jarring considering how great the rest of the graphics can be.

However I like her in motion - nice animations overall and the pet is adorable. Easy plushie money.
From the IGN review video



Looks like the Silver Shamrock Halloween 3 witch mask

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Toss this in the pile of Ubisoft trash that I will try for like 7$ in a few years and uninstall after 30 mins. Recently did this with Riders Republic and was actually shocked at how bland they managed to make an extreme sports game.
I used to have such a pile, it's now permanently retired. 30 minutes is more time than I have for this type of trash.
I got a free key for this game with the new laptop I bought. If anybody wants it they are welcome to it.
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aka IMurRIVAL69
I used to have such a pile, it's now permanently retired. 30 minutes is more time than I have for this type of trash.
I got a free key for this game with the new laptop I bought. If anybody wants it they are welcome to it.

I’ll give you the customary 7$ for it
1:27:45 - "return to quest area" with a timer counting down, what a joke.

Ha! I failed a mission last night in Sleeping Dogs cause I tried to walk to where a health prayer thing was before continuing the mission. Forgot that was a thing.

The impressions seem to be kinda all over the place for this game.
Playing on story mode?
They said they had to bump the difficulty up just to make the AI more responsive, but then you die in just a couple of shots. That just tell me this game aint it, but if you're a big Star Wars fan, then I guess thats something you're willing to overloook.

Another thing throwing me off is the look of the protagonist. She is hard to look at.


Maybe I buy that thing in two years incl. all DLC's, thoroughly patched and for a reasonable price. I see lots of people jumping now on the subscription model because the prices are slightly retarded, even for people who just buy anything mindless. Is this even Ubi's intention? :pie_thinking:


Neo Member
Maybe I buy that thing in two years incl. all DLC's, thoroughly patched and for a reasonable price. I see lots of people jumping now on the subscription model because the prices are slightly cheaper, even for people who just buy anything mindless. Is this even Ubi's intention? :pie_thinking:
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Maybe I buy that thing in two years incl. all DLC's, thoroughly patched and for a reasonable price. I see lots of people jumping now on the subscription model because the prices are slightly retarded, even for people who just buy anything mindless. Is this even Ubi's intention? :pie_thinking:
I'm really getting sick of the subscription model for literally everything these days.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder folks. With that said imagine making Solo a movie instead of a game while greenlighting this. Disney, I will be your Lucasfilm Tsar for a minimum wage salary + shares & benefits.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
So it has pretty much the same meta as AC Mirage. After a patch or two it should be in good enough shape for an 7.5/10 30 hour game. And that's... Actually fine?

I played for a bit yesterday and it runs well enough without going crazy with full RT, looks fantastic and is exactly what I expected - a ubi star wars game. Performance and image quality wise this is miles better than the disaster that is Jedi Survivor.

As for the main character - I really don't see the problem, and the trend of cherry picked screenshots is just tiresome.

If anything - all human faces look mid in the game. It's like they have last gen tech for just faces across the board which is a bit jarring considering how great the rest of the graphics can be.

However I like her in motion - nice animations overall and the pet is adorable. Easy plushie money.
AC Mirage took a second install for it to click with me but it’s absolutely a game that knows what it wants to be, and I enjoyed it a lot.


Gold Member
How the fuck did this land a 77 at metacritic? After watching Kinda Funny, it sound like a 50 metacritic game.

Maybe they didn't want to get blacklisted by Ubi. I don't know but I played for 3 to 4 hours, it's like an 8 out of 10 visually and a 4 out of 10 gameplay wise. Want my sub money back lol
I think this will be fully cooked and ready in a year or two. I will wait for a sale.

One thing does worry me a bit even though these are different dev teams: I thought this game looked much more polished in preview footage than AC Shadows.


I decided to subscribe to Ubi+ for a month despite my better judgement mainly because I also wanted to play the Avatar DLC anyway.

I just left Toshara and my save file says I have 6 hours 19 minutes played... and it's my considered opinion that anyone giving this game a 7 or higher is full of shit. This game is loaded with jank and bugs and bad design. The speeder sucks to control even with upgrades. Combat is so bad. I can't even truly explain it but the blaster feels like a pea shooter with no weight to it; Shooting an unarmored bandit in the head only for them to flinch it off is insane. Stealth is fundamentally broken, and yet it's a core element of the game. Enemies will either never see you or they can see you from across the room through textures somehow. The inconsistency is infuriating. Everything you've read about the enemy AI being dumb is completely accurate -- you can sit in one place and watch as they all file one-by-one down the same path where you can shoot them all into a neat little pile.

Some elaboration on "jank and bugs": Of my 6 hours 19 minutes played time thus far, almost an hour of it was spent trying to get out of one particular mission because the game either bugged out or simply did not properly maintain the mission progress state. Without spoiling which mission specifically, it was a mission where I was inside an Imperial Base and had to shut down the turbolasers in the control room. I did that just fine, except, afterward, Kay fell through the floor, clipped a texture and "died" from falling (the fourth time I've had that happen, by the by). When the game reloaded at the checkpoint, my mission progress was accurate but all of the enemy mobs had respawned as if the mission was at its starting point. Including the two in the room where I respawned who were insta-aggroed as soon as the game loaded. In addition, the anti-personnel turrets, which had been disabled as part of the mission, were now back to their pre-mission default state -- so as soon as I walked out of any door, I was instantly targeted by them and the whole base was on alert. I finally managed to make it out, but this mission alone almost made me throw in the towel and uninstall it.

I could spend another several paragraphs on the absolute trash level writing and voice acting. Kay's constant 'winging it' dialog is beyond parody. Anyone with room temperature IQ would know she's lying. It's like the scene from SW Episode 4 where Han is winging it in the Death Star detention center except Vess always gets away with it no matter how ridiculous she sounds.

This game, in this state, doesn't deserve a 7. Six, at best. It looks great (except for facial textures) but plays like complete ass. I haven't even gotten to the space combat yet and I'm not sure I even want to. If my experience with the speeders and getting stuck in textures is any indication, I don't see space combat being worth my time. I'm going to go play the Avatar Skybreaker DLC now... maybe i'll come back to this in a bit. I have a month, hopefully they push some much needed patches soon.
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