These last two pages have been amazing.
Awesome! The Order looks insane.Chapel 3D Panorama (Thanks to Noobcraft for the help).
Amazing shots, that shot of lady Igraine...ridiculous detail.
Holy crap!!!
Thank you. My goal is that every shot i make is usable as a desktop beckground.
How do you use this? I want to see if I can stitch Pikmin 3 shots.
Speaking of which
It's not easy with Pikmin 3 as the first-person camera has those cyan lines everywhere that can clutter up your pictures if the stitcher gets confused. You either remove them beforehand via Photosjop/GIMP or you exclude them with selections in ICE/HUGIN etc.
old 360 pano
old comp
The easiest way way to do these is recording a video (if you can do this, hooking the console up to a computer or recorder) and slowly spinning the camera around, going up a little every completet turn unto you've covered the the entire surrounding. Then you just throw that into ICE and that's it. That also works for non 360 panoramas, just turn a little to the left, go up, and back to the right and you get a bigger picture with more fov. The more tedious way is taking overlapping screenshots but this gives you more control over fov and how the panorama is stitched together.
Infamous: Third Son. Experience the alternative story of Delson and Reggie once one of them finds out that he's adopted. Coming soon to a PS4 near you.Is this a Second Son prequel?
Sadly no. Hopefully in a firmware update.Have a question - can I disable a feature which takes a picture every time I get a trophy? Half of a gallery is full of those useless pictures :/
Game: Ryu ga Gotoku 0 (AKA Yakuza 0)
Platform: Playstation 4[/QUOTE]
You can disable the HUD in the menu.