It's not easy with Pikmin 3 as the first-person camera has those cyan lines everywhere that can clutter up your pictures if the stitcher gets confused. You either remove them beforehand via Photoshop/GIMP or you exclude them with selections in ICE/HUGIN etc.
old 360 pano
old comp
The easiest way way to do these is recording a video (if you can do this, hooking the console up to a computer or recorder) and slowly spinning the camera around, going up a little every completet turn until you've covered the the entire surrounding. Then you just throw that into ICE and that's it. That also works for non 360 panoramas, just turn a little to the left, go up, and back to the right and you get a bigger picture with more fov. The more tedious way is taking overlapping screenshots but this gives you more control over fov and how the panorama is stitched together.