Gorgeous shots, I love that flat lighting in particular.
The PBR in this game is stunning.
Does HZD have one of the most robust photo modes to date?
I still think that Halo 3's, ODST's and Reach's theater mode is the best photo mode to date.Does HZD have one of the most robust photo modes to date?
Dark Souls III, Ashes of Ariandel - PS4 Pro
Only ever played Demon Souls and Bloodbourne. Always meant to play the Dark Souls games, these shots look a lot better than I expected. Mind you I didn't really follow DSIII much but that looks really good on the Pro, nice shots.
dr guildo or anyone can I rely on you for doing a photo achievement to check if Aloy has pupil dilation like in Uncharted 4:
or The Last Of Us:
Or Heavy rain:
No need to have exact situation like in Heavy Rain where light hits directly the eye which makes the pupil shrink while the other stays in normal state.
Just check in dark areas if the pupils are dilated and compare when the eyes directly face the sun and post the pictures.
I will check it tonight... Stay tuned !
Is that one of the armors you get from the Hunter's Lodge? I haven't really put any effort into that quest since I suck at the hunting challenges.
Is that one of the armors you get from the Hunter's Lodge? I haven't really put any effort into that quest since I suck at the hunting challenges.
Is that one of the armors you get from the Hunter's Lodge? I haven't really put any effort into that quest since I suck at the hunting challenges.
So, photo mode?HZD Pro Favor reso, untouched cam, Gameplay shot with logo applied only
So, photo mode?
Random npc i found fighting machines in the woods.