Game 71 - Tetris DX - Game Boy Color - 100/100
This game has had a permanent residence in my Game Boy advance for almost a decade. I play it all the time. This is the best version of Tetris. No infinite spin, no gimmicks, clean background with no distractions, snappy, tight controls. It's absolutely just Tetris exactly as it should be. With every new version of Tetris they release they try to change things up and all it does is take away from what makes Tetris great.
Game 72 - Tetris - Game Boy - 40/100
This is the version of Tetris most people know. Like DX, it's Tetris and nothing else, no gimmicks, no added shit. Unfortunately it's a Game Boy game and plays pretty sluggishly compared to DX. Seeing as controls are 100% of this game that's a tough situation.
Game 73 - Guardians of the Galaxy - PC - Finished playthrough - 80/100
This game was a huge surprise to me. I hate constant banter in games. I hate exposition being piled on me. I hate just pressing up on an analog stick while both of those things are happening. This game does all of that, but the banter is fun, the exposition is meaningful as everything on screen is entirely fictional the environments I'm walking through are actually interesting. Great writing, great voice acting, well directed cinematics and the gameplay was a ton of fun on top of that. Gameplay options were also a huge plus, the option to turn off the shitty QTEs was very welcome for example. The game looks absolutely stunning and the performance was awesome. My GPU isn't exactly new anymore but I was running around 100fps the whole time with maxed-out settings. It was seriously the biggest surprise of any game I've played in a long time. I'd rate it higher but towards the end of the game a couple pretty annoying gameplay-related things happened. I have been recommending this since I played it.
Game 74 - Trip World - Game Boy - Finished playthrough - 60/100
This is an unbelievably good looking Game Boy game. Tons of detail everywhere and I swear I'm seeing more than four shades of grey. You're a little furry forest creature making your way through the levels though what exactly you're doing is a bit unclear. The game controls really well, but the game itself is odd. Most enemies don't really attack you unless attacked first and just sort of push you around. Also not explained at any point is the ability to transform that you have. You can grow "wings", turn into a ball, etc. At no point does the game show you how or why. Eventually you fight another furry thing just like you and save a furry princess or something... I have no idea.
Game 75 - Super Mario Land 2: The Six Golden Coins - Game Boy - Finished playthrough - 75/100
I played the shit out of this on my old toaster-size Game Boy back in the early 90's. At the time visuals like this on Game Boy seemed crazy. The game is typical Mario fare, jumping and hitting blocks, but the environments were all unique to this game as were the enemies you faced. This game even had it's own unique villain with the introduction of Wario. You had very specifically themed worlds like a giant toy Mario statue, the moon, a haunted Halloween, etc, all with special enemies catered to those environments. The game also featured unique music for each of those worlds and to this day each of those tracks are still permanently engrained in my brain. The game is by no means perfect, stages are often way too long, or way too short. You can fly right over entire stages with the new bunny ears and their infinite hover ability. Bosses are among the easiest in a Mario title and the game is plagued with slowdown on original hardware or using correct emulation. In the end though it was a fun game to play through again.
Game 76 - The Gunk - PC - Finished playthrough - 65/100
One of the first things I did when I played this was shut off the dialogue. It's not enough the voice acting is awful, but they constantly tell me how to do everything all the time. The game and the "puzzles" in it are about as complicated as the flusher on my toilet and I got that figured out within a few minutes of being able to reach it as an infant. The visuals are a mix of fantastic for environments to dog shit for character designs. The game itself controls well, exploring the world was mostly interesting but it all culminated in a cliche villain who, based on his actions and motives, was apparently just retarded or something. Overall it's a very forgettable and very short indie game that could have been a lot better if more time had been spent making more interesting puzzles and more challenging gameplay in place of whatever time they wasted recoding voiced dialogue. I've already forgotten most of this game.
Game 77 - VIP - Game Boy Advance - Abandoned - 60/100
I started this game up as a joke. I recently got a GBA Everdrive and have about 2000 games on it so I was picking the worst looking games. This game is so strange in a good way. It plays like a Gunstar Heroes or Contra style shooter, but you're tits on a stick Pamela Anderson. You have diagonal aim, you can duck, crawl, you can jump into or out of the backgrounds, grab ledges, there are a ton of enemy types, the graphics are actually good, you can play as multiple characters from the show each with different weapons and abilities (Vallery uses her purse as a melee weapon for example). I'm not saying this is a great game but I can't believe how good it actually is. I got about as far as I'm going to get and decided to call it. Honestly I had fun with it.
Game 78 - Final Fantasy - Game Boy advance - Finished playthrough - 80/100
I recently played Final Fantasy X after a 20-year hiatus on the series (I stopped at IX) and putting it nicely I thought is was absolutely a piece of shit. To cleanse my RPG pallet I've decided to run through the original games again to see if the original was as good as the later games I did play. It was great. Right away I'm sent to go beat up a knight who kidnapped the princess. I kick his ass, find out I'm part of some destiny 2000 years in the making and am given the big opening to the series. Go beat up a Pirate's entire crew and just take his ship, find my way around the world by listening to NPCs and using their clues, find a buried airship, ride in a submarine made out of a barrel to save some mermaids, find some useless piece of shit to show Bahamut so I can get ripped and wreck shit, close a nonsensical time loop and kill Chaos. For being the OG, the adventure is pretty great in both scope and execution. Every step is memorable and no time is wasted on animated attacks that take several eons to execute (every single time). I'd never actually finished this game before as Final Fantasy VI was my first introduction to the series and I'd only gone back as far as Final Fantasy III on the DS, but I'm very glad I did. I'm very much looking forward to Final Fantasy II.
Game 79 - Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge - Game Boy Advance - Abandoned - 60/100
Just started this one and it's better than the absolute trash-pile I expected it to be. I keep forgetting I started it though and really don't feel a need to go back so it's going on the abandoned list. It's just a bit better than meh overall.
Game 80 - Final Fantasy II - Game Boy Advance - Completed playthrough - 70/100
This game is very interesting. It was a massive departure from the the first Final Fantasy in many ways. Your party no longer has levels, instead each individual stat for each character has to be trained. Missing enemies with attack increases your accuracy. Using spells makes them stronger but also makes them use more MP. Taking damage raises defense and HP. it makes you seek out not only stronger enemies to fight, but special types of enemies who can help you buff particular stats. Dialogue in this game is very ahead of it's time for a console RPG. In dialogue you learn keywords that can then be used in conversations with other NPCs which often reveal secret information related to your quest. This can help you figure out what do do next or reveal location you might otherwise overlook. The party structure is very different too with three permanent characters and a forth that is constantly swapped out throughout the game. The story is great, the power-mad Emperor of a powerful Kingdom invades your kingdom. You and two friends survive the invasion then along with other survivors and the royal family form a resistance. You travel the world to find a way to fight back and drive the Emperor out of your kingdom. People die a lot and I mean a lot. Several times in the game entire towns are entirely wiped out, party members routinely get killed off and at every turn things only get worse. Very compelling given how limited things were back then. Now for the bad. Combat in the game is often infuriating and at many points in the game I got to see the title screen again every second battle. Almost every enemy type poisons you on each attack or causes dizzy which cancels your turn, many enemy types can cause petrify with regular attacks. More often than not the battle is an ambush situation where the enemy attacks first and also attacks again before your turn has completed. In a battle with eight Cockatrices it's pretty common to get entirely wiped out with the first volley. The same can be said for enemies that cause confusion or cast spells that affect the entire party, often your whole party will end up confused in one shot then kill each other. The other major issue is the dungeons are filled with empty "trick" rooms that are entirely empty but have massively inflated encounter rates. Of all the doors in the game only a handful don't just lead to an empty room. Despite that I had a lot of fun playing this and it game me better understanding of how things changed further on in the series.

Game 71 - Tetris DX - Game Boy Color - 100/100
This game has had a permanent residence in my Game Boy advance for almost a decade. I play it all the time. This is the best version of Tetris. No infinite spin, no gimmicks, clean background with no distractions, snappy, tight controls. It's absolutely just Tetris exactly as it should be. With every new version of Tetris they release they try to change things up and all it does is take away from what makes Tetris great.
Game 72 - Tetris - Game Boy - 40/100
This is the version of Tetris most people know. Like DX, it's Tetris and nothing else, no gimmicks, no added shit. Unfortunately it's a Game Boy game and plays pretty sluggishly compared to DX. Seeing as controls are 100% of this game that's a tough situation.
Game 73 - Guardians of the Galaxy - PC - Finished playthrough - 80/100
This game was a huge surprise to me. I hate constant banter in games. I hate exposition being piled on me. I hate just pressing up on an analog stick while both of those things are happening. This game does all of that, but the banter is fun, the exposition is meaningful as everything on screen is entirely fictional the environments I'm walking through are actually interesting. Great writing, great voice acting, well directed cinematics and the gameplay was a ton of fun on top of that. Gameplay options were also a huge plus, the option to turn off the shitty QTEs was very welcome for example. The game looks absolutely stunning and the performance was awesome. My GPU isn't exactly new anymore but I was running around 100fps the whole time with maxed-out settings. It was seriously the biggest surprise of any game I've played in a long time. I'd rate it higher but towards the end of the game a couple pretty annoying gameplay-related things happened. I have been recommending this since I played it.
Game 74 - Trip World - Game Boy - Finished playthrough - 60/100
This is an unbelievably good looking Game Boy game. Tons of detail everywhere and I swear I'm seeing more than four shades of grey. You're a little furry forest creature making your way through the levels though what exactly you're doing is a bit unclear. The game controls really well, but the game itself is odd. Most enemies don't really attack you unless attacked first and just sort of push you around. Also not explained at any point is the ability to transform that you have. You can grow "wings", turn into a ball, etc. At no point does the game show you how or why. Eventually you fight another furry thing just like you and save a furry princess or something... I have no idea.
Game 75 - Super Mario Land 2: The Six Golden Coins - Game Boy - Finished playthrough - 75/100
I played the shit out of this on my old toaster-size Game Boy back in the early 90's. At the time visuals like this on Game Boy seemed crazy. The game is typical Mario fare, jumping and hitting blocks, but the environments were all unique to this game as were the enemies you faced. This game even had it's own unique villain with the introduction of Wario. You had very specifically themed worlds like a giant toy Mario statue, the moon, a haunted Halloween, etc, all with special enemies catered to those environments. The game also featured unique music for each of those worlds and to this day each of those tracks are still permanently engrained in my brain. The game is by no means perfect, stages are often way too long, or way too short. You can fly right over entire stages with the new bunny ears and their infinite hover ability. Bosses are among the easiest in a Mario title and the game is plagued with slowdown on original hardware or using correct emulation. In the end though it was a fun game to play through again.
Game 76 - The Gunk - PC - Finished playthrough - 65/100
One of the first things I did when I played this was shut off the dialogue. It's not enough the voice acting is awful, but they constantly tell me how to do everything all the time. The game and the "puzzles" in it are about as complicated as the flusher on my toilet and I got that figured out within a few minutes of being able to reach it as an infant. The visuals are a mix of fantastic for environments to dog shit for character designs. The game itself controls well, exploring the world was mostly interesting but it all culminated in a cliche villain who, based on his actions and motives, was apparently just retarded or something. Overall it's a very forgettable and very short indie game that could have been a lot better if more time had been spent making more interesting puzzles and more challenging gameplay in place of whatever time they wasted recoding voiced dialogue. I've already forgotten most of this game.
Game 77 - VIP - Game Boy Advance - Abandoned - 60/100
I started this game up as a joke. I recently got a GBA Everdrive and have about 2000 games on it so I was picking the worst looking games. This game is so strange in a good way. It plays like a Gunstar Heroes or Contra style shooter, but you're tits on a stick Pamela Anderson. You have diagonal aim, you can duck, crawl, you can jump into or out of the backgrounds, grab ledges, there are a ton of enemy types, the graphics are actually good, you can play as multiple characters from the show each with different weapons and abilities (Vallery uses her purse as a melee weapon for example). I'm not saying this is a great game but I can't believe how good it actually is. I got about as far as I'm going to get and decided to call it. Honestly I had fun with it.
Game 78 - Final Fantasy - Game Boy advance - Finished playthrough - 80/100
I recently played Final Fantasy X after a 20-year hiatus on the series (I stopped at IX) and putting it nicely I thought is was absolutely a piece of shit. To cleanse my RPG pallet I've decided to run through the original games again to see if the original was as good as the later games I did play. It was great. Right away I'm sent to go beat up a knight who kidnapped the princess. I kick his ass, find out I'm part of some destiny 2000 years in the making and am given the big opening to the series. Go beat up a Pirate's entire crew and just take his ship, find my way around the world by listening to NPCs and using their clues, find a buried airship, ride in a submarine made out of a barrel to save some mermaids, find some useless piece of shit to show Bahamut so I can get ripped and wreck shit, close a nonsensical time loop and kill Chaos. For being the OG, the adventure is pretty great in both scope and execution. Every step is memorable and no time is wasted on animated attacks that take several eons to execute (every single time). I'd never actually finished this game before as Final Fantasy VI was my first introduction to the series and I'd only gone back as far as Final Fantasy III on the DS, but I'm very glad I did. I'm very much looking forward to Final Fantasy II.
Game 79 - Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge - Game Boy Advance - Abandoned - 60/100
Just started this one and it's better than the absolute trash-pile I expected it to be. I keep forgetting I started it though and really don't feel a need to go back so it's going on the abandoned list. It's just a bit better than meh overall.
Game 80 - Final Fantasy II - Game Boy Advance - Completed playthrough - 70/100
This game is very interesting. It was a massive departure from the the first Final Fantasy in many ways. Your party no longer has levels, instead each individual stat for each character has to be trained. Missing enemies with attack increases your accuracy. Using spells makes them stronger but also makes them use more MP. Taking damage raises defense and HP. it makes you seek out not only stronger enemies to fight, but special types of enemies who can help you buff particular stats. Dialogue in this game is very ahead of it's time for a console RPG. In dialogue you learn keywords that can then be used in conversations with other NPCs which often reveal secret information related to your quest. This can help you figure out what do do next or reveal location you might otherwise overlook. The party structure is very different too with three permanent characters and a forth that is constantly swapped out throughout the game. The story is great, the power-mad Emperor of a powerful Kingdom invades your kingdom. You and two friends survive the invasion then along with other survivors and the royal family form a resistance. You travel the world to find a way to fight back and drive the Emperor out of your kingdom. People die a lot and I mean a lot. Several times in the game entire towns are entirely wiped out, party members routinely get killed off and at every turn things only get worse. Very compelling given how limited things were back then. Now for the bad. Combat in the game is often infuriating and at many points in the game I got to see the title screen again every second battle. Almost every enemy type poisons you on each attack or causes dizzy which cancels your turn, many enemy types can cause petrify with regular attacks. More often than not the battle is an ambush situation where the enemy attacks first and also attacks again before your turn has completed. In a battle with eight Cockatrices it's pretty common to get entirely wiped out with the first volley. The same can be said for enemies that cause confusion or cast spells that affect the entire party, often your whole party will end up confused in one shot then kill each other. The other major issue is the dungeons are filled with empty "trick" rooms that are entirely empty but have massively inflated encounter rates. Of all the doors in the game only a handful don't just lead to an empty room. Despite that I had a lot of fun playing this and it game me better understanding of how things changed further on in the series.
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