In that leak the boss fight around the 60minute mark, is giving me vibes of that stupid werewolf fight in The Order 1886, looks just as ridiculous. IQ is a lot clearer though.
Or how about we compare it to women who have actually trained to fight instead of hollywood shills?
Noone seemed to complain when she was introduced in the PGW 2017 video, so why is it suddenly a problem now?
After seeing most of the leaks and getting a clear picture of the way Joel dies, I got to say ND did a poor job of making the player emphathise with Abby and her group. If they had knocked out Tommy and killed Joel with a knife stab or shot him in the head, I'd have been okay with it. But they full on torture him and kill him in the worst possible way by bashing his head in with a golf club. To add insult to injury, another member then spits on Joel's dead body. This is just another take on the "circle of violence" that we've all seen before countless number of times but amped up to get a cheap reaction from people given how Joel dies. The one good thing I see is that Ellie is still alive in the end.
Man this thread is still going and the main complaint is still "SHE'S TOO BUFF" and "WAHMEN KILL MY JOELERINO!" like seriously?
Noone seemed to complain when she was introduced in the PGW 2017 video, so why is it suddenly a problem now?
See, it makes sense why she has the body of a man!
It's the spoiler thread, but everyone is using spoiler I put them in
Thank you, sir.You will not play as him, now get out or you'll be spoiled!
If a female character killing a man triggers you this much, then I don't know what else to tell you.![]()
Is it safe to say this is arguably the biggest game leak of all time?
I honestly thought liberals were the ones who couldn't shut the fuck up crying about taking a loss but anti-SJW people might be worse going by this thread. game isn't getting changed, it might bomb but will it though? We'll see.
Also wasn't aware that gay people didn't exist until The Last of Us 2.![]()
You mean when we didn't have her background? When we didn't know a thing about her(motives and all)? Are you aware of the leak discussion, right?
Also wasn't aware that gay people didn't exist until The Last of Us 2.![]()
Looks like Ellie has a one way ticket to Suplex City.In that leak the boss fight around the 60minute mark, is giving me vibes of that stupid werewolf fight in The Order 1886, looks just as ridiculous. IQ is a lot clearer though.
Drake can beat 20 men by himself, but he struggles to kick Rafe's ass in 3 seconds.
Nobody gives a shit that gay people exist in this game dude. Ellie being gay is old news.
The complaints are primarily about her appearance though, because that proves the SJW "agenda" that some pillocks round here seem to be in abject terror of!
Been saying this from the start, this thread is just a right-wing version of a resetera "GG/Alt-right/Nazi" witch-hunt thread. Its beyond fucking lame.
Pretty sure it was a big deal to some people until this leak happened, now it's secondary. First game didn't even have an on-screen kiss. But we'll pretend it didn't.Nobody gives a shit that gay people exist in this game dude. Ellie being gay is old news.
The complaints are primarily about her appearance though, because that proves the SJW "agenda" that some pillocks round here seem to be in abject terror of!
Been saying this from the start, this thread is just a right-wing version of a resetera "GG/Alt-right/Nazi" witch-hunt thread. Its beyond fucking lame.
Pretty sure it was a big deal to some people until this leak happened, now it's secondary. First game didn't even have an on-screen kiss. But we'll pretend it didn't.
I don't care much about spoilers so here I am!
Now let's say that I get the Joel death. Sure it is powerful and feels me with anger in order to have my revenge story along with Elly.
In a knuckle dragger sentiment "To make you question everything." But it's more to make the player have a hard experience and maybe see things through the eyes of another person they detest while forcing them to understands that all actions have consequences.BUT WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE CHARACTER SWITCH???
And my observation about the gym muscles;
The complaints are primarily about her appearance though, because that proves the SJW "agenda" that some pillocks round here seem to be in abject terror of!
Been saying this from the start, this thread is just a right-wing version of a resetera "GG/Alt-right/Nazi" witch-hunt thread. Its beyond fucking lame.
Oh, that was something ND made very clear after the launch of the first game. They had called the first part as a coming of age tale for Ellie so I knew it could be treated as an origin tale for her. It was always their intention to make Ellie the lead if there was a second part which made sense thematically since the first game ended with us having control of Ellie. My only issue here like I detailed in my original post is with the way ND got Joel killed that reeks of shock value and poor manipulation which was unnecessary now that I've seen all the leaks. Even if that lie at the end of the first game permanently damaged their relationship, both Ellie and Joel would have gone to the ends of earth for each other had either one of them been killed or heck even injured.I don’t know how the increidbly stupid plot armour to save Ellie and Noselina are a good thing.
But it’s a good takeaway of how for Cuckmann Joel is disposable but Ellie isn’t.
It never occurs to you that you wouldn't be able to say the equivalent of that in a Resetera thread without risking a perma-ban, does it?
Even if all of the rest were true - and it's debatable - , that in and of itself means this is not a mirror image of that form's counterpart. In fact, you still being able to post unscathed without so much as a warning is a) a great laudable thing and b) concrete evidence you're flat-out wrong.
The memes just do not stop. This one killed me. And my observation about the gym muscles;
So the final "boss" fight is just QTE's?
It never occurs to you that you wouldn't be able to say the equivalent of that in a Resetera thread without risking a perma-ban, does it?
Even if all of the rest were true - and it's debatable - , that in and of itself means this is not a mirror image of that forum's counterpart. In fact, you still being able to post unscathed without so much as a warning is a) a great laudable thing and b) concrete evidence you're flat-out wrong.
We are none of those things you slanderous, libeling, liar. If its so lame your welcome to no longer post in this thread. We dont want you here. If you like resetera better post there where you can have a safe space.
1-A game with the modern wave of SJW politics and tropes appears, people point that out.
2-DForce, Clear, Explosive Zombie and the rest of SJW apologists: YoU dOn’T hAvE aNy PrOoF, JuSt BeCaUsE X hApPeNs, ThAt DoEsNt PrOvE aNyThInG!! Are you afraid of women, you nazi alt righter?
3-Literally the creator of the game says it’s games are influenced by SJW politics, as the tropes of the game show.
4-DForce, Clear, Explosive Zombie and the rest of SJW apologists: YoU dOn’T hAvE aNy PrOoF!!1!
5-Repeat ad nauseam.
I don't give a flying fuck about Resetera. The place is a lost cause at this point.
GAF however I still care about, which is why it pains me when I get to wade through effluvium-filled threads like this one.
So yeah, I'm gonna continue to point out the idiot contingent and their stupidity as and when I see fit.
I'm sorry, anyone want to defend posts like this?
Cmon, I make a point of the reason why I dislke this thread being because its the same as a Resetera thread, and this knucklehead with (apparently) a tenuous grasp on the English language wants me to "go back there"?
I mean, hello?
1-A game with the modern wave of SJW politics and tropes appears, people point that out.
2-DForce, Clear, Explosive Zombie and the rest of SJW apologists: YoU dOn’T hAvE aNy PrOoF, JuSt BeCaUsE X hApPeNs, ThAt DoEsNt PrOvE aNyThInG!! Are you afraid of women, you nazi alt righter?
3-Literally the creator of the game says it’s games are influenced by SJW politics, as the tropes of the game show.
4-DForce, Clear, Explosive Zombie and the rest of SJW apologists: YoU dOn’T hAvE aNy PrOoF!!1!
5-Repeat ad nauseam.
I don't give a flying fuck about Resetera. The place is a lost cause at this point.
GAF however I still care about, which is why it pains me when I get to wade through effluvium-filled threads like this one.
So yeah, I'm gonna continue to point out the idiot contingent and their stupidity as and when I see fit.
In a sword fight. That’s the equalizer.
Nadine could have killed Rafe in 3 seconds, swords or not. The almighty power of feminism beats everything.
Got to be honest, there’s something more than a bit creepy about seeing a game celebrate a women (or, possibly a man), that certainly *looks* like a man, beating the shit out of women that look like women.
That final boss scene sounds terrible.Looks like you play as abbie, and Ellie is stalking you round a basement or summat and you have to hide. Ellie has a one hit kill if she gets her shot off (you can dodge jump to make it harder for her to hit you). The Abby sequence looks like you throw glass bottles from cover to stun Ellie then run out and smash her. Probably rinse/repeat a few times I guess.
How about quoting specific posts and attempting to debunk them?
It's not a man lol. It would actually make a lot of sense that a woman could be juiced to the gills in this universe. Look up crossfit women.Got to be honest, there’s something more than a bit creepy about seeing a game celebrate a women (or, possibly a man), that certainly *looks* like a man, beating the shit out of women that look like women.
It's not a man lol.
Not sure the game is celebrating it, like... that's not at all the feeling I got from the footage.
That's pretty much exactly what I have been doing. Its not my fault that the majority of the retorts I get is to call me a "SJW". Which of course I'm not, as evidenced by pretty much every post I've made here over the past 12 years, and mainly because my core complaint is more about shitty behavior and specious and irrational argumentation than political affiliation.
You want to debate me, go ahead