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Angry Joe gets labeled a sexist Misogynist by Gamespot


I recently had a spanish flatmate for a few months (had to return to Spain due to corona, mother was sick) and we bonded over the american-spanish-accented but spanish mountain peasants in RE4 lol

It's not spanish from latinamerica either, I don't know from where Capcom found that accent. And of course that Gamespot guy is a joke.
Most of the more known names in net "journalism" have been compromised a few years ago by sjw activists. Enough time to see the damage done. They're just launching pads for attacks now. Look for common accusations of "ists" and "phobes" thrown at their targets. There needs to be a major cleanout or your gaming will go the way of comics, TV and films. They're harassing companies in Japan now. Also, aimed at the normal audiences as they try and shut them down completely.
1. Gamespot guy is butt-hurt/jealous of Joe's popularity
2. Joe wasn't (unfortunately) saint in the past when it comes to his comments about women. There's nothing in this review though.


What hate against AJ? Fallout fans most of all hate that game with a passion.
Well fans of the game then. People were laying into him on his streams, and on Twitter. Even complaning about him to Todd and Bethesda on Twitter lol, saying he needs to be blacklisted because he hates the game.


A "micro aggression" is an almost aggression that wasn't quite aggression enough to get a rise out of people, but you still want people to think something terrible was done.

It's like calling something a micro crime when no-one broke the law, but you still want everyone to think the person is a criminal.


Well fans of the game then. People were laying into him on his streams, and on Twitter. Even complaning about him to Todd and Bethesda on Twitter lol, saying he needs to be blacklisted because he hates the game.

Even as a Fan of Fallout 76 I think Joe was right in his review, the game was damn near unplayable at launch, Wastelanders saved it. In fact the only game I've really ever disagreed with Joe on was Destiny, he didn't get the end game mechanics at all


The Gamespot guy is most probably in the wrong, and there was nothing in the review itself which was mysogynistic.

HOWEVER, AJ did say some pretty unforgivable stuff on live stream while playing the game. It was bad, clearly mysogynistic and my own reaction was that he bought into the TLOU2 has an SJW propaganda too much. That's partially why his review of the game is tainted as he reacted to key game moments with nonsense like "she' not going to die cause she's a woman and not a white dude". It's not OK, it's at best immature, biased and AJ never addressed this.


That Gamespot journalist either didn't watch the review at all or didn't understand what was coming to his ears and eyes, and to think such "journalists" try to tell us whether games are good or bad LMFAO. 10/10 my ass.


This gamepot guy lives in a scary parallel reality, sorry but I can't help but feel for him. Imagine watching AG's review of TLOU2 and coming to the conclusion it spurred an online mob against Laura Bailey and therefore you have to publicly tell him to fuck off.


The Gamespot guy is most probably in the wrong, and there was nothing in the review itself which was mysogynistic.

HOWEVER, AJ did say some pretty unforgivable stuff on live stream while playing the game. It was bad, clearly mysogynistic and my own reaction was that he bought into the TLOU2 has an SJW propaganda too much. That's partially why his review of the game is tainted as he reacted to key game moments with nonsense like "she' not going to die cause she's a woman and not a white dude". It's not OK, it's at best immature, biased and AJ never addressed this.
Haven’t seen it, but it sounds like a play on the leak and the general polarised sentiment surrounding it. Ignoring a matter that is so prominent would be the odd thing to do and a disservice to the audience.

We need not censor things based on autistic SJW’s that work on binary feelings exclusively.


2020 making me side with or even possibly like Angry Joe is the *ACTUAL worst* fucking thing about this bullshit year
I always found Angry Joe too loud and obnoxious. But i'd rather watch his stuff instead of any site/channel from any virtue signal, groveling asshat. And as the later ones multiply, my choices get more and more narrow so i end up watching stuff like Angry Joe.

SJWs have lowered the bar.


The Gamespot guy is most probably in the wrong, and there was nothing in the review itself which was mysogynistic.

HOWEVER, AJ did say some pretty unforgivable stuff on live stream while playing the game. It was bad, clearly mysogynistic and my own reaction was that he bought into the TLOU2 has an SJW propaganda too much. That's partially why his review of the game is tainted as he reacted to key game moments with nonsense like "she' not going to die cause she's a woman and not a white dude". It's not OK, it's at best immature, biased and AJ never addressed this.

"Unforgivable" 🤣🤣🤣 Jesus, you're acting like he killed a bunch of babies.


Appaling and shameful?, he's probably 100% spot on to be fair.

He somehow forgot that not an hour ago a major female character you were trying to help for a solid chunk of the game was brutally shot, as well as a pregnant woman and a doctor so no, he's just biased by the leaks and non existent SJW agenda angle here.

I only give him credit cause it's a biased emotional hot take and while it's stupid in itself I don't think it's immediately labeling him as a full on mysogynist.
The Gamespot guy is most probably in the wrong, and there was nothing in the review itself which was mysogynistic. HOWEVER, AJ did say some pretty unforgivable stuff on live stream while playing the game. It was bad, clearly mysogynistic and my own reaction was that he bought into the TLOU2 has an SJW propaganda too muc

Misogyny is defined as hatred of women (source).
Quote him. Provide examples of him expressing hatred of women in general.

That's partially why his review of the game is tainted as he reacted to key game moments with nonsense like "she' not going to die cause she's a woman and not a white dude". It's not OK, it's at best immature, biased and AJ never addressed this.

You seem deeply confused.

"Immature" comments aren't "misogynistic" by definition and you're just another individual helping to further degrade standards. His comment about her not dying is him analysing the thought-process and predicting the narrative choices in the game. Nothing in that comment shows hatred for women in general.

The most ardent defenders of TLoU2 have now tried it all: Joe is a mongoloid, Joe is anti-woke therefore disregard anything he has to say. Joe is a misogynist seems to be the latest escalation from people willing to throw accusations in complete disregard for the need to present evidence and to abide by basic word definitions. To them language is a mere means to an end.

And no means will be spared.
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dont worry too much everyone. these sites will tweet them selves into non existence. its wonderful to watch.


A "micro aggression" is an almost aggression that wasn't quite aggression enough to get a rise out of people, but you still want people to think something terrible was done.

It's like calling something a micro crime when no-one broke the law, but you still want everyone to think the person is a criminal.

Like a major non aggression
He somehow forgot that not an hour ago a major female character you were trying to help for a solid chunk of the game was brutally shot, as well as a pregnant woman and a doctor so no, he's just biased by the leaks and non existent SJW agenda angle here.

Moving the goal posts already?
You can't provide evidence of him expressing hatred for women in general. Thanks for making that abundantly clear.

I only give him credit cause it's a biased emotional hot take and while it's stupid in itself I don't think it's immediately labeling him as a full on mysogynist.

You're backpedalling already?
It didn't last long, all that fervour against "unforgivable" misogynistic remarks.
Talk is cheap and yours the cheapest.


Joe is bigger than Gamespot at this point, and will earn far more money than this cucked editor.

A lot of these journalists sometime since the late 90's have a massive chip on their shoulder about "amateur" game reviewers. First with websites and then Youtube being way more popular and relevant than the game reviewers "Professional" work.

Here's a fun excersise, go on Linkedin and look up what old game reviewers are doing now or have been doing. Because a significant proportion of them unless they were at a level above and editor have achieved fuck all since then and are still "Cap in hand" begging for freelance work. Some have embrtaced Youtube and are doing well, others are just bitter.


He hasn't fucking sold out, he's been true to himself. People like this asshole are the ones who changed and "sold out". Like the people at giant bomb for example, 5 years ago, they would make crude and dirty jokes...now they have no balls and are constantly shoving politically correct bull shit.

Exactly. Those are the same people that just 5 years ago were making "bro jokes" on twitter. The narrative has simply changed in mainstream media and these people are trying to adapt.

AJ seems to me like a true centrist. But it seems you can't be one these days, you need to pick a side.
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At the end of the day I'm going to guess that this boosts Joe's readership. Well played, Gamespot. Joe should put anti-SJW on all of his thumbnails now, double his readership overnight.
Lol keep digging. Just spouting blind nonsense, the usual game journo BS.

I'm not well informed with mentally ill people terms, but microaggressions mean the moment when this gamepot "journalist" sees his penis that looks more like over grown clitoris from a mirror, right?

What a clown, I hope he gets clitoris infection and can micro all the aggression he wants


AJ Remarks

See for yourself, I find this reaction apalling to be honest and shameful for a reviewer with such an audience.

You call that appaling? Wut? If you don't like what he says, sure, you're free to feel that way, but he is entitled to his opinion as well. And in my opinion he expressed it very tame, unlike some other posters across the internet.


Let them kill eachother. There is nothing to be gained from this permanent virtue signaling contest. Every game journalist is a god sent activist angel superhero until they get caught and excommunicated for being hypocrites or straight up terrible people by their own cult. Every Youtuber needs to apologize every 5 minutes because youtube's audience is a couple years away from wokeness levels of Twitter and other platforms.

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