So now that I have my catalog, I'm set to start decorating. I sold everything I don't want right now/can't buy again, put a bunch of stuff away, and started most of my rooms from scratch.
My main room used to be full of Nintendo and balloon stuff but I put all of that away. I'll do an exhibition of Nintendo stuff when my museum upgrades. I want to have a bunch of asian knick knacks in here but I don't have much yet. I want a new floor, too. (This one's a tent rug or whatever.) That bath mat working as a welcome mat probably won't stay.
Back room. Considered doing future stuff/space/technology/whatever but I don't like the robo set and I don't have much else for it. Might turn it into a kiddy room?
This is definitely the room I've put the most effort into/has come together the most. Almost all of this furniture has been customized by Cyrus. The Sleek set started off black. The stain glass lamp and the table in the corner were some random colours and Cyrus turned them red for me.

Apparently making a red lamp causes it to give off red light. Didn't realize that until I set it up. The piggy bank has been mixed with a ruby.

I want to get a flat screen TV for this room and some more Sleek stuff. Also, I ordered a table for that stain glass lamp but it hasn't come yet.
Bug room, if I can get the rest of the set from the bug off contests in July and August. I guess some fruit furniture, too. This room desperately needs to be expanded.
I've had a lot of rain so my basement is basically a Gyroid storage room for now. It's raining again today so this room's going to be completely full tomorrow if I don't take a few out of there. That garbage can is there so I can throw garbage away without paying a fee.
A few Cabana things, an ugly wallpaper, a couple of drums, and a freaky mask from Gulliver. You can probably tell what kind of theme I'm going for here. Need to find some more Cabana stuff and a new wallpaper.