Junior Member
ANYONE that likes K.K. Cruisin' is my friend.
That guy is awesome.
In that case, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV5jJrv2kjY.
ANYONE that likes K.K. Cruisin' is my friend.
That guy is awesome.
Before playing TLoU, I rolled my eyes at the hype. I thought the game couldn't possibly be that good. And the game does start slow -- solid, but slow. But then you venture beyond the outskirts of the quarantine zone, and it becomes irresistible. I'd go so far as to say it's the RE4 of this generation -- just immaculately crafted and beautifully paced, with super-tight gameplay that encourages improvisation and is challenging without being unfair. A true "road movie" of an adventure, journeying across the country, through the different seasons and weather, sneaking in the shadows, scouring for supplies... Relative to gaming circa 2013, I definitely feel the 10/10s are justified.
And playing TLoU alongside Animal Crossing takes it to a whole new level. The games couldn't be more different, yet they complement each other perfectly, like peanut butter and jelly, or cheese and crackers. The effect is DELICIOUS.
In that case, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV5jJrv2kjY.
Oh christ. You made my evening. I will rock this all night while I play.
In that case, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV5jJrv2kjY.
Anyone with a >100 turnip price at their re-tail who wants me to freeload in their town? I missed my chances and just want to break even at this point.
Mine's at 135 right now. You could check the Stalk Market topic, though, I'm sure someone out there has better value than that.
Nobody uses it. = / And the most recent posters are scrambling over a 111 turnip price. Mind opening your gates for me?
So holding L whilst using the circle pad makes you run, allowing you to run around using one hand. #gamechanger
Also, what the fuck is up with all the tripping?!
In that case, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV5jJrv2kjY.
Look at that fucking sunset:
Thanks for the great times, Wee and Graham!
Yes. There is a slight chance the game won't click with you, though. Some times it just doesn't click with people.Frick - this is the only game (other than SSB 3DS) that could get me to buy a 3DS.
Is the game as awesome as it sounds?
Up to four people can be in a town online at a time, and they can do things like fishing, exchanging gifts, going to the island, playing the minigame-ish tours together, etc.What are some of the MP features in this one?
Quite a bit.How much will I want to play this one?
The art style is much improved from City Folk; ground textures are better-looking and whatnot. While I'm much more of a fan of the acre style from the original AC, the rolling hill isn't as bad as it was in Wild World, and you get used to it pretty quickly.How's the art style? The rolling hill has me a bit nervous - does it feel natural?
In that case, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV5jJrv2kjY.
Frick - this is the only game (other than SSB 3DS) that could get me to buy a 3DS.
Is the game as awesome as it sounds?
What are some of the MP features in this one? How much will I want to play this one?
How's the art style? The rolling hill has me a bit nervous - does it feel natural?
Yes. There is a slight chance the game won't click with you, though. Some times it just doesn't click with people.
I saw the turnip thread in the community section. Is that the only market thing I can do in the game? When you say exchange gifts, does that include furniture?Up to four people can be in a town online at a time, and they can do things like fishing, exchanging gifts, going to the island, playing the minigame-ish tours together, etc.
Damn you! You could have said "Not really" and saved me money. Now the temptation is unbearable. I love Sim-Style games where you can collect things, and there isn't a goal really.Quite a bit.
Alright. Good to know. Im watching some playthroughs on youtube, and it seems fun but I still notice the hills. Its not noticeable when you're playing?The art style is much improved from City Folk; ground textures are better-looking and whatnot. While I'm much more of a fan of the acre style from the original AC, the rolling hill isn't as bad as it was in Wild World, and you get used to it pretty quickly.
Yes. It is.
The MP feature is great. If you have friends, they can come over to your town and help water flowers, bring you gifts/fruit, and go the island to play minigames that are pretty fun. These earn medals, which you then use to buy island-exclusive items.
Animal Crossing is meant to be played in chunks, once a day. It's not a game you can 'speed-run', or 'win'. It's a second life (which, ironically, is better than Second Life).
The art style is very cute; even some of the insects are kind of cute. The rolling hill thing really does feel natural, and it's easy to get into.
Understood. I enjoyed Wild World a ton, so this is one is up my alley. More to do in New Leaf or just more of the same?
More to do in New Leaf. New Leaf is probably the closest to being a direct sequel of the original out of all of the games, so if you played that one you'll love this one. There is definitely a ton to do in this game, though, but you might find yourself bored at first; the majority of the game's content shows itself after the first few days, and then you're hooked.Understood. I enjoyed Wild World a ton, so this is one is up my alley. More to do in New Leaf or just more of the same?
You can exchange pretty much anything that isn't a live creature.I saw the turnip thread in the community section. Is that the only market thing I can do in the game? When you say exchange gifts, does that include furniture?
It's definitely less noticeable, but maybe that's just because it's surprisingly easy to get used to.Alright. Good to know. Im watching some playthroughs on youtube, and it seems fun but I still notice the hills. Its not noticeable when you're playing?
Thanks. I really loved Wild World. From what I remember, the furniture collecting and decorating was my biggest draw. Bigger/better in this one?
In that case, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV5jJrv2kjY.
My copy of New Leaf just arrived from Amazon earlier!
FC: 4725-8121-4981
Is the time in this game synced with the time in real life? Is there anything else I should know?
Yes.My copy of New Leaf just arrived from Amazon earlier!
FC: 4725-8121-4981
Is the time in this game synced with the time in real life? Is there anything else I should know?
Bed, chair and lamp.Anyone want to buy my balloon furniture? I just realized I don't want it. I have a sofa, bed, table, dresser, chair, lamp, floor, and TV.
Bed, chair and lamp.
I can give you six fossils.
3050 8898 2180Sure, that works.
Anyone want to buy my balloon furniture? I just realized I don't want it. I have a sofa, bed, table, dresser, chair, lamp, floor, and TV.
This is going to sound so heartless, but... is there a way to skip Kap's song while going to and from the island?
Oh god I got ice cream from streetpass, then I pressed A and ate it, now it's gone.
So... Word of warning, I guess.
AWESOME! I'll listen to him some other time. Right now I have a town to build!Tapping the screen.
Can I buy the TV? How much do you want?
like 8k? Not really looking for too much.
You can come to my town if you want.We can do island stuff or something.
FC: 3523-3319-4954
Added you, my FC is 2578 3146 5356
Added you both. 0817-4158-9208. Hope to see you soon.
My copy of New Leaf just arrived from Amazon earlier!
FC: 4725-8121-4981
Is the time in this game synced with the time in real life? Is there anything else I should know?
Added ya'll. Always looking for more friends. Mine is 2578-3128-0643Sure, that works.
I feel bad for laughing.I had it even worse...
I got a green balloon. Then I tripped and fell almost immediately. MY CHARACTER LET GO OF THE BALLOON AND IT FLEW AWAY
Cool, I'll round it up to 10k. Your town or mine?
1719 3202 7371
More to do in New Leaf. New Leaf is probably the closest to being a direct sequel of the original out of all of the games, so if you played that one you'll love this one. There is definitely a ton to do in this game, though, but you might find yourself bored at first; the majority of the game's content shows itself after the first few days, and then you're hooked.
Build up your museum, mold your town with public works projects, expand and decorate up torooms in your home, decorate the exterior of your home, collect sets, collect insects, collect fish, collect benthic creatures, collect gyroids, grow tons of flowers, make money, please your townfolk, increase the rating of your town, do island tours for medals and therefore unique rewards...six
About three times as much furniture and a thousand ways to get it all. There's a ton of stuff in New Leaf and it's a worthy sequel to Wild World.
Much slower paced though, it'll take much longer to upgrade all the shops and add amenities to your village, which is actually nice in a way.
The flea market is back, the stalk market is back. I don't really wanna say anymore cause I don't wanna spoil it, if you haven't spoiled for yourself. Half the fun is discovering these features. I heartily recommend the game.