gifts from some Japanese friends
now this is gettin CRAZY
How do you get money trees?
gifts from some Japanese friends
now this is gettin CRAZY
How do you get money trees?
How do you get money trees?
easiest way for me is use the 3 extra player houses too bad my rooms are still small but as I play those houses will be for junk storage
So Turnips, can you only buy them sunday morning? Because its Sunday afternoon and they're nowhere to be seen.
Could I time travel back to this morning, then back to now without any bad effects on my game?
Or is there anyone with a town that has turnips selling that I could visit?
got a funny fortune today
Joan's in my town if you want to come over, she's selling them at 92 bells a pop, I don't know if that's good or not though.
Joan's in my town if you want to come over, she's selling them at 92 bells a pop, I don't know if that's good or not though.
It's pretty darn good. The lowest is 90, I believe.
Excellent! Thanks!! My FC is 4124 5731 9998
Well I guess that's that. Bubbles will kill all my future villagers.
Okay I lied about the complete fruit collection. Still need those Persimmons.
I got one, thanks though.I really need a sliver watering can
just caught a firefly there was a gaffer asking for one?
kendrick lamar tried tellin ya'll bout these money trees
Groovy, it's going to be hard not to make a decent amount of profit out of this now then I hope.
No problem, here's my FC as well 0344 9267 8791
You need any fruit? I got Durians, Mangoes, bananas, oranges, apples and pears.
Actually, an orange and pear would be good.
RSC completed today.
Kicks' shop opened up.
Dr. Shrunk finally decided to grace us with his presence.
Lately I've been playing around more with the furniture remodeling feature, it's pretty cool.
And here's a couple QR codes I did from the other day if art is your thing:
What item do you get? Is it related to Twilight Princess?got a funny fortune today
So I just found out about Dream Suite towns. It sounds to me like anything you do in those towns doesn't actually alter them for the person who owns the town. But does that work inversely? Like if I visit your Dream Suite town and take all of your fruit, will I still have it when I go home?
What if you just happened to leave a ton of furniture and bells outside, as well? If I take them, are they still there for you? Would I get to keep them?
I don't have Dream Suite yet, so I don't know how it works...
when you earn a silver or gold net does the island let you borrow silve and gold instead?
I changed my path. Now I have 3 slots for misc. patterns (Homura and Madoka taking up 2 of them)
With Jacques moving in tomorrow, my lighthouse being finished and maybe getting the Museum upgrade request, today has been a good day.
No they don't. You are stuck with the rentals.
A lighthouse? Lucky! So far I've been graced with a parabolic antennae and a fairytale streetlight...
Gah some japanese friends gave me golden tools but I feel like I don't want to use them.
The feeling when you upgrade is just too good.
You could get that much of a tan in game?
Damn. I wish you could get a permanent tan.
sweet tan coffee
Pretty much, the only thing you can bring back with you is patterns if you find Wendell. However the person can disable the sharing of patterns so you may not find him.Their town is unaffected and you don't get to keep anything from there. It's basically like a literal dream.
I never though it would be that dark, I played a lot of resort minigames with peps (online) for about 30 minutes everyday and now its been 3 days and my char gettin obviously darker.
Maybe the online play could make your char get the tan faster than when you're going to the resort alone.
What time is Joan supposed to be over in the morning?
6 am until noon.
My main room now looks awesome. It's a rockin' bachelor pad.
looks like a level 4 I want a level 5 but I want to be able to keep it year round wear a hat during you online play if you don't want to tan
I hope I can get there soon it is hard work lol
Then allow me.