Yeah, I had this happen because I was fine-tuning a bridge location...and then the Bug-Off happened. Sucks. I wish they'd let you move it while it was still being funded.So if you set a spot for a project then cancel it, you have to wait a day to set a new one. Wtf is this, I only canceled because the placement was bad.
I love this game's music so much. So reminiscent of the Gamecube version, which has the best music IMO.
I humored her with "penis", but then she started asking what I wanted to do with one. I promptly changed the subject after that.
I wish they had a better method of placing structures, something like in The Sims would have been good. Instead you have to guess and see afterward.Yeah, I had this happen because I was fine-tuning a bridge location...and then the Bug-Off happened. Sucks. I wish they'd let you move it while it was still being funded.
Why am I tripping so much.
Yeah, it's awkward that you have to go there and then talk to Isabelle and hope that the placement is okay. I'm not sure why they didn't do it like The Sims. Guess we'll have to wait for the next iteration for them to improve that.I wish they had a better method of placing structures, something like in The Sims would have been good. Instead you have to guess and see afterward.
Is that actually bad for you?Been wearing Majoras Mask recently?
So I started a fund for the Dream Suite but I have no idea where the gyroid to donate to is?
Also, picked all my fruit for the day but I should be on for a good deal tomorrow if anyone wants some cherries, lemons, peaches, and a few other of the island fruit. (not sure what they're called). FC is: 1091 7736 4782. PM me if you add me.
Also, taking all of your advice to cut down the middle trees. I need some mo' income.
I'm really glad they went with new music instead of rehashing Wild World like in City Folk (wtf were they thinking there?). 5PM/6PM's themes are soooooo good <3
not gonna lie tall KK still freaks me the fuck out
Ok guys, I'm opening my gates for about an hour and a half, anyone who wants to come chill at the island can do it now, or add me if you want a visit.
not gonna lie tall KK still freaks me the fuck out
Were you at least typing in all caps; it helps.I just spent my first 30 minutes in the international Tortimer Club playing mini games with a Japenese female. That was interesting. The sum of our communication was, (?), (sorry) and (hiya).
Okay, so how are people getting so much in 30 minutes? It takes me, like 90 minutes to fill all my boxes, two hours to full all my boxes AND my inventory. I have to sneak up so slow; takes me like a minute to catch a beetle. The hold-A trick DOES NOT WORK with goldens or hercules. So twitchy.
So I started a fund for the Dream Suite but I have no idea where the gyroid to donate to is?
Cafe already?! All my jelly.
The trick is just to know how slowly you have to walk for each particular bug; get the feel of it and you will succeed.Okay, so how are people getting so much in 30 minutes? It takes me, like 90 minutes to fill all my boxes, two hours to full all my boxes AND my inventory. I have to sneak up so slow; takes me like a minute to catch a beetle. The hold-A trick DOES NOT WORK with goldens or hercules. So twitchy.
Well it is a cursed item after all.If wearing Majora's Mask is wrong I don't wanna be right.
The Circle Pad is a godsend. EVER SO SLIGHTLY HOLD IT. Just slightly. It makes me jump a mile when they fly off with a VWWWWOSH though.
Okay, so how are people getting so much in 30 minutes? It takes me, like 90 minutes to fill all my boxes, two hours to full all my boxes AND my inventory. I have to sneak up so slow; takes me like a minute to catch a beetle. The hold-A trick DOES NOT WORK with goldens or hercules. So twitchy.
The Circle Pad is a godsend. EVER SO SLIGHTLY HOLD IT. Just slightly. It makes me jump a mile when they fly off with a VWWWWOSH though.
Were you at least typing in all caps; it helps.
Why am I tripping so much.
just hold A while approaching a tree with the net, while not overdoing the analog
some people dont "charge up" with A and instead just walk slowly. That's harder and silly.
My store is still open for another 30 ish minutes.Anyone with an open Re Tail store mind letting me come over for a bit? I just did my daily Island bug hunt and need my bells.
You know, I think I figured out the trick to catching the golden and hercules beetles. While holding A, only take a few steps at a time then stop for a few seconds, repeat until you're in range and swing the net.
One has never flown away since I started doing this.
My store is still open for another 30 ish minutes.
1203 - 9245 - 7171
oh fuck
How do you unlock The Roost!?
I just want to drink coffee with my fellow citizens while listening to KK Slider!
So cut down how many trees to maximise beetle?