Was enjoying making patterns until some IRL drama happened and now I've lost the will to play for the night
It bears repeating my earlier comment: Why can't real life be as fun as Animal Crossing?
Only in AC will I chase after spiders, sharks, and bees instead of run from them.
Meh, don't let things get ya down man.
Pic dump:
Hide and seek with some of the critters. New, to me and very awesome. I hope there are more little games like this!
Dont we all Julian, don't we all.
Could have sworn that said "clitoris" and not citrus when I first read this. My mind, always in the gutter, though I'm not the only one.(Continue on to see what I mean!)
It would be cool indeed Kapp, it would be indeed.
My man Del, Robot Crocodile. He's planning a robot invasion. Has K.K march playing and a type writer and all Robot furniture. He's sending messages back to headquarters about my town. I know. It's okay though because he's awesome(again continue and you see why!!)
Summer solstice with my friend!
And just the most brilliant perverted conversation with the most brilliant perverted robot Crocodile in Palm Brinks.
I mean look at that sly smile, the cheeckyness coming off of him during this conversation is so vibrant. I don't know how this got past the ESRB but E for everyone my butt. Biggest laugh I've had yet.

I choose just watch btw.