(article keeps using the term "hacked" but i don't think it really applies when you are making the stuff yourself)
He had apparently made "over 10 million" yen (Around 91,000 USD) in profit before they caught him and sold them for around 3,500 yen (~$32 USD) each.
He had apparently made "over 10 million" yen (Around 91,000 USD) in profit before they caught him and sold them for around 3,500 yen (~$32 USD) each.

Zelda hacker arrested for selling illegal Breath of the Wild save files - Dexerto
A Legend of Zelda fan has been arrested in Japan for selling hacked Breath of the Wild save files for the Nintendo Switch.

A Legend of Zelda fan has been arrested in Japan for modifying their Breath of the Wild save data. The 27-year-old man was detained by police after attempting to sell the hacked Nintendo Switch save files.
While modifying video game save data isn’t that big of a deal in most parts of the world, Japan in recent years has been cracking down on hackers trying to make a profit off of compromised data. For example in February, a Pokemon Sword & Shield fan was sent to jail for selling hacked Shiny Pokemon.
Only a few months later, another Nintendo franchise is in the headlines for a similar crime. A Legend of Zelda hacker was arrested in July for trying to sell Breath of the Wild save files that contained numerous cheats for the popular Nintendo Switch title.
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