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Anyone else struggle to get into Cyberpunk 2077?

Funny, it's probably the only modernish single player game that I've actually played multiple times. Everything else is mostly one and done but I keep coming back to this one.

Hollywood Hitman

Gold Member
It's so much better than TW3 and Red Dead 2 gameplay and progression wise it's not even funny. Truly open encounters that can be attacked in anyway with about 5 different avenues to progress your character, perk/attributes, eddies, weapons, cyberware, clothing etc.

Slow compared to what? Doom? Game can be as rapid as you want when you get the dash/air dash.
See for me I couldn't put TW3 down, same with RDR... Just incredible games.


It's so much better than TW3 and Red Dead 2 gameplay and progression wise it's not even funny. Truly open encounters that can be attacked in anyway with about 5 different avenues to progress your character, perk/attributes, eddies, weapons, cyberware, clothing etc.

Slow compared to what? Doom? Game can be as rapid as you want when you get the dash/air dash.

Im not talking just about shooting but the overall gameplay. The action parts are okay but the rest of the game feels lacking so far (im only like 5 hours in tho). Things like watching sequences so you can do things like rewind and use your scaner is okay and feels novel the first time but it insist upon itself, Strategize.



See for me I couldn't put TW3 down, same with RDR... Just incredible games.
I love those games too, I'm just not gonna pretend like Cyberpunk doesn't vastly outpace them in terms gameplay freedom, variety and progression.
Im not talking just about shooting but the overall gameplay. The action parts are okay but the rest of the game feels lacking so far (im only like 5 hours in tho). Things like watching sequences so you can do things like rewind and use your scaner is okay and feels novel the first time but it insist upon itself, Strategize.
I mean fair enough, but scanning and braindances are like 5% of the game, the vastly majority is combat, driving or dialogue.
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Hollywood Hitman

Gold Member
I love those games too, I'm just not gonna pretend like Cyberpunk doesn't vastly outpace them in terms gameplay freedom, variety and progression.

Just different vibes is all. Open endedness doesn't really win me over as much as just loving the world I'm in and the character.. I don't think V is that compelling of a character tbh, Geralt now... Loved every detail


Gold Member
I forced myself to finish it at launch because I wanted to see how the story ended.
Was very disappointment with the game, but do plan to give it another playthrough will the expansion at some point.
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Don’t force yourself to play a game.
When I started Cyberpunk I was immediately hooked. The gameplay is amazing especially when you start to level up.
My biggest gripe is I can’t stand V’s character. His voice acting and the way he says shit just seems so out of place and stupid.

Like you’ll go on some insane massacre killing hundreds of people and hacking people up, then in the car ride home he’ll be talking to the passenger about their childhood saying shit like ‘wow, that must have really been tough on you as a kid’ … or ‘hang in there, I’m here for you’ in his stupid voice. These guys are meant to be hardened crims but they talk to each other like insecure teenagers.
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The most fun i've had in gaming in a long time is making a blade build in this game and traveling across the map at a ridiculous speed as i slice and dice every asshole that gets in my way. By the end of the game i felt like a souped up badass that owned Night City and no one could stop me no matter how many soldiers they threw my way. I loved this game and i loved being a chromed up badass that people respected in game because of how i was leaving mountains of bodies in my wake.

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The game is edgy as hell in certain areas but it has some of the best character models and animations for at least the story part.

Story is pretty good though and is keeping me interested to keep playing but the open world falls apart.

The driving has the worst car physics of any video game I have ever played personally.

It's clearly a game that suffers from feature creep because there's some really cool things going on but some parts are just bad.
The game is edgy as hell in certain areas but it has some of the best character models and animations for at least the story part.

Story is pretty good though and is keeping me interested to keep playing but the open world falls apart.

The driving has the worst car physics of any video game I have ever played personally.

It's clearly a game that suffers from feature creep because there's some really cool things going on but some parts are just bad.

Driving sucks i agree because the cars have like 0 traction on them. I feel like when you make a turn at a decent speed then you lose all semblance of control and just spin out which especially sucks for the racing quests.


I was one of the few that was able to play it through to completion at launch. I enjoyed it for what it was, at least enough to finish it. But honestly not long after it, I forgot almost everything about it which says a lot. I wanted to give Phantom Liberty a shot, but I haven't because I just don't feel the desire to return to that world whatsoever. I feel like I've already done everything.


it's probably the worst/cringiest written game I've ever played. There's probably worst stuff (Forspoken), but that usually gets called out. This shit folks eat up for some reason. And not just folkx either.

It does look nice and there are some good things, but the game feels like it was written by someone who'd also enjoy Emilia Perez. I really wanted to try to stomach this somehow, but after like 10 hours or so I finally uninstalled that trash.

Needless to say, I'm not optimistic for the next Witcher (loved 3).


One of the better games out there, with THE best scifi story in gaming (and up there with the best overall).

Unless you hate open world or you suffer while playing - keep at it.

it's probably the worst/cringiest written game I've ever played. There's probably worst stuff (Forspoken), but that usually gets called out. This shit folks eat up for some reason. And not just folkx either.

Holy shit wtf lmao
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yeah the beginning with mexican gangsta shit almost made me quit the game but im glad that it all stopped with someone's death

i liked the story in Phantom Liberty alot more , spy thriller is one of my favorites
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Bounced off of it in 4-5 hrs first time I tried it.

Got annoyed by Jackie and linear levels.

Will give it a proper shot sometime later.


I lasted about the same amount of time as trying to give The Witcher III a chance. 1 hour first time, 3 hours 2nd time. Couldn't bother with either one. They both have this graphical look that is just a weird combo of super high quality and super low quality at the same time, and everything has a very cut & paste asset dump feel to them. I like so many games similar to stuff from this dev, but just not their versions.


Gold Member
Beat it 3 times. That said...I rate the game about an 8.5. Somehow it reminds me of Mass Effect Andromeda. I know that sounds crazy but hear me out.

In Mass Effect Andromeda the initial mission in the game was top notch. The environment was beautiful, the mission was well written and it left you with promise that the rest of the game would be amazing.

It's kinda the same thing with cyberpunk. The missions with Jackie and Bug were amazing and then the rest of the game kinda slowly degraded. Things definitely pick back up in Phantom Liberty but the main game beyond the main mission just really paled in comparison.

I feel somewhat justified in making this criticism mainly because the Witcher 3 had amazing side content. Cyberpunk, not so much.


I found it unplayable until after all the updates then I powered back into it. I ignored the superfluous upgrades and inventory bs to focus on the main mission and interesting side quests, then the game became fun. Don’t get bogged down with all the different systems. Just get your character strong enough to have fun.


Gold Member
Don’t force yourself to play a game you clearly don’t like. Move on and play something else.
This. If you don't have fun in the first 3 hours (or at the very least be drawn to it), drop the game. Play something else that is fun for you.

And don't ever listen to people who say: "OP, it gets fun after XX hours!". It almost never happens that a game you don't have fun with for the first couple of hours starts to magically be fun for you. These people basically tell you to waste your time, and the only rational response to that is to tell them to get fucked.
And also: You've spent $70 dollars to be entertained. So, a "game design" that front-loads the game with boring/unfun parts before players get to the fun is retarded. These "game designers" did a shitty job and don't deserve your money.

Edit: That being said, I had fun with Cyberpunk, but I love the setting. For the reasons listed above, I've dropped RDR2 and Witcher 3. They were not fun for me. And that's OK. I rather play something that's fun.
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Don’t force yourself to play a game you clearly don’t like. Move on and play something else.
Too right.

Not every game is for everyone.....find a game you actually like and just play that.
See for me I couldn't put TW3 down, same with RDR... Just incredible games.
Agree, I recently dropped Cyberpunk and immediately began TW3 for the first time. I played about 200 hours and absolutely loved it! Now, following suggestions from fellow gaffers, I picked up RDR2. I’m about 40 hours in and so far it’s an absolute masterpiece! How lucky am I getting to experience these two incredible games back to back!


I threw in the towel just after the funeral scene, which was too much for me. Then there's the menus upgrade interface, which feels like an annoying puzzle mini game in itself. I've tried about four times to get into the gameplay and story, but I just find the whole thing a great bore, including its garishly designed city. To me cyberpunk means Blade Runner.
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As a technical and visual experience and an open-world fps with hacking elements, it's amazing. There are also some great story moments - but I did eventually have to concede that the overall quality of the writing is not great - especially coming from the studio who made The Witcher 3. A lot of the writing in the gigs and side missions is mediocre. And the main story ends just when it seems to be getting going.

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
I played the game at launch and, despite its technical issues, I found it enjoyable. However, the sense of being rushed significantly detracted from the open-world experience, which is a major disappointment.

I want to add, I've recently repurchased it on PC, along with the new DLC, hoping to revisit it with a fresh perspective. I'm eager to see if the now-resolved (or at least significantly mitigated) technical issues, coupled with the enhanced PC graphics, can finally deliver the immersive experience I initially craved.
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I think it's an absolutely incredible title that is incredibly compelling in many, many ways, and I think I'll be obsessed with it when I have more time to give it, but theres only one thing about it I hate that kind of takes me out of it.

Night City is just L.A. really, and I despise L.A., so that makes it tough to really sink my teeth into it. I wish it took place on the East Coast or in Europe or something, as I just really feel like I'd like it so much more, but I kind of hate the grungy, dirty future L.A. vibe of the game. Ironically , I'd probably love it if it just took place in New York, Boston, or Chicago. I dunno, just really have a weird bias against California and the West Coast in general, which is weird considering I was a Washingtonian for twelve years, maybe I'm just over west coast culture being shoved into everything. Definitely need more games that take place in Boston, Chicago, or Detroit.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Beat it and left feeling like it's a 7/10.

Don't push yourself through games you don't enjoy, it's not worth it.


Gold Member
I had issues getting into it on console. Since I only paid $5 for it on disc I figure I'll try it on sale on PC at some point without feeling like I wasted money. It seems like a PC first experience, anyway.
I loathe this game. It doesn't even feel like much of a game at all, Feels like you spend 5 mins driving & combat combined & the rest of it is "walk here, talk to this person" only for them to tell you "you need to go there & talk to that Person instead".

Then it beats you over the head with more gibberish & never ending tutorials for convuluted mechanics when all I want to do is walk into a place and shoot shit up. Then it goes back to being a super slow burn walking talking simulator.

The story is like a Christopher Nolan clusterfuck of never ending new characters and their problems with no previous context and it expects to care about them. Then they die and never mentioned again.

Just seemed to me this game was trying to hard to be edgy and gritty but never really knows what it wants it's vibe and tone to actually be, not to mention the usual bloated open world of icons, blips and fetch quests that just makes me exhausted looking at it and figuring out how I'm gonna spend my playtime.


Maybe problem stands for the story and some of the writting. Probably it's the fault of Witcher 3 and Deus Ex Human Revolution where I can basically stand for hours reading top notch dialogues. I like the initial part of story though, pretty incredible stuff. But after the whole chip fiasco the game basically crumbles imo.

Also after they nerfed the Netrunner build it ain't as fun as before.


It’s paramount that you enjoy the setting to really enjoy the game. As a fan of Bladerunner, it really scratched an itch for me.

I knew I was going to love the game as soon as I was a passenger in the car with Jackie during the night, watching the city go by with the rain pelting against the window.

CDPR are probably one of the best devs for evoking a sense of palpable atmosphere. They blew me away with The Witcher 3 when walking through a forest during a storm, with all the trees bending in the wind.

There are better playing games around, but there are very few that can match a sense of place.


It took me like 3 hours or so to get into it but even then, I never exactly loved it. People praise the story but I found it so much less engaging than Witcher.

Also not a fan of first person at all so the fact I even finished it is a complement.


So I'm happy they recovered nicely with this game, always like when a game can still pull thru with bad launches.

That said I'm playing it and I enjoy it but I don't love it, I struggle to stay like laser focused. Partly because I'm not a huge fan of it's setting/atmosphere... But it's funny because I absolutely love Deus Ex, I feel it just doesn't something else that really pulls me in and I can't put my finger on it. Maybe someone else feels similar.

Something else I hate is when you are using your "scan", there's just so many little highlights that I get annoyed because most of them are just things that you can use to distract enemies, or overheat... But I always feel I'm missing stuff. And the loot isn't that inspiring either.

Perhaps Phantom Liberty will land for me more. I want to love the game tho, just something doesn't quite land for me.
It's an RPG, and not any RPG, a wrpg which you have to give yourself time between 5 to 20 hrs depending on the game to discover everything you need and see it's edges to understand the limit of this game.

For programmers I think it's understandable to get cautious and stop touching the code, the simple answer for this issue is basically 'what you see is what you get'.

If you're in your 10s and 20s it's still early for you as a young programmer to understand this concept but it's true.
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Yep and same with Witcher 3 from the same developer.

There’s something about their games which I find boring.


I've been playing it for the first time over the last month (on Ps5) and I've been really enjoying it. I really like the setting, the combat is way more fun than the Witcher and I've really become invested in the world.
I wasn't instantly into it though, the intro is a bit slow and it took me a while to understand all the systems and overall structure. I was also disappointed at first by the side content which, to be fair, only starts getting really good around halfway through the main story but, much like the Witcher 3, ends up becoming the highlight of the game.
I recently started the Phantom Liberty DLC which has been great so far too

The main story is rather underwhelming though, specially after watching Edgerunners (which has a more enjoyable plot with better characters IMO) and your choices don't seem to matter a lot either.


I think it is one of the most underrated games of all time. I finished it like 3-4 times when it first came out.
I am playing it again with the Phantom Liberty DLC update.
Just walking down the street, I still see things that surprise me.

It is a wonderful playground, you can go in loud or sit in the corner and create chaos.
They fixed the problem with the perks/attributes not doing anything.
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Hollywood Hitman

Gold Member
It's an RPG, and not any RPG, a wrpg which you have to give yourself time between 5 to 20 hrs depending on the game to discover everything you need and see it's edges to understand the limit of this game.

For programmers I think it's understandable to get cautious and stop touching the code, the simple answer for this issue is basically 'what you see is what you get'.

If you're in your 10s and 20s it's still early for you as a young programmer to understand this concept but it's true.

Personally tho I don't think a game should take 20 hours to land, but not that I haven't played games that take time but I think it's just preference for the world, it doesn't intrigue me like say exploring a Souls game or RDR, or witcher etc.

But as an rpg fan I enjoy enough to continue I just simply wish I could really get to a place where I don't want to put it down.


Biggest Trails Stan
I actually think the game is fucking boring

The whole 1st person view just doesn't work for me

I agree, they should have kept the 3rd Person Mode in but thanks to investors they were forced to rush the game out for release. Reason why you never take your company public


I understand the dislike. There's no game out there that I think appeals to everyone, but it's the only single player game I've beaten 3+ times in the last 10 years.


I really like the game but sluggish aim controls don't let me enjoy it. I can't hit anything. And can't set the controller settings properly on PS5.
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