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Anyone else struggle to get into Cyberpunk 2077?

It’s paramount that you enjoy the setting to really enjoy the game. As a fan of Bladerunner, it really scratched an itch for me.

I knew I was going to love the game as soon as I was a passenger in the car with Jackie during the night, watching the city go by with the rain pelting against the window.

CDPR are probably one of the best devs for evoking a sense of palpable atmosphere. They blew me away with The Witcher 3 when walking through a forest during a storm, with all the trees bending in the wind.

There are better playing games around, but there are very few that can match a sense of place.
If V was more of a gruff Deckard type character I think I'd love Cyberpunk. I just can't stand the VA's performance, completely destroys any immersion. I'd prefer no 1st person narration at all. compared to what we got


It shines at higher difficulty. On normal you never have to engage with the mechanics. They should have made hard normal, but I’m guessing they chickened out. When you crank it up, you really have to use every tool in your arsenal and it’s so much better. I hope people don’t think normal is “developer intended” because it’s clearly not. That was a marketing call.

Honestly even very hard becomes trivial once you’re leveled.
I tried getting into it several times on multiple platforms and I never make it past the first 5 or so hours. I really wish they had made it third person so I could see my waifu-with-a-penis


It's nice to see the Deux Ex love.. I absolutely love that series.

I was absolutelly engaged with Human Revolution. Theres not a single piece of dialogue thats not only something useful but also incredibly satisfying to read. I don't remember a fucking single time where I skip dialogues there.
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It's not a good rpg, immersive sim or GTA clone. Its just a mash up of all those things at the surface level. It lacks any kind of real consequence for your actions and doesn't have the nuance that allows you to approach situations differently with varying results.

GTA 3 did it better, Deus Ex did it better and Oblivion did it better. Cyberpunk 2077 is pure mediocrity. Whatever talent CDPR once had is gone and it shows.
Night City is just L.A. really, and I despise L.A., so that makes it tough to really sink my teeth into it. I wish it took place on the East Coast or in Europe or something, as I just really feel like I'd like it so much more, but I kind of hate the grungy, dirty future L.A. vibe of the game. Ironically , I'd probably love it if it just took place in New York, Boston, or Chicago. I dunno, just really have a weird bias against California and the West Coast in general, which is weird considering I was a Washingtonian for twelve years, maybe I'm just over west coast culture being shoved into everything. Definitely need more games that take place in Boston, Chicago, or Detroit.
whatever you do, don't watch blade runner...
I think it's an absolutely incredible title that is incredibly compelling in many, many ways, and I think I'll be obsessed with it when I have more time to give it, but theres only one thing about it I hate that kind of takes me out of it.

Night City is just L.A. really, and I despise L.A., so that makes it tough to really sink my teeth into it. I wish it took place on the East Coast or in Europe or something, as I just really feel like I'd like it so much more, but I kind of hate the grungy, dirty future L.A. vibe of the game. Ironically , I'd probably love it if it just took place in New York, Boston, or Chicago. I dunno, just really have a weird bias against California and the West Coast in general, which is weird considering I was a Washingtonian for twelve years, maybe I'm just over west coast culture being shoved into everything. Definitely need more games that take place in Boston, Chicago, or Detroit.
It is absolutely nothing like LA.


whatever you do, don't watch blade runner...
Probably my favorite movie of all time.

Jerry Seinfeld Reaction GIF

My ways are unknowable :/
It never quite reached the heights of the Witcher 3 for me but it's still a game of a calibre which only comes around maybe once every five years or maybe even per decade. It absolutely doesn't feel like the usual AAA fast food, that's for sure.
Like many others here, I've tried it several times and then drop it. I like the setting and vibe, I like Keanu, I like Johnny Silverhand, I like the art direction...but it just doesn't click for me. There is something missing from the game...it's missing character and heart. I know that it's a bleak dystopian cyberpunk future, but The Witcher III had a character to it that Cyberpunk 2077 just doesn't. I wish I could explain it better than that. The gameplay just never grabs me. It feels by the numbers.

I found it unplayable until after all the updates then I powered back into it. I ignored the superfluous upgrades and inventory bs to focus on the main mission and interesting side quests, then the game became fun. Don’t get bogged down with all the different systems. Just get your character strong enough to have fun.

My problem is not having fun while getting my character strong enough to have fun lol. But I do think I will do like you said, and I will focus solely on the limited build I want to run and I will focus on story and side quests only. I feel like it will be better in that streamlined-ish manner.
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I found it pretty mediocre overall, but I did finally push through it after awhile. I even bought the DLC because I heard it was great but I still haven't finished that either.

Hollywood Hitman

Gold Member
Like many others here, I've tried it several times and then drop it. I like the setting and vibe, I like Keanu, I like Johnny Silverhand, I like the art direction...but it just doesn't click for me. There is something missing from the game...it's missing character and heart. I know that it's a bleak dystopian cyberpunk future, but The Witcher III had a character to it that Cyberpunk 2077 just doesn't. I wish I could explain it better than that.

My problem is not having fun while getting my character strong enough to have fun lol. But I do think I will do like you said, and I will focus solely on the limited build I want to run and I will focus on story and side quests only. I feel like it will be better in that streamlined-ish manner.
Yea Witcher 3 is a world I would love to be in, I find Geralt much more interesting I honestly don't even feel like V matters, you don't see him, it's like just as generic main protagonist as it gets.


I bounced off a few times. The GTA fan-fic tier writing and the first person camera do nothing for me.

CDPR struck gold by creating something different, derived from from a body of polish literature most of the world had never heard of.

They followed it up with a gritty dystopian US setting - something we've all seen a thousand times before.

I really wish European devs weren't so obsessed with telling American stories (CDPR, Dontnod, Quantic Dream, Remedy). We already have loads of those stories, told better by actual Americans who understand their own culture.


I played it at launch and I thought it was a solid but extremely overhyped game that needed at least another year of polishing. The most disappointing part to me was the main story, which can't really be fixed unfortunately. I want to replay it someday together with the DLC, though.


I struggle for YEARS.
I didn't like basically anything about how the game played at first.
I managed to finally stick with it just few months ago for the very first time.

On one hand I have to say that the 2.0 and following updates operated a half-miracle on the game on a mechanical level.
The perk system went from abysmal to satisfying to play with, the controls and feedback of your movement went from deeply unsatisfying to one of the most convincing in the genre,
Crowd tech and crime system went from embarrassingly half-assed to presentable,
etc, etc.

There's also the undeniable fact that some of these "first person conversations" are at the top of the genre for visual presentation, humanity, expressiveness. In many ways I had moments where I stopped thinking that this game felt like the Vampire Bloodlines of our time.

On the other hand, the game sometimes seems to squander its own qualities, diluting them in an ocean of incredibly dull and repetitive side activities and i still have my reservations about the leveled system they introduced to adapt a notoriously leveless tabletop system.


I have almost 3 runs with the game and i didn't had much problems even at launch (on pc), so....no.

The start is rough tho between having ti hear jackie speaking like a latino tv stereotype with the dumbest haircut ever and having to deal with the metal arm moron, if only i could mod these 2 out of the game...
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I already liked this game at the start, mind you I play it on PC. Problems were definitely there, but not even half as bad as they were on console.

Eventhough the NPC's were kinda lacking any A.I. the way the city is built was very immersive to me. I spend so many hours just running and (double) jumping around over rooftops and so on. Had a blast doing just that already.
My new playthrough as a samurai/hacker is great fun. Better than the stealth/pistol build I had in the old system, that's for damn sure.

Will play some more of it soon enough. I have plenty to do now that I finally started with the Yakuza franchise.


I've tried at least 10 times to play through the campaign, I'm just slowly chopping away at the boring missions hoping I get a few more done.

I always have no money and have hardly upgraded myself.


Already double-dipped, preordered the game for like 30€ (some VPN stunt, including all Witcher games as well), then bought the complete edition for console, torn between PS5 or my 2070/5800X3D combo, while hoping for a pro patch...
This might be the year i'm finally starting the game lol.


My gf tried like 3 times to get into it now it's one of her favorite games ever.
I liked it the story and setting from the get go but the gameplay was something that had to grow on me. The DLC made things much better but I hope the next one makes it a bit more interesting to play. Setting is underused whent it comes to what you can do as a player.


I have almost 3 runs with the game and i didn't had much problems even at launch (on pc), so....no.

The start is rough tho between having ti hear jackie speaking like a latino tv stereotype with the dumbest haircut ever and having to deal with the metal arm moron, if only i could mod these 2 out of the game...
You didn't just diss my man Keanu, did you??? ;p


You didn't just diss my man Keanu, did you??? ;p
I did more than dissing,, i don't give a fuck about him as an actor and i could not stand his ingame character, antagonizing him at every chance was one of the highlights, dude was painfully annoying, i was happy when in the dlc they briefly get rid of him for a couple of hours so i didn't had to listen to his try hard, lame ass dialogues.
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It appears to be a recurring trait of CDPR games. It took me 5 hours to get hooked on Witcher 3, probably even longer with Cyberpunk 2077. But once it does it takes over a month of your life.


I did more than dissing,, i don't give a fuck about him as an actor and i could not stand his ingame character, antagonizing him at every chance was one of the highlights, dude was painfully annoying, i was happy when in the dlc they briefly get rid of him for a couple of hours so i didn't had to listen to his try hard, lame ass dialogues.
Ngl, Keanu Reeves is one of my favorite actors so I'm a tad biased lol. But i can see that he can be a pain in this game given he's literally in your head in the whole game. There are mods to get rid of him iirc at least when driving.


Ngl, Keanu Reeves is one of my favorite actors so I'm a tad biased lol. But i can see that he can be a pain in this game given he's literally in your head in the whole game. There are mods to get rid of him iirc at least when driving.
It's not about him being in your head, it's the things he says, i can't stand him, and his VA sound so fucking bored.
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The AI feels more stupid than in Ubisoft games. Hard to get past that and the dead, awfully designed open-world.


Tried a dozen times to play it and get into it. Can’t get past about the five hour point. Just not feeling it. At all. Hate the ui and the general feel. Might have worked as a third person game for me. Hate the first person.
The greatness was there, but they fumbled on delivery. Just too much busy work. Witcher 3 is superior.


Gold Member
Not really, no. The game held my sharp attention throughout my 319.9 hours with it. I found it rather easy to get into because I found it engrossing.

My main disappointments were the world simulation and some ugly graphical glitches.
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The problem is, with Adam Jensen not coming back anytime soon, this is about as close to a "Deus Ex" we will get....it'll take the fans of Deus Ex to revive that franchise, as those who own it won't be doing anything to bring it back


when the ps5 version was released, i started the game and got stuck in the tutorial. It would literally not advance. I was kinda bummed and dropped the game. Then a new patch was released and i tried it again and i just got bored. The game is too slow. I have very little time to play right now and the game just feels too slow. Maybe its my fault. 'Cause the game looks great and people say its good now, I just dont have the time to play this,.


It's not about him being in your head, it's the things he says, i can't stand him, and his VA sound so fucking bored.
I find the dry tone fit Johnny's character well, intentional or not. To each to their own I guess. His VA didn't bother me at all.

Some people here al so had a lot of issues with V's VA, but I found it fine 🤷‍♂️

Better than most games out there. And well beyond most Asian made games like FF where a lot just sound really phoned in lol. As in dubbed anime quality; where everyone speaks like they are talking to a child.
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I loved The Witcher 2 and especially 3, and even enjoyed first Witcher game on PC but I just don't find Cyberpunk 2077 to be anywhere near as compelling an RPG as the Witcher personally. To be honest, I wasn't that excited about the game in the run up to its release as I had a feeling that the sci-fi cyberpunk setting would be a lot less interesting that a fantasy one.

The game launched in a bad state (and was a travesty on PS4/Xbox One!!!) and while the game has been well supported and hugely enhanced since, particularly on PC with the addition of path-tracing etc. What spoilt it for me at launch was how empty the world felt with only a few locations you could actually enter. The game also had wonky A.I. and lots of bugs - one mission I played on PC had me infiltrating a house only for the surroundings to pop in and out of existence depending on where I was looking. These issues basically put me off the game. As they say first impressions last and you only get one chance to make a good first impression...

I only load it up every now and then to check out the graphics, which were always the best part of the game for me. The story, characters and combat just felt weak after Witcher 3 and I've never been able to get into it beyond the first 8-10 hours.


stick to main quests, there is some cool stuff there.
most of the game's technical problems were fixed, but it has much deeper design issues.
it will never rise to the heights of deus ex.
combat is never fun, easily broken with multiple op builds, braindead a.i, dull side content, extremely detailed but extremely wasted open world etc etc
play it like on rails campaign, its not worth to burry 80 hrs in it.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
The problem is, with Adam Jensen not coming back anytime soon, this is about as close to a "Deus Ex" we will get....it'll take the fans of Deus Ex to revive that franchise, as those who own it won't be doing anything to bring it back
Indies once again provide. Peripeteia shouldn't be slept on.

if stealth had been actually viable maybe i could have gotten more into it
Friend of mine wanted to watch me play since I was going to for the first time ever.
After awhile he joked "reizo gameplay: lure enemies away and choke out everyone at lightspeed".
Stealth is perfectly viable, it's been how I've been playing through it.
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