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Anyone ever given up Trophies/Achievements?


Anyone ever given up Trophies or Achievements?

If so did it make your gaming time more enjoyable or did you go back to hunting for that elusive digital reward? I've been thinking recently about how much trophies add/take away from gaming.

+ Fun challenge.
+ See all the content a game offers.
+ Makes a game last longer.
+ Sense of Accomplishment.
+ Time stamps for all your gaming activity.

- Grindy/ time consuming
- Some can see more like work.
- Makes you play a game longer than you want to i.e multiple runs, having to play multi-player etc.
- Ruins artistic impact of a scene when trophy "pops".
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The only time I ever gave a shit about them was in Mass Effect 2 because I simply adored that game and wanted to wring every last drop out of the experience of playing it.

I care so little about them generally though, that I've turned notifications for them off on the PS4. Great for those that like them, but if they suddenly stopped existing tomorrow I probably wouldn't even notice.


Most everyone is in a love/hate relationship with trophs and cheevos. Sometimes I won’t play because of them and other times I won’t play because they’re absent.

That is true they do seem to add/take away from gaming in equal measure. I think I'm going to disable the notifications for a month and see how I get on without them. Playing a game simply because I want to play it for fun alone and in the way I want to play it.

Basically I'm thinking maybe the bad out weighs the good at the moment.

For example I LOVE the Last of Us. Ive played it through 3 times already. Today I was in the middle of a collectable run and then I thought how I'd have to do hours of multiplayer after that... I just thought you know what it doesn't mean I love the game any less I'm just going to move on.

Another one that bothers me is the Witcher 3. My favorite game of all time but one missing trophy (hardest difficulty) but to get it means I have to play it all over again and that's a MASSIVE time investment even just doing the critical path.

It shouldn't bother me.. but it does, and I want that to change. In this sense trophies seem more like psychological hooks that take away from gaming.


Actually, the little trophy sound and reward notification makes killing your wife in Silent Hill 2 that much better.

Omg that's EXACTLY the scene I though about when I wrote that lol.

I then compared it to movies. Imagine in Endgame when Thanos is wiped from existence a *ping* trophy box appeared (Mad Titan Toppled -Gold-) how that would negatively effect the scene lol.

Dr. Claus

Depends on the game. If I enjoy the game, I will go for them assuming they aren't poorly designed. If they are poorly designed, I will ignore them outright. I will never get the achievements for Outer Worlds as I despise that game and its awful writing. However, I will continue to practice and get better at DMC5 as I love the game and I want those achievements. Plus it adds longevity to the title.
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The only time I ever gave a shit about them was in Mass Effect 2 because I simply adored that game and wanted to wring every last drop out of the experience of playing it.

I care so little about them generally though, that I've turned notifications for them off on the PS4. Great for those that like them, but if they suddenly stopped existing tomorrow I probably wouldn't even notice.

I dare say your gaming experience is actually better on a day to day basis because of that attitude. Theres nothing outside the game that is effecting what and how you play your games other than out of enjoyment.


Depends on the game. If I enjoy the game, I will go for them assuming they aren't poorly designed. If they are poorly designed, I will ignore them outright. I will never get the achievements for Outer Worlds as I despise that game and its awful writing. However, I will continue to practice and get better at DMC5 as I love the game and I want those achievements. Plus it adds longevity to the title.

What if you REALLY enjoy the game but it's got an annoying trophy or two? Would you put hours into it to "complete" your favorite game even if what you had to do for it wasnt enjoyable? I think that's where the psychological hooks of trophies take a turn for the worse IMO.

Like if I had a favorite game but it sat at say 40% complete on my profile I'd feel a little uneasy about that... even though its completely ridiculous to feel like that.



Gotta beat my last years results.
I have few days left
I don't care about them. I don't even care about my steam account, I always make different accounts and emails for each game I purchase so that I can can sell it after I'm done.
I'm a cheap bastard.


What's the game you've got the Plat for? Can't leave us on a cliff hanger like that! Lol.
Well this year i got plat for duke nukem and days gone and some more. Also working on death stranding.

Last year i got it for hellblade.

Not a big plat hunter but if i like the game i finish everything the game has to offer.

Would have more plats but some games are just broken.
Also platted ff15 and kingdom hearts 3 amongs others.
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Well this year i got plat for duke nukem and days gone and some more. Also working on death stranding.

Last year i got it for hellblade.

Not a big plat hunter but if i like the game i finish everything the game has to offer.

Would have more plats but some games are just broken.
Also platted ff15 and kingdom hearts 3 amongs others.

I must admit the Duke 3D was a real fun one.

I got Days Gone as well. Not sure if the game would of been better or worse if I'd of finished it when the main story line finished. Definitely won't be getting the new difficulty/challenge ones though.


I only cared about achievments in blizzard games, because you actually get some ingame rewards for some of them, outside of that, i don't really care, never tried to platinum any game and even if i do because of those games that are too easy to do it, i wont care. I don't feel like they add anything to the experience and honestly, i feel its weird how some people complain about nintendo consoles not having these. I guess that pevious generations before the ps3/360 would be a living hell to these people.

Dr. Claus

What if you REALLY enjoy the game but it's got an annoying trophy or two? Would you put hours into it to "complete" your favorite game even if what you had to do for it wasnt enjoyable? I think that's where the psychological hooks of trophies take a turn for the worse IMO.

Like if I had a favorite game but it sat at say 40% complete on my profile I'd feel a little uneasy about that... even though its completely ridiculous to feel like that.

That is DMCV. It will add probably 100+ hours for my completion to just get a single trophy - but I enjoy doing it. I enjoy getting better at the game. Even if there wasn't a trophy for it, I probably would still go for it just for 100% completion.


I used to in the 360 days, but I turned them off a few years ago and now don't care unless theres some kind of reward for it, I think stuff like Fortnites challenges works better these days tbh


I completely ignore them most of the time. Only kinda care for the games I enjoy most but even then I’m not actively chasing them. I won’t stick with a game I don’t like early on because it’ll always show as 3% completion or something. So be it.
I still like them, but honestly most of them are too grindy and time consuming for their own good. It depends on the game as well. If the trophies are somewhat feasible and won’t take an entire year, I might pursue them if I have the time
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For the last negative you can remove trophy notifications if you feel the ruin the immersion. Although i haven't tried it, i don't know if the sound notification is still on.


I’ve tried to stop caring but it’s impossible for me, I’m a bit OCD. Maybe once I hit trophy level 100, I’ll lay off since my level stops. Of course, I’m sure it will be raised to 150 when PS5 comes out


I treat them like bonus sidequests. If I like the game then it's just some extra goals to do. If they're reasonable it's nice to get 100%, sometimes that doesn't even mean you 100% the game and you'll be doing more stuff beyond that. I don't ever feel the need to force myself to get 100% if it's too hard or time consuming. I can set my own cut-off point and still consider it 100%.

Deleted member 740922

Unconfirmed Member
They're harmless and easily avoidable if you don't like them.

I enjoy them - except for online ones which are a pain :messenger_pouting:


Gold Member
When I was unemployed for a few months several years ago: achievement hunting helped pass the time between job applications and interviews. Got all the achievements for Half Life 2 through episode 2 during that time (that god damn gnome achievement...).

But as echoed by others: I really only go after them if I'm invested in the game. And the only Platinum trophy is Bloodborne's.
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they are pointless and i ignore them. my time is valuable to me, so when I play games, I play them for enjoyment and to completion. I do not obsess over every ridiculous achievement some coffee/coked up developer decided to try to shove into a game.


//me raise my hands up !!
I really never enjoy trophy system in my PS (and would be always).
It's like time consuming and my aim in playing games is to relax and eat drama driven by the game's story, no need to so stress catching up all the trophies given in the game.


Could care less about them unless they give you some kind of ingame reward. Even then, I'm pretty selective.


They mean nothing to me. The only time I care getting 1000/1000 or platinum is when a game gives me a super enjoyable experience. The least I can do is reward it with 1000/1000 or a platinum. Other than that they mean nothing to me
I don’t always care for trophies and can play some games without caring about them at all. However if I enjoy a game immensely I’ll usually chase the platinum if it looks achievable.

This year I’ve only platinumed Jedi Fallen Order and I’m confident I was among the first few thousand people in the world to get the platinum trophy since there was no walkthroughs or even YouTube videos to get help for finding things at the time and I was done 3 days after release. I spent so much time manually exploring to find things and it gave me such massive nostalgia although I swore out loud when I first realised you need to 100% all maps. It’s interesting because usually I’d just dive into the Internet to find the answer after exploring and trying different things for five - ten minutes these days. Still can’t decide if I prefer having the internet to check or not because while I did find the exploring frustrating I also felt quiet quite accomplished when I finally figured some stuff out. Is the frustration worth the feeling of accomplishment? While I’m frustrated I don’t think it’s worth it but afterwards I forget the frustration and just feel accomplished. I think if I could find the answer on the Internet I will because I hate feeling frustrated.

Jedi is the only new game I’ve played and really enjoyed all year. I also played RDR2 which I didn’t expect to like because I don’t like westerns but it’s just so well made outside the story it was worth it but I didn’t go anywhere near the platinum for that game (my brother has probably spent 500 hours playing it and he hasn’t got it yet!).

Last year was when I finally bought my PS4 and I platinumed God of War, Horizon and Spider-Man.

I prefer when the trophies aren’t linked to difficulty levels and are actually achievable for the regular gamer. The insane challenges like red dead and uncharted just make me think nah.

They mean nothing to me. The only time I care getting 1000/1000 or platinum is when a game gives me a super enjoyable experience. The least I can do is reward it with 1000/1000 or a platinum. Other than that they mean nothing to me

I always use to many words. This is exactly what I was hoping to convey.
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I'm over them completely and they actually have soured me on the ecosystems of the Xbox/PlayStation. I prefer Switch, hey, here's the game, the unlockables are the trophies, not these silly meta game nothings to brag about.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
They're the worst thing and the best thing at the same time. I have done really stupid time wasting things to get certain ones.


Anyone ever given up Trophies or Achievements?

If so did it make your gaming time more enjoyable or did you go back to hunting for that elusive digital reward? I've been thinking recently about how much trophies add/take away from gaming.

+ Fun challenge.
+ See all the content a game offers.
+ Makes a game last longer.
+ Sense of Accomplishment.
+ Time stamps for all your gaming activity.

- Grindy/ time consuming
- Some can see more like work.
- Makes you play a game longer than you want to i.e multiple runs, having to play multi-player etc.
- Ruins artistic impact of a scene when trophy "pops".
Couldn't get a shit about them.

I actually have the notifications turned off on PS4. I found them immersion breaking and honestly some of them spoiled endings for me.


The nicest person on this forum
Meh, I never cared that much to begin with, I got it for Sekiro not because I was actively looking for it, rather I got it naturally because I was having fun replaying the game, fighting every boss and exploring everywhere.


Not sure how many games I have in total, but considering my Steam account I probably have at least 300-400 games across PC and consoles with trophy/achievement support.

I don't have a single platinum trophy or completion achievement. I haven't lost anything for it
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majority of the games I played are JRPG with some of them requires hundred hours of grinding to 100% it

as an adult with responsibilities I can't afford to complete them all lol
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