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As a Sony fan I can safely say Xbox have handled the marketing for this Gen so much better thus far.


Sony are fucking up.

They are continuing to fuck up, their lack of clear communication, piss poor clarification over features and functions of the platform, to their lack of urgency when you realise we're so close to the console's launch and we've seen next to nothing.

Clown on Xbox for their no Exclusives and that dreadful live event, god knows I have, but they are at least trying something and have outdone Sony in every way so far with their marketing.

It could be desperation on their part to get as ahead of Sony as possible, and Sony really only need to reveal a few select Exclusives and all their mistakes will be forgotten, but we can't deny how well Xbox have handled this promotion battle so far.

From influencer media open days, to many articles clarifying the most minute of features, they've done so much to show their fanbase what they're doing and how they're doing it.

Sony we've had a few so so Wired articles, a fucking logo reveal, a controller reveal (which was only due to fears of it leaking beforehand), and a long talk that was promoted for the completely wrong crowd when Sony should have done more beforehand to clarify it was a developer centric conference.

Now we've had their rightful (albeit deceitful) postponement of the first event where it felt like Sony were starting to do the right thing.

I'm not saying Postponing it was a bad decision as I fully believe in the riots and protests and stand for getting justice for George Floyd. But Sony don't care about that one bit, they're doing that to save face in the PR department and as they know they won't get as many views during this time. It's a selfish business decision wrapped up as a humane action for the better of society.

The problem with this? A lack of communication to the fans, who are quite rightly pissed and left wondering what is next, we're having to delve into the shit storm known as 4Chan to find any news of what's next and that shouldn't be the case.

I'm sure Sony can and probably will bounce back, but they shouldn't be excused for how poorly they've handled this so far.

Who do I blame? Jim Ryan.

Let me know if you agree or disagree below. And let's try and keep it civil!


Microsoft has been just as quite about everything as well aside from a bunch of tweets saying how powerful their machine is.

Up until the announcement, Sony was doing everything right.

I get that this is a knee jerk reaction to the postponement, but turn on the news and realize there’s more going on in the world than gaming right now.
In all fairness, MS would have delayed too if their event was this week. It’s not only Sony delaying one event.

The best PR move so far has been getting a third party (Epic) to show next-gen footage (UE5 demo) on a PS5 first.

On the flip side, MS has done a great job communicating the strength of the XsX, for sure. Saying they will be agile on price, continuing to improve Game Pass. Letting DF break down the console components in depth.

Both companies are taking their own path, I don’t think either is failing yet.

Let’s revisit this in July after both companies have held their tentpole events.
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Microsoft has been just as quite about everything as well aside from a bunch of tweets saying how powerful their machine is.

Up until the announcement, Sony was doing everything right.

I get that this is a knee jerk reaction to the postponement, but turn on the news and realize there’s more going on in the world than gaming right now.
Something tells me OP is far too dense to even realize that.

We're still reeling from Covid19 and now we have worldwide protests. This should not even need to be pointed out


I get that this is a knee jerk reaction to the postponement, but turn on the news and realize there’s more going on in the world than gaming right now.

Except it isn't, I've been criticising the way Sony have handled this for months, I am supporting the postponement, I myself am getting involved in what's going on in the outside world, and I would always take saving lives and fighting oppression over gaming.

I'm just saying overall Xbox have handled this better imo.

Dick Jones

Phil Spencer making and eating a sandwich on stage would be better PR for the Xbox than the reign of Don Mattrick.
Regarding the next gen battle for hearts and minds, it's too early to call. Xbox 1st party reveal is July. I'm in the camp that they should have made Halo XSX exclusive and the fear of missing out is not there for Xbone owners as they can play on the current system (good for current Xbox gamers, but it will affect next gen Xbox sales). The games in July need to wow as Sony will have revealed some of their 1st party launch line-up. Until we see the July show, it's too early to reach a decision.
Have you even seen the social media numbers they're pulling when compared to the competition?, I say whatever strategy they went with is doing more than just fine so don't worry about them.

There were at least 3 threads dedicated to DualSense tweets getting likes or some shit like that. We definitely saw.

It killed. Fair is fair, the DualSense reveal generated insane social media activity. Whenever the PS5 event happens, I’m sure it will either set new records or come close. People are very excited for the PS5 and any next gen footage.


Have you even seen the social media numbers they're pulling when compared to the competition?, I say whatever strategy they went with is doing more than just fine so don't worry about them.
That's more in spite of the shit marketing than anything else. The brand is very strong but that ground work was laid long ago with many well made and popular games and promises delivered.

The marketing department has been a disaster for the last year at the least.
Huh? I have literally been going to protests myself? I know what happens outside, I'm saying overall they've handled it poorly, Xbox haven't that's my point.
Both Xbox Series X and PS5 are not even launched.

How do you come to the conclusion that Sony is 'fucking up' because they have said the bare minimum of an unreleased product?

I have seen this same argument over and over on this forum and just don't understand why Sony has this label put on them and MS is praised.

If PS5 were out for sale and Sony maintained this silence, perhaps then they can be criticised for not talking about their product. Both are still months from launch so i don't get this 'Sony is fucking up' narrative?



has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
I agree. Sony needs to follow their playbook

Announce and show good games (even if it's early) to keep the hype building and make sure the game meets the quality level Sony is known for, when it releases


The marketing push for either platform really hasn't kicked off yet.

...Which is exactly the same gameplan as the PS4/Xbox One announcement. We saw the consoles in full at E3 on June 10, 2013.

Today is June 1, 2020.

Although it wasn't a full-scale console showcase with games and dates and pricing, Microsoft did have a pre-E3 event in May of that year (again, similar) where they showed the box and trotted out some celebrities and showed a non-gameplay video of the cross-gen game Call of Duty Ghosts. (They also got in hot water for prioritizing TV and Kinect over gameplay.) So at least Microsoft is doing better this time than last time. And Sony would have been ahead of schedule too if their show had not been canceled.

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I personally disagree almost completely with your sentiments.

I personally think these continued put offs and drip feeding is completely genius.

You’re only annoyed so much because you want to see what Sony have up their sleeves so badly. I’m personally annoyed as well I wish this suffering wasn’t happening around the world but I also want Sony to be successful so they can continue to bring me good games. Sure their reason to delay is self centred but that doesn’t make it any less of a reason to do so. There is a give and take between companies and consumers and this year has been a bumpy one but having a couple weeks delay on the reveals really isn’t so bad in the grand scheme of things.

I also actually think the Road to PS5 video was a stroke of marketing genius even if it wasn’t necessarily intended to be so.

Most gamers who care about the specs but don’t care to understand how the underlying technology works found that video boring and absolutely not worth the time. They wanted to see the games and what they saw as some boring tech talk. But that demo wasn’t for gamers it was for developers. Developers are the artists who make the games for us simple consumers.

Developers and the tech enthusiast gamers who DO know how the underlying tech works. These informed people are the ones that have been talking about how good the SSD in the PS5 is. This has gone to the point it has created that whole flippant ‘secret sauce’ defence from the Microsoft fans.

But it’s the developers who make the games and from what we keep hearing the developers are absolutely in love with the ps5 and this can only be a good thing for consumers. Sure this could all be PR and maybe I’m biased towards Sony atm cause that’s what I’m sure I’m going to buy but the PR coming from Sony sounds solidly confident while the PR coming from Microsoft sounds reactive and disjointed with no clear message about what the XSX is supposed to be other than an Xbox one upgrade rather than a new gen.

But those well informed people are constantly and continually talking up the ps5 as they better specced machine even if the Xbox has more “TF”. But the thing is it’s these informed people that influence the general discussion of technical information which slowly filters down to the lay man.

Of course you have Xbox fans and Sony fans that will believe the best case scenario on either side of the fence. I am personal disposed towards Sony because of the games and I’m still not seeing any inkling of anything being released on Xbox SX that makes me want to buy HOWEVER if third party games are going to look better on Xbox and I can potentially get one as an almost 2080Ti capable PC replacement then I will surely consider bypassing the gaming PC upgrade. I’m also interested in Halo but haven’t seen 343 pull it off yet so we’ll see there.

All of that said I am pretty much convinced the specs between the two consoles are so close the Xbox probably won’t be enough of a difference to matter and I’ll be happy with the PS5 personally. I admit the XSX is a beautiful piece of kit and I can see myself perhaps being a multi console owners this gen for the sake of game pass and bypassing the need for an expensive gaming pc. I dunno though I think Nvidia might have some incredible ray tracing abilities up their sleeve with the 3080Ti and that is going to be very tempting.

Then there is the Microsoft nose dive mistake with that recent ‘next gen showcase’ event video that wasn’t actually a true next-gen show case event, sure they apologised for miss hyping it but that hasn’t turned around the perception they need to show some next gen gameplay. It makes me feel like they’ve got nothing truly decent to show. I know that’s not the case but that kind of flub is a bad move and they should be rushing out some primo games being played footage before Sony’s big reveal. Soon after that we got hit with the Unreal 5 tech demo running on PS5 and that shook the walls it looked so good. It’s another big step in Sony’s favour imo.

Sony seem to be going at their own pace. They’re clearly confident they have something good (at least that’s how it feels to me) and they’re happy to let the hype build and I’ll eat crow if we aren’t blown away by the ps5 reveals when it finally comes I am confident it’s going to be good. I hope I’m not disappointed ha!

After all that wall of text I personally feel that Sony is well in the lead so far when it comes to hype and interest in PS5 and they haven’t even shown the damn console or any games yet! Think about that! Microsoft has shown game’s and their console yet Sony has way - way more interest in PS5. That says to me Sony are doing a great job here.
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Calling a hit on OP as we speak.

I personally disagree almost completely with your sentiments.

I personally think these continues put offs and drip feeding is completely genius.

You’re only annoyed so much because you want to see what Sony have up their sleeves so badly. I’m personally annoyed as well I wish this suffering wasn’t happening around the world but I also want Sony to be successful so they can continue to bring me good games. Sure their reason to delay is self centred but that doesn’t make it any less of a reason to do so. There is a give and take between companies and consumers and this year has been a bumpy one but having a couple weeks delay on the reveals really isn’t so bad in the grand scheme of things.

I also actually think the Road to PS5 video was a stroke of marketing genius even if it wasn’t necessarily intended to be so.

Most gamers who care about the specs but don’t care to understand how the underlying technology works found that video boring and absolutely not worth the time. They wanted to see the games and what they saw as some boring tech talk. But that demo wasn’t for gamers it was for developers. Developers are the artists who make the games for us simple consumers.

Developers and the tech enthusiast gamers who DO know how the underlying tech works. These informed people are the ones that have been talking about how good the SSD in the PS5 is. This has gone to the point it has created that whole flippant ‘secret sauce’ defence from the Microsoft fans.

But it’s the developers who make the games and from what we keep hearing the developers are absolutely in love with the ps5 and this can only be a good thing for consumers. Sure this could all be PR and maybe I’m biased towards Sony atm cause that’s what I’m sure I’m going to buy but the PR coming from Sony sounds solidly confident while the PR coming from Microsoft sounds reactive and disjointed with no clear message about what the XSX is supposed to be other than an Xbox one upgrade rather than a new gen.

But those well informed people are constantly and continually talking up the ps5 as they better specced machine even if the Xbox has more “TF”. But the thing is it’s these informed people that influence the general discussion of technical information which slowly filters down to the lay man.

Of course you have Xbox fans and Sony fans that will believe the best case scenario on either side of the fence. I am personal disposed towards Sony because of the games and I’m still not seeing any inkling of anything being released on Xbox SX that makes me want to buy HOWEVER if third party games are going to look better on Xbox and I can potentially get one as an almost 2080Ti capable PC replacement then I will surely consider bypassing the gaming PC upgrade. I’m also interested in Halo but haven’t seen 343 pull it off yet so we’ll see there.

All of that said I am pretty much convinced the specs between the two consoles are so close the Xbox probably won’t be enough of a difference to matter and I’ll be happy with the PS5 personally. I admit the XSX is a beautiful piece of kit and I can see myself perhaps being a multi console owners this gen for the sake of game pass and bypassing the need for an expensive gaming pc. I dunno though I think Nvidia might have some incredible ray tracing abilities up their sleeve with the 3080Ti and that is going to be very tempting.

Then there is the Microsoft nose dive mistake with that recent ‘next gen showcase’ event video that wasn’t actually a true next-gen show case event, sure they apologised for miss hyping it but that hasn’t turned around the perception they need to show some next gen gameplay. It makes me feel like they’ve got nothing truly decent to show. I know that’s not the case but that kind of flub is a bad move and they should be rushing out some primo games being played footage before Sony’s big reveal. Soon after that we got hit with the Unreal 5 tech demo running on PS5 and that shook the walls it looked so good. It’s another big step in Sony’s favour imo.

Sony seem to be going at their own pace. They’re clearly confident they have something good (at least that’s how it feels to me) and they’re happy to let the hype build and I’ll eat crow if we aren’t blown away by the ps5 reveals when it finally comes I am confident it’s going to be good. I hope I’m not disappointed ha!

After all that wall of text I personally feel that Sony is well in the lead so far when it comes to hype and interest in PS5 and they haven’t even shown the damn console or any games yet! Think about that! Microsoft has shown game’s and their console yet Sony has way - way more interest in PS5. That says to me Sony are doing a great job here.
Jim told me about you the other day. Now I understand what he meant by "secret weapons of mass textruction".....


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I can't really argue with you OP, but at this point we know so little and have seen so little it's hard to tell. Or come to a clear conclusion.

I will say that Epic and the gaming press has done a better job of hyping the PS5 than Sony has. Maybe that's calculated, probably not. I will state firmly that Game Pass Ultimate speaks for itself and made me an avid consumer of Microsoft Xbox games despite being a lifelong PlayStation lover. That is value for money. It makes PSN+ or whatever it's called look like a joke in comparison.


Not Banned from OT
I would agree until Sony and Epic basically ended the series x in a few minutes with an exclusive demo that won't be topped on the 3rd party side. By the time Microsoft can respond with a unreal 5 demo Sony will have a 20 million unit lead. Best PR in 20 years since Sony destroyed Sega with the 75 million polygons per second PR. Best part sweeney is the bad guy lol. That is beyond brilliant.


Sony are fucking up.

They are continuing to fuck up, their lack of clear communication, piss poor clarification over features and functions of the platform, to their lack of urgency when you realise we're so close to the console's launch and we've seen next to nothing.

Clown on Xbox for their no Exclusives and that dreadful live event, god knows I have, but they are at least trying something and have outdone Sony in every way so far with their marketing.

It could be desperation on their part to get as ahead of Sony as possible, and Sony really only need to reveal a few select Exclusives and all their mistakes will be forgotten, but we can't deny how well Xbox have handled this promotion battle so far.

From influencer media open days, to many articles clarifying the most minute of features, they've done so much to show their fanbase what they're doing and how they're doing it.

Sony we've had a few so so Wired articles, a fucking logo reveal, a controller reveal (which was only due to fears of it leaking beforehand), and a long talk that was promoted for the completely wrong crowd when Sony should have done more beforehand to clarify it was a developer centric conference.

Now we've had their rightful (albeit deceitful) postponement of the first event where it felt like Sony were starting to do the right thing.

I'm not saying Postponing it was a bad decision as I fully believe in the riots and protests and stand for getting justice for George Floyd. But Sony don't care about that one bit, they're doing that to save face in the PR department and as they know they won't get as many views during this time. It's a selfish business decision wrapped up as a humane action for the better of society.

The problem with this? A lack of communication to the fans, who are quite rightly pissed and left wondering what is next, we're having to delve into the shit storm known as 4Chan to find any news of what's next and that shouldn't be the case.

I'm sure Sony can and probably will bounce back, but they shouldn't be excused for how poorly they've handled this so far.

Who do I blame? Jim Ryan.

Let me know if you agree or disagree below. And let's try and keep it civil!

Can't be far from the truth. Sony have been killing it with the drip feed and slow but clear messaging. You bugging scrap lol  What thy have been giving has been clear and your making this post off the back of a postponement tht was going to further belittle Microsofts weak messaging and stance in the gaming sector.
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I sort of agree. The main big reveal that benefited the PS5 was the UE5 demo, and that wasn't even directly from Sony. The main strength of the XSX is that if you buy an Xbox Series X, you can basically play the majority of titles that have ever been released on the Xbox platform, and that is a big win. The platform is welcoming everyone, and they are trying to promote that.

We do not know much about the PS5 still. We know quite a lot about its technical specs, but we don't even know how it looks, let alone what its features are. We know there's BC, but don't know the details on that either...
I suspect Sony will try to drop big bombs closer to launch, but I guess that's also part of the reason Xbox has been focusing on BC and 3rd party games...


I guess all you need is to say 12tf and show 30fps trailers and CGI concepts/in-engine trailers nowadays

Until either company shows actual gameplay, both marketing has been appalling

The fact a tweet of a controller has gained the most traffic says it all, or a tech demo for a 3rd party engine has

And is it bad marketing by sony? With no real info apart from the deep dive, sony have said nothing, whereas MS have already been memed with no exclusives, all sony have to do is show launch day exclusives and its already got 1up, 2 extra Tf wont make up for lack of content on release day.

With the sony delay, ms would be wise to show some xbx gameplay of something now, and get ahead of the curve, unless theres nothing really to show still?
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I don’t know if that is true or not but I feel I’ve killed threads with long arse posts like this in the past....
Killed threads? Nah you just gave your opinion, a very good, educated and well balanced opinion I may add, but it's still an opinion, as is my post, as is anyone's comments to it. We all have opinions and can all agree and disagree. That's what makes the world go round. No-one can kill anyone's opinion.


Lord of Edge.
Both companies have been bad.

Best move from M$ - The Video breakdowns for the actual console from Digital Foundry and Austin Evan

Best move from Sony - The UE5 Presentation.

You can complain about their marketing tactics as much as you want. At the end of the day, M$ and Sony will do whatever they want and there is nothing we can do about it :D


Sony are fucking up.

They are continuing to fuck up, their lack of clear communication, piss poor clarification over features and functions of the platform, to their lack of urgency when you realise we're so close to the console's launch and we've seen next to nothing.

Clown on Xbox for their no Exclusives and that dreadful live event, god knows I have, but they are at least trying something and have outdone Sony in every way so far with their marketing.

It could be desperation on their part to get as ahead of Sony as possible, and Sony really only need to reveal a few select Exclusives and all their mistakes will be forgotten, but we can't deny how well Xbox have handled this promotion battle so far.

From influencer media open days, to many articles clarifying the most minute of features, they've done so much to show their fanbase what they're doing and how they're doing it.

Sony we've had a few so so Wired articles, a fucking logo reveal, a controller reveal (which was only due to fears of it leaking beforehand), and a long talk that was promoted for the completely wrong crowd when Sony should have done more beforehand to clarify it was a developer centric conference.

Now we've had their rightful (albeit deceitful) postponement of the first event where it felt like Sony were starting to do the right thing.

I'm not saying Postponing it was a bad decision as I fully believe in the riots and protests and stand for getting justice for George Floyd. But Sony don't care about that one bit, they're doing that to save face in the PR department and as they know they won't get as many views during this time. It's a selfish business decision wrapped up as a humane action for the better of society.

The problem with this? A lack of communication to the fans, who are quite rightly pissed and left wondering what is next, we're having to delve into the shit storm known as 4Chan to find any news of what's next and that shouldn't be the case.

I'm sure Sony can and probably will bounce back, but they shouldn't be excused for how poorly they've handled this so far.

Who do I blame? Jim Ryan.

Let me know if you agree or disagree below. And let's try and keep it civil!

You know that TLOU 2 will slam all what MS showed so far about XSX? Previews are great. Btw. Sony did wonders with Dualsense tweet and with UE5 showcase.


For me personally, its irrelevant. I have purchased every Playstation and dont need convincing. Couldn't care less about whether theres a presentation or not.

I know what I am going to get with a playstation. Same case with Nintendo.

I'm sure its the same case with people who have gamed on Xbox consoles.
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