The more I play this game, the more I like it.
Same. The side missions, coop, combat, customization, free-running....everything is an improvement
The more I play this game, the more I like it.
The game does a shit job for explaining literally everything involving chests, companion apps, Nomad shit, microtransactions, literally everything outside of the main storyline and co-op.
Is there an easy breakdown about this stuff anywhere? I want to unlock shit and don't understand how.
Really wish these side missions weren't all so half assed.
Go across the city and kill a guy. Or steal shit.
That's about it.
Murder mystery is OK. But they are rare.
Maybe better ones are later.
Also no whistle makes cover kills near impossible to pull off.
Gold Chests : Tied to Initiate system which are basically rewards from playing older AC games. The chests unlock legacy costumes. NOT REQUIRED FOR TROPHY/ACHIEVEMENT TO OPEN ALL CHESTS.The game does a shit job for explaining literally everything involving chests, companion apps, Nomad shit, microtransactions, literally everything outside of the main storyline and co-op.
Is there an easy breakdown about this stuff anywhere? I want to unlock shit and don't understand how.
Someone left a good tip - the cherry bombs replace the whistle for luring. Although kanuuna says it doesn't always work.
There's like two of them in the main campaign at the most. The worst one was the boat one I think. If there's a tail mission later on then you don't fail if you get spotted or if you are too far back, you just find them again and it's all good.I thought they were getting rid of tail missions with fail conditions. No?
At least you don't have to have them in your sight constantly for fear of a timer. I found this one way more lenient. I'm loving the sandbox nature of most missions now. Being able to go way outside the mission zone to replenish shit at a store is nice.I thought they were getting rid of tail missions with fail conditions. No?
I just did the Chemical Revolution yesterday. Don't know about American Prisoner, my copy didn't mention anything about whats up with the dlc? I have american prisoner and chemical revolution but dont see them in my game. I was thinking about getting killed by science from uplay as well.
You have to do Cafe missions, not sure why you aren't seeing new Cafe missions. Have you renovated the Cafe to max tier? If not then do that because it's a priority and it MORE THAN MAKES THAT MONEY BACK.How are some of you making so much money? I've upgraded about five social clubs, but can't afford to do any of the others since they're requiring 10k each to restore, and I'm getting less than 1000 currency each deposit. Is there something I'm missing? I don't see any new cafe missions either..
How are some of you making so much money? I've upgraded about five social clubs, but can't afford to do any of the others since they're requiring 10k each to restore, and I'm getting less than 1000 currency each deposit. Is there something I'm missing? I don't see any new cafe missions either..
There's like two of them in the main campaign at the most. The worst one was the boat one I think. If there's a tail mission later on then you don't fail if you get spotted or if you are too far back, you just find them again and it's all good.
Nothing absurd like the previous AC games at all.
You might be missing what I was missing. Did you renovate the cafe? Its a book right next to the income chest. Doing that unlocks more cafe missions. Im getting like 42,000 every hour or so I think
Just got to actual Paris. MAN the open world is huge!
I'm thinking there's some kind of HRTF going on? Try going to a social club and listening to a song.The sound quality is bugging me. Really horrible. Everything sounds really sub-par. LIke it's coming out of some really cheap, tinny speakers even though it isn't. Anyone else not noticing this?
There aren't any microtransactions worth the money IMO, and none of them are forced. At this point I wouldn't list that as a notable point about the game.I want to get this game but I'm not gonna until it's fixed.
Just tell me, are the micro transactions and the companion app as bad as they're said to be?
While it's still not where it should be, yesterday's patch noticeably improved things. I figure if they can do that within a week, in another week or two, they'll get it where it should've been at launch.I want to get this game but I'm not gonna until it's fixed.
.... wut?
![]() people were posting about how to fix online problems with a static IP.
...I have no clue how. Can someone please outline this for me?Some tech things I am good with, this is not one of them.
I'm not sure on their range, and the sparkly bits do have to be in plain view of the enemy. So they aren't always the best.Someone left a good tip - the cherry bombs replace the whistle for luring. Although kanuuna says it doesn't always work.
Watch this guide, it explains everything well. Note that in the last section you don't need to port forward but you do need to enable DMZ for PS4 to get the online to work.
Agreed.The problem is that Ubisoft is willing to sacrifice playability to let us see beautiful still scenes. The PS4, and Xbone for that matter, just can't cope with the amount of stuff happening on the screen. In some of the segments where you play in an almost empty city you really get the sense of how great this game could have been in motion. I think it could have been a good compromise to decrease the amount of NPCs by 25% or so.
Also, I have never seen worse level of detail pop ins in a game. It's hillariously bad in Unity. If you start to pay slight attention to it the immersion is just gone. I don't understand how Ubisoft were satisfied with the NPCs changing textures even when you're standing 1 meter next to them. Flags and other items also seem to appear and dissapear quite randomly.
To sum up my post: It's not difficult to make a pretty game. The key is to make a game play well. Otherwise we might as well just watch some screenshots or a trailer and then be done with it.
I think it shows how console-centric reviews are nowadays. A lot of reviewers didn't even glance at the PC version, where framerate problems can be kept minimal (though it requires a rather good rig and not all hardware is optimal).I think that years from now, when the smoke has cleared (or the game has been patched like crazy or remastered), Unity will be remembered fondly. It has a great main character, comprehensible storyline (high praise for this series), fun side stuff, nicely refined parkour mechanics, and - fucking finally - good assassinations.
The technical problems are indeed atrocious but in the end I don't think that's what the game will be remembered for...or at least I hope not. Btw playing offline does make the framerate better although it's still pretty poor.
I guess what I'm saying is that it deserves to be lambasted for its piss-poor issues, but at the same time its content should be getting more praise. How the content of watery Black Flag can get more acclaim while this handles the basics so much better is a bit beyond me.
I reserve the right to start hating the game as I get further into it, but for now I think it's good (horrendous tech problems aside that I wouldn't wish on my father's killer).
I think that years from now, when the smoke has cleared (or the game has been patched like crazy or remastered), Unity will be remembered fondly. It has a great main character, comprehensible storyline (high praise for this series), fun side stuff, nicely refined parkour mechanics, and - fucking finally - good assassinations.
The technical problems are indeed atrocious but in the end I don't think that's what the game will be remembered for...or at least I hope not. Btw playing offline does make the framerate better although it's still pretty poor.
I guess what I'm saying is that it deserves to be lambasted for its piss-poor issues, but at the same time its content should be getting more praise. How the content of watery Black Flag can get more acclaim while this handles the basics so much better is a bit beyond me.
I reserve the right to start hating the game as I get further into it, but for now I think it's good (horrendous tech problems aside that I wouldn't wish on my father's killer).
Those presentations are always a matter ofAgreed.
What's worse is that the pop-in is still pretty noticeable even on PC. I'd wager Ubisoft was cheating LOD in some of their videos, namely the co-op mission from E3 2014. There's no way in hell that was on XB1 (or PS4, or even PC retail).
The exaggerations here are ridiculous son. Worst mess since Skyrim? Come on now.If they don't fix it then all it will be remembered for is the technical mess that it is. If the game wasn't laggy, buggy, broken and ugly as fuck then I'd say it would be a good solid 7 or 8, but that's a huge IF and I have very little confidence Ubi will fix any of those issues. Game was played for 2 hours and is being sent to Gamefly. I don't have time to play a game this bad.
I'm upset I wasted a rental on this but I'm so glad I didn't buy it. Worst technical mess since Skyrim PS3.