it's pretty easy to figure outbut in case you don't want to:
there is only one app (called just Assassins Creed Unity in the store) that is the companion app and you need this to unlock the blue chests. In the app you control a brotherhood of assassins called the Nomad Brotherhood that you send on missions like you did in AC:B to AC3 and like the ships in AC4. If you complete a set of 3 missions in 1 location in the app you unlock the first reward you see on top of that location mission tab, if you do the entire set of three missions 3 times you unlock everything there (usually 2 blue chests and 1 mission for the main game).
gold chests are initiate chests which is the internet profile you can sign up to from the main menu. These include only cash and some legacy outfits. Gold chests are gated to initiate levels and currently you gain levels by having progressed through earlier games. Soon there will also be daily challenges etc. for AC: unity that will likely level you up without having played all older games. These gold chests dont offer much though unless you hold older games in sentimental value as their cash bonus is negligible compared to what you can earn in game through the cafe theatre.
red chests require lockpicking skill but i dont recommend going for them until after act 9 because there is no indication what level lock they have on the map and only after act 9 will you be able to buy the master lockpick skill and open all chests/doors.
(the IGN dude that said he kept running into chests that he couldnt open to his surprise must have been colorblind. Or there were no colors to chest icons in pre-release game....)
microtransactions are only time savers and are obsolete once you start to progress anyway.
yes they get alot better. especially in the club houses south of the Seine; I did some ones with actual stories/lore and multiple steps to them today which i really enjoyed.
Gold Chests : Tied to Initiate system which are basically rewards from playing older AC games. The chests unlock legacy costumes. NOT REQUIRED FOR TROPHY/ACHIEVEMENT TO OPEN ALL CHESTS.
Blue Chests : Tied to Nomad system which is the Companion app. You do missions on the Companion app and it unlocks the Blue chests NOT REQUIRED FOR TROPHY/ACHIEVEMENT.
Red Chests : Need lock picking skill to unlock, each red chest had up to 3 bars indicating their level. You need to open these for Trophy/Achievement for Chests.
Nomad points: These are two pointy white icons that you can collect in game which will give you points on your Companion app.
Sync points: These are the Assassin Creed symbol currency (the fancy A). You use these to unlock Skills. You get them from playing the single player campaign and co op missions (non Heists)... that's it. You can't get them again if you complete the single player missions. In co op missions there are free Sync points lying around the map and in one mission you can get up to 6 points which is a lot.
Livre: These are the basic currency you get which act like real money (they are the fancy F sign). You use them to buy consumable itemz, weapons and equipments from the shop. Weapons and equipments are purchasable at any time but you need to visit a store to buy consumables.
Creed points: These are the 3 box like currency thing. You acquire these by doing combat/stealth/platforming based actions in the game like performing air assassinations, finishers or using lifts. You use these to Upgrade equipments and weapons only.
Helix points: This a fancy H looking symbol that is used to "hack" stuff. These are real world money currency however through Uplay you can get some Helix currency as well. Used to buy Equipment/weapons as well as Upgrade them. Completely not necessary.
UPoints: You acquire these from playing missions but mostly from doing Online missions like Co op missions. You unlock them in Uplay so you have
to be signed up for that (which you need to do anyway to sync your companion app and Initiate profile). Uplay unlocks a bunch of stuff like passive boosts, artwork, H currency etc.
Various equipment/unlockables in the game:
There are various things you can unlock in the game which you need to see some list. These are all optional. These are some of the conditions for unlocking them.
Beat Single player - You get a Legendary sword for example
Beat Co op missions - Every mission has 3 items you can unlock
Play Club events/missions - Unlocks the highest tier item in a category although comparable items are purchasable through normal means.
Do Crowd events - Unlocks a few lower to mid tier items
Do Murder mysteries - Unlocks a few lower to mid tier items
Acquire Cockades - Unlocks various Color schemes
Acquire Artworks - Unlocks some items
Nostradamus puzzles - Unlocks that armor underground
Gain Initiate levels (by playing old AC games) - Unlock legacy costumes
Play Nomad missions on companion app - Unlock Blue chests
The microtransation stuff is irrelevant and is outpaced by stuff you do in game. You can get 34K Livre in under 20 mins by doing Cafe missions + Social club renovates.
Thanks guys!