It's also funny because Nier Automata wasn't exactly a graphical powerhouse with the most perfect performance ever either, not to mention on base PS4 and X1 it didn't hit 1080p either.It's funny too, because Astral Chain was in development before Nier: Automata.
Well you said people are giving it perfect 10's when it's far from it, if someone says a game is far from a 10 I would hope that means they played it if they're giving an opinion on it..No I haven't played it. Not until it's on sale. So I can't judge now.
But I'm not sure what that has to do with me.
Who said it's a big deal? It's mostly laughing at butthurt fanboys like usual.We have both extremes in all games. So why's it any different here? Why's it such a big deal? In fact, I don't even care about scores.
Also this isn't exclusive to Astral Chain, another Nintendo exclusive, Fire Emblem Three Houses, got review bombed at the same time. It was in the 80% user score for around a month, then suddenly dropped to the 60%'s a few days ago. I mean Fire Emblem Three Houses has only been out a month, I guess hundreds of people that legit disliked the game all did user score votes at the same time right? I'm sure it's just a coincidence it coincided with Astral Chain right? RIGHT?
Except it's not 3rd party, it's a first party game made by a 3rd party dev, just like Bloodborne or Sunset Overdrive.About performance, that's what I take from their comment. On the other hand, is it a crime if someone suggests a game could benefit from better hardware, especially ones made by 3rd parties?

Hideki Kamiya Responds To Player Who Demanded Astral Chain For PlayStation 4
In the last few days, angry gamers all over the world review bombed Astral Chain on Metacritic just because it was exclusive to Nintendo Switch. A Japanese Twitter user, who really wanted the game …

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