NoHmm just caught up and seen Omega getting slapped about by Tama. So the split happened?
NoHmm just caught up and seen Omega getting slapped about by Tama. So the split happened?
Man these G1 promos are fucking solid. Shoutouts to letting wrestlers be themselves on the mic.
Also Tama Tonga would be incredible for Bullet Club. I can easily see him carving the comedy out of Bullet Club and making it a brute force out there. Really hope Young Bucks/Omega leave to be ELITE and Bullet Club feuds them.
Meant happening*
Not soon, too much money with BC and like I said in the Tama comment Without Omega, Bucks and Scurll BC would sink like a rock
Not soon, too much money with BC and like I said in the Tama comment Without Omega, Bucks and Scurll BC would sink like a rock
Man these G1 promos are fucking solid. Shoutouts to letting wrestlers be themselves on the mic.
Also Tama Tonga would be incredible for Bullet Club. I can easily see him carving the comedy out of Bullet Club and making it a brute force out there. Really hope Young Bucks/Omega leave to be ELITE and Bullet Club feuds them. I really wanna see Scurl, Tonga, Fale out there vs Omega and the Bucks.
Not anytime soon, there is no new leader.Meant happening*
Once Daniel Bryan gets out of that contract though, OH BOY.
How far away is that? Guy will definitely split. His draw power will be worth a ton to NJPW. Smart money is to book him vs ZSJ as soon as humanly possible. Those two squaring off again now that ZSJ has come into his style more would be a major thing to see.
Honestly I can see many WWE guys looking at their pay and just straight up admitting now that they made a mistake. Vince doesn't pay them as well as the indies that give them more freedom both in the ring and on the mic. I could see a LOT of guys leaving and doin better on their own. Sami Zayn IMO would be a solid guy to go off to make it overseas. Tozawa, Cedric Alexander, Gran Metalik, Luke Harper, and hell even someone like Rusev are all guys I look at and think should go too. Obviously dudes not getting to live up to their full potential where their at. If Juice Robinson can grow this much simply by leaving then yeah I can see so much talent in WWE finding true greener pastures outside the company. Hell even Nakamura feels like hes muted heavily stuck in McWrestling.
I just wanna see Bryan have one last hero's welcome in ROH. Streamers and all that shit.
His head instantly explodesThen he lands on his head...
His head instantly explodes
WWE warned ya!
It's nights like last night where I feel super bad for wwe only fans. The amount of self hate it takes to keep watching that stuff when njpw is blowing everything (is evil) out of the water right now
But yeah get some tag teams going new Japan
Today's #g127 show in Osaka sold out in advance. As usual Osaka is the strongest market for New Japan outside of Tokyo.
Yes. Now they are in the abyss with Zack Ryder and Mojo.
Mojo even won the Andre Battle Royal and hasn't been on TV for weeks!
His head instantly explodes
WWE warned ya!
Or he goes nuts and kills a dude in the ring
It's nights like last night where I feel super bad for wwe only fans. The amount of self hate it takes to keep watching that stuff when njpw is blowing everything (is evil) out of the water right now
But yeah get some tag teams going new Japan
I woke up at 6 am and for reason decided to post the dumbest thing that came to mind.Bronx-Man needs to explain his actions yesterday.
LmaoXavier woods live tweeting his current airline experience is hilarious and sad. How does a airplane book a plane and then has to remove 8 people due to weight constrictions?
People can't use the G1 thread?To prevent an all out war between fans of McMahon's promotion and Shin Nihon Puro Resu, it might make sense at this point to finally make separate wrasslin threads.
Naw, there no reason to .To prevent an all out war between fans of McMahon's promotion and Shin Nihon Puro Resu, it might make sense at this point to finally make separate wrasslin threads.
Now you know what we all dealt with on a daily basisWhat is it with old posters coming back and this thread going to shit?
To prevent an all out war between fans of McMahon's promotion and Shin Nihon Puro Resu, it might make sense at this point to finally make separate wrasslin threads.
I woke up at 6 am and for reason decided to post the dumbest thing that came to mind.
What I meant to post was:
Dawg, can you imagine if Roman Reigns was discovered to be secretly a midget one day? Like he just stands in a mechazined suit to make himself look 6'3 when in reality he's like 4'5. Why else do you think he wears that vest 24/7? Because it's not a vest, it's an ARMORED CHESTPLATE. Dude probably makes Hornswoggle look like Big John Studd 😂😂😂
Like it was the dark secret of WWE Vince desperately wanted to hide. His dwarfish
Xavier woods live tweeting his current airline experience is hilarious and sad. How does a airplane book a plane and then has to remove 8 people due to weight constrictions?
I travel a lot and I've never seen this happen so I don't think it's that commonIf you travel enough you'll begin to realize how it happens. People pack WAY too much crap and bring huge bags all the time.
I travel a lot and I've never seen this happen so I don't think it's that common
The thing that returned with the recent influx was people posting shit just to get a reaction and that is what needs to go.