What's up with Brendan Williams? Is he in the PC?
I wonder if Vince McMahon threatened legal action when Ready to Rumble infringed on the WWF's creation and ownership of the word "Rumble."
I'm in the mood for an avatar bet before the G1 is over.
Who will main event Wrestle Kingdom in 2018?
I'm betting Okada vs. Omega.
Anyone think it'll be Okada vs. Naito? If so, take me on!
Bet is void if anyone gets injured, which scraps the matches.
Holy shit
Jucie vs Kenny was great
Naito/Okada imo. I'd book Omega/Ibushi for the US title at WK.
Not Lawler level, but Juice's punches are pretty damn good.
Shane punches better
Ban daBeefy
Naito/Okada imo. I'd book Omega/Ibushi for the US title at WK.
Sounds like a wager to me, friend.
If Okada faces Naito at Wrestle Kingdom 12, I will wear an avatar of your choosing for 30 days.
If Okada faces Omega at Wrestle Kingdom 12, you wear an avatar of my choosing for 30 days.
Do we have a bet?
Nope, I've had Badd for 9 years and he ain't going anywhere, even for a sure thing.
In the unlikely event that it's okada/omega I will admit that your puroresu is greater though
Is Beefy buried yet?
Things I remember about watching wrestling in 2003:
RAW was horrific.
Triple H was a giant dickhead.
Vengeance 2003 was fun.
WM19 was great.
So many bad WWE PPVs with terrible predictable and plodding main events.
Benoit v Angke at Royal Rumble was the match of the year, Steiner vs HHH was very much not.
Goldberg was a let down and was just another guy.
ROH opened my eyes to Indy wrestling.
I was addicted and watched CZW and ROH like crazy.
Death Before Dishonor 2003 was a show that I loved even if nothing stood out, it showed the power of consistency.
Samoa Joe is fucking incredible.
AJ Styles is too.
Homicide was my favourite and put on matches with such energy.
I actually liked BJ Whitmer here too.
Stumbled upon NOAH
Their 6/6/03 show is my all time favourite wrestling show.
KENTA and Marufuji were jaw dropping as a team.
WWE sucked. Everything else didn't.
ffs guys
i asked one thing of you when i left
and you almost burned the thread down in 3 different ways, and people started suggesting splitting the thread again
at least you got bean got, thanks for the wedding present 😘
Hey FlammableD
I hope you and your now-wife rolled each other up for the double-count out.
I don't if anyone ask you butYou all really need to stop discussing bans so much. Doing so just means this inevitably happens...
You all really need to stop discussing bans so much. Doing so just means this inevitably happens...
BothHeroman, are you asking for his/her Fave Five bans or wrestlers?
Heroman, are you asking for his/her Fave Five bans or wrestlers?