Where is my Twice in a Lifetime SHOOOOT MATCH???
Hey guys, I just wanted to stop by and say wrestling is real stupid and also my new Bliss shirt arrived in the mail today.
edit: ^oh hey nice gif
Welcome, friend!Hey guys, I just wanted to stop by and say wrestling is real stupid and also my new Bliss shirt arrived in the mail today.
edit: ^oh hey nice gif
I don't remember Brian Kendrick looking like Macaully "Kenny Omega" Culkin
Welcome, friend. Fave five?
Is Smackdown in the same building as Raw was last night?
Is Smackdown in the same building as Raw was last night?
Dark match is Aiden English and Ascension vs Hype Bros and Luke Harper.
Luke Harper is over as fuck.
Crowd was chanting we want Harper for almost the entire time he was on the apron.
Huge pop when he came in and a huger one when he won.
Since when Corbin got a new song?
Since when Corbin got a new song?
A skinny fat dumpster fire. lol
Remember when fans hated Cena? I think that AJ feud did wonders for his hardcore fan rep.
Wouldn't it be something if Corbin cashed in at Summerslam and lost?
I mean they just downgraded his pretty awesome theme...They wouldn't do that unless they wanted to bury Corbin in the center of the Earth.