This better be a squash
with styles he had the last word,and he treated styles like an unworthy piece of shit for the last part of the feud..we have different idea of what it means "put people over"
with nakamura,he lost a single match,wouldn't call it "putting people over"
in the period of his feud with owens i wasn't really watching wwe![]()
Well. Just saw Charlotte's naked ass live. Lol.
Well. Just saw Charlotte's naked ass live. Lol.
"Thank you Lana"
For what?
Oh =/
"Thank you Lana"
For what?
Did u?
Lmao this chant
This match shouldn't be a thing. For fucks sake Lana is godawful.
Oh god, not this argument again.
Losing clean to a guy is putting him over. That's an objective fact.
Charlotte's reaction to that wardrobe botch was literally just laughter.
This match shouldn't be a thing. For fucks sake Lana is godawful.
It's literally part of the gimmick that she sucks.
What was the chant?
Since when? Didn't she just have a title match out of nowhere?
"Thank u lana" for wardrobe malfunctionWhat was the chant?
It's literally part of the gimmick that she sucks.
Imagine knowingly putting someone who is bad at their job in a high position.
It'd be like a director that hires a terrible actor that they know is terrible because "man, that's the point!"
Imagine knowingly putting someone who is bad at their job in a high position.
It'd be like a director that hires a terrible actor that they know is terrible because "man, that's the point!"
She got utterly wrecked. By Naomi.
This reign has been so forgetful.Naomi would be the longest reigning champion on the main roster but for the fact that technically, Brock Lesnar went on before her at WrestleMania![]()
not in wwe where people trade win and losses constantly
that's their idea of putting people over,that as long as everyone wins something,all gets elevated..but it doesn't really work like that
You realize this actually happens, right?
This reign has been so forgetful.
Naomi would be the longest reigning champion on the main roster but for the fact that Brock Lesnar went on before her at WrestleMania![]()
Neville has held his title longer than both.
They really just slapped on shane as a guest ref to give us another ko vs aj match
There's a difference between putting someone over and someone being pushed. Being put over literally just means that you won. Pushing someone and getting someone over is more than any one match.
But you are fucking crazy if you don't think AJ's interactions with Cena didn't leave him more over when it was finished than he was when it all started. Same for Owens. Just because the heel doesn't win the feud doesn't mean they didn't benefit from it. Especially in the case of AJ, who still has a winning overall record against Cena.
Naomi is pretty popular for no apparent reason though. I mean, it's because Naomi is a likable babyface, but it's not like she's a great worker.
Oh boyNo, they slapped Shane on to get to Shane vs. Owens in HIAC as opposed to at Summerslam.