OwensIsNow slowly comes to, realizing he's still alive. Another day. Or was this the same day? Who could tell a difference?
Recently high school-graduated, he didn't know where to go from here. It was so much easier when he was in the system. All he could remember was getting up and going to school. What do you do when summer break comes and now it's on you to make it end?
As he unconsciously fiddles around in his pajamas with one hand, he grasps his phone with the other. Maybe there's a new Bayley gif to LOL at, he thought. But his LOLs weren't out-loud like they once were. These were more of a declared and catalogued display for others -- even those that would never escape his head.
Only five pages since my last visit, he said under his breath. I hope Zach's posted, he dreamed, as a small, accidental smile overtook his countenance. No! His brow furrowed. Not again!