The Greens lost about twice as much as Pilz gained.
Yeah, Lunacek putting blame on Pilz for the current 3,9% and not her own party doesn't make it look much better either
The Greens lost about twice as much as Pilz gained.
Yeah, Lunacek putting blame on Pilz for the current 3,9% and not her own party doesn't make it look much better either
Österreich - vorläufiges Endergebnis (OHNE WAHLKARTEN)
SPÖ 26,75 % (-0,07)
ÖVP 31,36 % (+7,37)
FPÖ 27,35 % (+6,84)
Grüne 3,32 % (-9,1)
Neos 4,96 %
Pilz 4,14 %
It wasn't his decision to leave the Greens, and he caught a lot of people whom the Greens alienated and would have otherwise likely stayed at home because of the lack of representation, as well as protest voters who didn't want to risk voting for black/blue.
It also speaks massively about their blunder given the fact they lost in even their strongest disctricts in Vienna.
I'm sad the Greens are hanging on a very fine string right now and potentially aren't going to make it into parliament, because I think that their presence will be lost. We need a strong opposition during this trying time, and without the Greens, that opposition is nothing but weaker.
And I say this as someone who left the Green party as well and went over to Pilz.
Edit: FPÖ strongest party in the youngest age group (until 29 yrs)...damn...
Eh, I voted for Pilz and I wouldn't mind if the Greens don't make it in. Instead I hope a new party will spring from the current Pilz group which absorbs much of the more sensible elements of the Greens. They are simply too caught up in their own echo chamber to be of much use for anyone in their current state
Yeah, the future is grim.
Edit: FPÖ strongest party in the youngest age group (until 29 yrs)...damn...
Change for the sake of change isn't good. Most of us are worried things will change for the worse.All your apocalyptic comments here. The future is not grim, i think you have to try to get out from a stagnating economy. With nothing changing, there's nothing changing. Let's see where we get from here
All your apocalyptic comments here. The future is not grim, i think you have to try to get out from a stagnating economy. With nothing changing, there's nothing changing. Let's see where we get from here
To the right.Let's see where we get from here
I'm really curious where these people are, I don't know Kurz or FPÖ voters my age at all.
That said I'm in Vienna which is majorly red but I spent today playing games in a store of people I'm only faintly acquainted with and none of them were happy about the result.
Change for the sake of change isn't good. Most of us are worried things will change for the worse.
But... The Austrian economy has grown?
Won't believe any of this. Mostly, ÖVP or FPÖ voters will get considered dumb or something like this again. Like it's in nearly every academic institution.
All your apocalyptic comments here. The future is not grim, i think you have to try to get out from a stagnating economy. With nothing changing, there's nothing changing. Let's see where we get from here
A growing economy does not mean that everyone receives the same %. Things don't get cheaper - it's the opposite way. Old people that don't have that much money might not be able to afford their living in some years, like they did years ago.
A growing economy does not mean that everyone receives the same %. Things don't get cheaper - it's the opposite way. Old people that don't have that much money might not be able to afford their living in some years, like they did years ago.
The Greens lost almost all their support so that doesn't surprise me at all it's also refelcted among most people I know.Won't believe any of this. Mostly, ÖVP or FPÖ voters will get considered dumb or something like this again. Like it's in nearly every academic institution. It's simply wrong, but with such a choice you get shut down pretty quick actually.
That said, i was nearly shocked how many students in my reach are happy that Die Grünen lost so much. It really colored me surprised.
Economy is not my concern, Austria could do better but also much worse. I'm failry well off and living a comfortable live and this result doesn't have me worried for myself at all.Yeah, but you're all just worried. There are people that live well of the last years of ÖVP and SPÖ and many that are not. Or do you think people would like a change if everything fits nicely together? No, it's not that way.
And actually, i live pretty good. I have enough money to live comfortably, even if not really in welfare, but enough to party sometimes, enjoying my hobbies.. There are many people that can't, and i'm still a student. If i lose a bit of my money it wouldn't even be that hard, someone has to give. I'm actually really sorry for old people that worked hard to make education and living how it is to this date possible, and don't get anything in return. Maybe, or hopefully, some younger people voted because they know how bad their parents are doing. I know my mother for example isn't doing that well. So, before i want more stagnating, i would take the risk. But that's just me being me, and you being you. Not a change would also change nothing. Which is good for some, and as we saw, bad for many others. I respect that voters choice completely and i hope for something positive.
The blue rat catchers are out in full force.
I saw a very apt analogy on a Der Standard forum post the other day describing what this likely government is going to look like:
A rich business owner, a worker and an immigrant sit at a table that has a dozen cookies on them. The rich man takes 11 and tells the worker "Hey, that immigrant over there wants to take your cookie".
I'm happy that FPÖ is doing so good. Tough I don't want them to be THE strongest party I want things to change in this country.
And what direction do you expect it to change towards with a strong FPÖ?
Dude ehy should anyone attack you if you can give readons for your opinion
You just haven‘t given any
I agree that FPÖ won't find many sympathizers in academic circles, but ÖVP and by extension Neos are fairly common. ÖVP was the strongest party voted for by academics and the largest ÖH group has been the AG for years now. It's fairly natural since their target audience is those with higher incomes.
Austrian economy is growing. Pretty decently even. Also, if you bet on FPÖ to push the economy even more I don't know what to tell you. They are like the most incompetent ones when it comes to economy. I'm really curious what FPÖ proposed measures will help with that. Really curious.
And you really believe FPÖVP are going to make things better for old and poor people? Have you read their party platforms?
The top 10% is going to amass more than those 2/3s of the wealth they already own.
I saw a very apt analogy on a Der Standard forum post the other day describing what this likely government is going to look like:
A rich business owner, a worker and an immigrant sit at a table that has a dozen cookies on them. The rich man takes 11 and tells the worker "Hey, that immigrant over there wants to take your cookie".
And what proposed measures from the FPÖ and ÖVP programs helps with that?
The Greens lost almost all their support so that doesn't surprise me at all it's also refelcted among most people I know.
Considering FPO and OVP voters dumb is wrong I just consider them anywhere from ignorant to nazi sympathizers. They can still be good people but they vote for values I cannot tie the two together with.
Economy is not my concern, Austria could do better but also much worse. I'm failry well off and living a comfortable live and this result doesn't have me worried for myself at all.
It's that both OVP and FPO have made it part of the program to make live worse for immigrants and people in need of help not as fortunate as us born in Austria or white Europe. Not to mention their conservative stances on abortion, same-sex marriage and many more.
I'm happy that FPÖ is doing so good. Tough I don't want them to be THE strongest party I want things to change in this country.
All your apocalyptic comments here. The future is not grim, i think you have to try to get out from a stagnating economy. With nothing changing, there's nothing changing. Let's see where we get from here
The Wifo think tank, which compiles economic data for the government, raised its real gross domestic product (GDP) forecast for this year to 2.4 percent from its previous quarterly prediction of 2.0 percent published in March.
The other think tank, IHS, increased its forecast for 2017 to 2.2 percent from 1.7 percent.
Wifo was also more optimistic for 2018, predicting GDP growth of 2.0 percent while IHS forecast 1.7 percent.
Economic growth in Austria is accelerating sharply, supported by the revival of the global economy, IHS said in a statement.
Stagnating economy? What are you talking about?
More racism, more nationalism, more intolerance, more anti-intellectualism?
What is it?
I really have a hard time finding anything positive about the FPÖ...
No. In some discussions, i even heard from students that they even see the ÖVP even more right wing already than FPÖ. You always get the same answers from people that can't accept some conservative opinions that aren't nowhere nazism, but just a bit patriotic. ("uhuuuhm, these are nazis now too already, black the new blue, yada yada")
As someone who is going to rent a new place next week I have to give them props for their proposal which lead to the abolishment of the Mietvertrags Vergebührung this weekI really have a hard time finding anything positive about the FPÖ...
Same like the ÖVP does not stand for something it did stand for 5 years ago.
I want the % to get to more than just the ones who are rich already. Those surely want no change and would always voice how much our economy grows. But are the people living better because of this? I don't see it
Is this a quote you got from the old coalition FPÖVP? Because things can always change. Same like the ÖVP does not stand for something it did stand for 5 years ago. Why are people afraid it would be the completely same outcome? It's still better to me to try something different than changing nothing. And there was no party that would've gotten near that change. Maybe Die Grünen was a possibility, before they decided to implode.
And i have the privilege to call you ignorant for a change. Because you live good maybe? I would never have the gist to call someone ignorant or a nazi sympathizer over his voice, not over 30 or 25% of votes. But please, if you think everyone of those votes was ignorant or a nazi, go on. That's not my way of a liberal thinking. You actually are close minded that way.
Also, even enough women see abortion and same sex marriage way different. Still enough women that voted for ÖVP and FPÖ. Why you ask? It's still their decision. Die Grünen was actually one of the most prefered parties for women before. Why did that change? And same sex marriage isn't even nowhere near important as helping people that are poor, but go on. That's actually the parties programm that Lunacek voiced and that got her to the place where she is now.
Again, the same old things everyone is telling about FPÖ for example.
Just because FPÖ or ÖVP are on top, does not mean everyone is now allowed to be a racist, a nazi, an intolerant fool or something else. It's just about serving the people that already live in Austria first, before failing on trying to help others. If you look in immigration camps where i even helped voluntarily, you would know what i mean. We have enough poor, old and young people without a job.
They fared even worse here, at least in terms of decline in percentage points:Hm at least Graz has an alright enough result I guess. FPÖ only gained a bit more than 1% (still #3 with 21%), SPÖ won, the Greens got destroyed (from #1 with 21% to fucking 5.79 wowww). Why the hell can't we do that at Gemeinderatswahlen?![]()
I want the % to get to more than just the ones who are rich already. Those surely want no change and would always voice how much our economy grows.
Strache literally has a documented Nazi past, look at their candidate for presidency a couple years ago. I have no qualms about calling FPO voters nazi sympathizers and the results of the last couple votes had me devastated how many of those are among the populace of my country.And i have the privilege to call you ignorant for a change. Because you live good maybe? I would never have the gist to call someone ignorant or a nazi sympathizer over his voice, not over 30 or 25% of votes. But please, if you think everyone of those votes was ignorant or a nazi, go on. That's not my way of a liberal thinking. You actually are close minded that way.
Also, even enough women see abortion and same sex marriage way different. Still enough women that voted for ÖVP and FPÖ. Why you ask? It's still their decision. Die Grünen was actually one of the most prefered parties for women before. Why did that change? And same sex marriage isn't even nowhere near important as helping people that are poor, but go on. That's actually the parties programm that Lunacek voiced and that got her to the place where she is now.
Again, the same old things everyone is telling about FPÖ for example.
Just because FPÖ or ÖVP are on top, does not mean everyone is now allowed to be a racist, a nazi, an intolerant fool or something else.
It's just about serving the people that already live in Austria first, before failing on trying to help others. If you look in immigration camps where i even helped voluntarily, you would know what i mean. We have enough poor, old and young people without a job.
Again, have you read what their proposals are?
Hartz IV for Austria, which will lead to the working poor, which will lead to even more poor pensioners. Reduction of workers' rights and protections. Cuts into social welfare, including pensions. Landlords acquiring more rights while renters will lose more protection.
Also let's not forget many of the funding organisations of the ÖVP are demanding 12-hour work days/60-hour work weeks among other things.
Meanwhile, the richest of the rich are going to get tax reliefs.
This is exactly what the ÖVP has been standing for in the last 5 years, the last 15 years, the last 30 years they have governed this nation. You have fallen into Kurz's trap just as much as so many others. Just cause he calls his party a "movement", talks about how evil migration is, establishes a cult around himself and changes the party colour to teal doesn't mean the ÖVP isn't still the ÖVP. Because it is.
Well, it's not really surprising that you will find students who have those opinions, but it will prob differ strongly depending on the university you are at or between individual studies. I'm a Business Administration student and ÖVP/Neos or AG (depending on what was being voted on) was very common, if not the majority. Talking to students of other faculties I could also see the attitudes you are talking about, but again, a majority of academics voted centre-right
As someone who is going to rent a new place next week I have to give them props for their proposal which lead to the abolishment of the Mietvertrags Vergebührung this week![]()
so you want to fight income inequality by voting for the 1- and 10% parties? really?
no, the ÖVP does not stand for the same things it stood 5 years ago, the regressed even further to at least 15 years ago.
so yes, if you are poor, and you vote for a party like that, I reserve the right to call you ignorant.
and the abortion thing... no comment
The money and funds they are planing to take from the evil foreigners is NOT going to go to help anyone but the very top.
Of course they want change. Change that means lower taxes for themselves. Change that dismantles pesky worker's rights. Really any change that makes them get even MORE money that they don't need at the expense of everyone with less.They will get that with the FPÖ and ÖVP because that's what they're openly and secretly all about.
I still can't believe how many FPÖ voters think the FPÖ is for the "small man". Their policies and voting history, not their empty platitudes, tell us all we need to know.
Also immigrants are netto payers meaning as a group they pay more into the welfare state than they take out of it.
Strache literally has a documented Nazi past, look at their candidate for presidency a couple years ago. I have no qualms about calling FPO voters nazi sympathizers and the results of the last couple votes had me devastated how many of those are among the populace of my country.
People can see the issues I brought up differently, they are allowed to voice their opinions as always but they've been in the way of progress for far too long discriminating many others in the process.
Ask any party if they intend to help the poor and you won't find one that says no but the 2 parties that say to no equal rights just got voted into power.
my favourite is "we can't take everyone" ignoring that a we don't and b we can take much more and c that asylum is pretty specifically worded and we constantly deny people one.I just haven't heard any anti-refugee arguments that aren't ultimately rooted in racism.
Again, this might be a point where FPÖ has a better programm. You actually can't vote for someone for 100% because there will always be something you disagree with. I find that in every party programm. And why should i have fallen into Kurz's trap? It was not my vote to begin with, it's just that i want to see why you're all so surprised. .
The system of letting everyone in who entered our borders without any sort of checks was a really really bad idea. It hurt the left pretty bad and I imagine that if the SPÖ hadn't made a right turn there too, that they would had lost today instead of gained.I just haven't heard any anti-refugee arguments that aren't ultimately rooted in racism.
The system of letting everyone in who entered our borders without any sort of checks was a really really bad idea.
I would allege that many parties on the right are very happy without clear distinctions between illegal-immigration and asylum.Edit: i guess I mean that anti-illegal immigration arguments aren't always the same as anti-refugee arguments
Can you name what exact measures from their program makes it better? You keep avoiding this.
Ok, I get it, you won't find any economic measures supporting your supposed reasons for voting them (helping the elder), but at least some other specific measures? Is that too much to ask?
Keeping the borders open for as long as they did was a political decision, the same way that closing the Balkan route was one.That was never "an idea".
It was a necessary response to a situation that started to cost an increasing number of lives.
I agree that many are denied "asylum" status, but there are too many cases where the countries of origin refuse to issue the paperwork making deportations possible . That needs to be addressed or else we can just bin our immigration laws because who is even paying attention to them favourite is "we can't take everyone" ignoring that a we don't and b we can take much more and c that asylum is pretty specifically worded and we constantly deny people one.
the same way that closing the Balkan route was one.
I didn't say he did. Him praising himself for it is as silly as Kern was when he was talking about the recent economic growth and implying he was the cause of it.Can we pick Balkanroute as Unwort des Jahres?
Kurz did absolutely nothing in that regard other than producing hot air.
First of all, the route is not closed, people still come through it, just not as many. Second, the main contributors to this development are Orban closing Hungary's borders and Merkel's deal with Erdogan. Kurz contributed absolutely nothing. And let's not forget that Kurz has been responsible for integration how many years now? 6? Austria's record in regards to integration is absolutely disastrous. He absolutely failed as minister for integration.
But of course it's easy to wear someone else's "laurels" if they benefit your own grasp for power.
I didn't say he did. Him praising himself for it is as silly as Kern was talking about the recent economic growth and implying he was the cause of it.
I did say that it was a political decision. Many actors failed by having the borders open, from tbe EU to the national politicians. The result is that the left everywhere is hurting now
That's disgusting. I didn't even state my stance on abortion and you shut it down with "no comment". That's also the same again. Calm down, I can't believe why some need to be like that. If women would share the same stance like Die Grünen for example, they would've voted for them instead of FPÖVP. But they didn't - and that's all i said and this is true. But thank you, hope you're proud.
Again, history. You all just double down on history. I can't double down on history actually, because i always think that things can change. Meaning the same parties from years ago might be on top again, does not mean they are the same people. Actually, many people left in that timespace.
I strongly disagree, because many immigrants haven't even got the right to work. So they can only take, and not give. Guess what? They get blamed for this pretty often. But actually it was our politics that forbid it. So? They can have the will to work like they want to, if they can't, they can't. Now some get money, even more than a person that worked for 30 years, because it was a bad paying job, so maybe around 700-800 if lucky. I know enough of them. Retiring early for example, because of an illness, will get you there. And then you ask yourself why. I have at least the empathy to somehow get it why they would like to have a change. Even if it does not hit me, i would understand why someone in this situation votes like that.
Keeping the borders open for as long as they did was a political decision, the same way that closing the Balkan route was one.
Many actors failed by having the borders open, from the EU to the national politicians.