Any suggestions for a name for the Austrian election OT?
Any suggestions for a name for the Austrian election OT?
Out of the Blue?
Are you serious? Why? Thanks to him wanting a black zero our schools, infrastrucute, the komunen are all going downhill for years because they dont have enough money
It's ambivalent with Schäuble. For one part he doesn't force other EU members to punish them because they can't meet their financial quota, he enforces for an european financial minister and wants to cut the power of the eu commission. On the other hand he enforces the austerity, especially in Greece.
Reminds me way too much of that "morgen mach ich blau" stuff I saw before the last election
Any suggestions for a name for the Austrian election OT?
Any suggestions for a name for the Austrian election OT?
Austrian Election OT - If you thought the German elections were bad....
Any suggestions for a name for the Austrian election OT?
Voting right wing parties into parliament since 1949
Austrian Election OT - It's Anschluss Time!
Austrian Election OT - Party like it's 1938!
Thing is, if Kurz becomes chancellor, it'll probably be through a coalition with the FPÖ.Is Kurz that bad? He's stolen almost all of the FPO's momentum, and I'd think the OVP is a little less extreme, no?
https://www.buzzfeed.com/marcusengert/diese-zahlen-zeigen-dass-journalisten-schuld-am-erfolg-derDie Berichterstattung im Vorfeld der Bundestagswahl hat die Umfragewerte der AfD steigen lassen. Das ist das Ergebnis einer gemeinsamen Untersuchung von BuzzFeed News und dem Lehrstuhl für Political Data Science an der Hochschule für Politik München.
Hätten die Medien mehrere Wochen lang gar nicht über die AfD berichtet, wären die Umfragewerte unseren Berechnungen zufolge fünf Punkte niedriger, so Lehrstuhlinhaber Professor Simon Hegelich. Wird viel über die AfD berichtet, steigt auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ihre Umfragewerte steigen.
I'm totally serious. Our grandchildren shouldn't pay the debth for our expenses. Especially in times of growth and flourishing economy saving money is essential. Keep making depths for times things go down the tube.
Our kids gonna pay for our non-investments.
Can someone translate this for me? Thanks
long story short:
"Sophie Scholl would vote for AfD."
Sophia Scholl was a German student and anti-Nazi political activist, active within the White Rose non-violent resistance group in Nazi Germany
She was convicted of high treason after having been found distributing anti-war leaflets at the University of Munich (LMU) with her brother Hans. As a result, they were both executed by guillotine. (from Wiki)
Its an anti-Nazi quote they seemingly tried to spin into an anti-establishment and maybe anti-immigration/islam quote which is highly gross. It basically says its beneath us to give up without resistance and allow us to be ruled by irresponsible people with dark motivationsYep I know who Sophie Scholl is but I wanted to know how they could use such an anti-nazi figure for their right-wing propaganda. I bet they used a quote out of context or something. Just wanted to know what the text exactly said.
Yep I know who Sophie Scholl is but I wanted to know how they could use such an anti-nazi figure for their right-wing propaganda. I bet they used a quote out of context or something. Just wanted to know what the text exactly said.
Debt in a company / government is not bad as long as the investment done with that money is able to pay back the debt. That is the reason why countries can maintain negative budgets, as the debt cost is less than the increase revenue in the future due to them (simplified version). Trying to maintain a totally positive budget is not always good, as it stiffens the investments and creates a worse future. That is not to say that the government should have huge debts, as then they are not making the money back from investments. However, thinking that government budgets works like households one is bad.You confuse making depths with investments.
Debt in a company / government is not bad as long as the investment done with that money is able to pay back the debt.
Its an anti-Nazi quote they seemingly tried to spin into an anti-establishment and maybe anti-immigration/islam quote which is highly gross. It basically says its beneath us to give up without resistance and allow us to be ruled by irresponsible people with dark motivations
"Nothing is more unseemly for a cultured people, than offering no resistance towards being ruled by an irresponsible and darkly urged ruling clique."
Our kids gonna pay for our non-investments.
Since when were people calling the Jamaica Coalition Schwampel? Heard it in Anne Will and just now in ttt.
Since when were people calling the Jamaica Coalition Schwampel? Heard it in Anne Will and just now in ttt.
The Swiss show Germans how to do an interview with Alice Weidel:
https://twitter.com/thomaswalde/status/917066146100150272Verhandlungskreise: Union einige sich auf Position maximal 200.000 Flüchtlinge/Jahr. Art der Umsetzung ("Obergrenze"/"Begrenzung" oä) noch unklar. Alle anderen Themen sollen heute abend besprochen werden.
Rumor has it CDU agreed to cap refugees at 200k aka Seehofer gets his Obergrenze
Which means we'll head for new elections because neither the greens nor the FDP will agree
I dont think so. I think they will go with this in the negotiations and give this position up.
They cant enforce it anyway, its against the confession.
Probably so CDU can tell AfD voters later "we tried to do it but the Greens and the FDP wouldn't let us!"
I read some constitutional lawyer analyzing it would be possible last week but im too lazy to search for it.I'd love to hear how this is even compatible with our constitution and article 16a from the CDU
I doubt the CSU is gonna drop it.I dont think so. I think they will go with this in the negotiations and give this position up.
They cant enforce it anyway, its against the confession.
Angela Merkel zwei Wochen vor der #btw17: "Meine Haltung zu der Obergrenze ist ja bekannt, dass ich sie nicht will. Ich möchte sie nicht. Garantiert. Ich halte sie auch nicht für praktikabel."
I'd love to hear how this is even compatible with our constitution and article 16a from the CDU
They need 2/3 majority for constitutional changes.they can change it with the afd no?
they can change it with the afd no?
They can't, 66% is needed for that. And they also wouldn't, unless they want to utterly destroy themselves next election.
Thats why Seehofer needs it.seehofer doesnt seem to care.
i really doubt that merkel will accept the cap. it would be devastating for her reputation and seehofer already doesnt seem to have much backing in his party tbh.
Thats why Seehofer needs it.
With the BTW result and next years election in bavaria hell be gone without some kind of victory on the Obergrenzen topic.
It doesnt matter whether hell win bavaria with it or not.seehofer wont win over bavaria with his strategy. he already failed with that this election. people that think that there is a need for a cap will vote for afd. people that dont will vote for other parties (fdp or green)