Why should anyone be worried about that?
depends on the quality of the accents i would think.
Why should anyone be worried about that?
The Twins are probably the thing I'm looking forward to most about this movie and it sounds like they have it down. I like the dynamic they seem to be playing with - protecting each other, with Pietro being external/physical and Wanda being internal/psychological. That's interesting.
And I'm really glad they're giving them accents - I've always been a little disappointed Black Widow doesn't sound Russian. I always read her with a thick Russian accent.
I feel like it suffers from having so many different visions and intentions. Like it's part sequel, part reboot, and also trying to establish itself in a not very established universe. All the MCU stuff was probably more of an afterthought than anything.The Hulk movie is so inconsequential to the MCU it's comical.
The Hulk movie is so inconsequential to the MCU it's comical.
THANK YOUBut BW is a spy. She should be able to hide it well.
You know, being the super spy she is.
I kinda have an issue with X-Men and the rest of Marvel being set in the same universe. In the X-Men universe people get powers due to mutations and Charles' cerebro mutant targeting in X2 showed there were a lot of them. The problem is that in my opinion, any mutant from the X-Men universe could potentially be a superhero in the other universes. It's hard to take a Johny Storm seriously when there are mutants who can do the same. There could potentially be lot of mutants that are civilians or are unknown that might have the same powers or ever be stronger than the Marvel heroes. That's why I'm opposed to merging the two universes. Mutants are scary man.
I dont understand whats your point is/ what the big problem is supposed to be.
Pre-credits screen description from Empire:
As Stark is flying the ship, [Robert] Downey Jr. goes and sits in the pilot's seat. [Jeremy] Renner lies down on a table in the middle of the jet and clutches his stomach while a fake drip is attached to his arm. It's clear that, whatever went down at von Strucker's, it has left the Avengers' ace archer in considerable distress. As the dialogue plays out, it becomes clear that [Mark Ruffalo's] Bruce Banner has Hulked out, or what he calls a "code green," during the assault on Strucker's fortress, and is deeply troubled by it. [Scarlett Johansson's] Natasha tries to reassure him - "If you hadn't been there, there would have been double the casualties." Banner grimaces, and replies with, "You know, sometimes exactly what I want to hear isn't exactly what I want to hear." Seeking back-up, Natasha turns to[Chris Hemsworth's] Norse god. "Thor, report on the Hulk?" she asks. Hemsworth immediately lights up and lets rip with a rousing tribute to all the violence unleashed by the Hulk, filled with words like "screams" and "victims" and "whimpering". Seeing that it has the opposite effect to that intended on Banner, the God of Thunder turns God of Blunter, stammering and stumbling, digging himself deeper into a hole.
This confirms thatin the beginning of the film.the Avengers fight von Strucker and Hydra
The issue is that for example a superhero in a non X-Men series wouldn't even popular in the X-Men universe. To describe it differently, a girl in town A is hot, but if she were to move to town B people wouldn't even look at her if she passed by cause almost everyone is just as hot if not hotter.
I kinda have an issue with X-Men and the rest of Marvel being set in the same universe. In the X-Men universe people get powers due to mutations and Charles' cerebro mutant targeting in X2 showed there were a lot of them. The problem is that in my opinion, any mutant from the X-Men universe could potentially be a superhero in the other universes. It's hard to take a Johny Storm seriously when there are mutants who can do the same. There could potentially be lot of mutants that are civilians or are unknown that might have the same powers or ever be stronger than the Marvel heroes. That's why I'm opposed to merging the two universes. Mutants are scary man.
He clearly wasn't being literal.Sorry, all I read was
before laughing my ass off thinking about the DOFP threads on this forum.
Playing coy with Vision, they really are making him a surprise for most moviegoers.
Playing coy with Vision, they really are making him a surprise for most moviegoers.
i'll never understand the weird complaints about mutants not fitting in with the rest of the marvel universe.
yes people are afraid of mutants but respect superheroes, because supers are typically given their powers through some accident or discovery or whatever, but mutants are an offshoot of humanity that, while they're not all bad, their existence does threaten to marginalize normal humans if they are allowed to thrive. you also had 20+ years of people like Magneto giving mutants a bad name. that's how bigotry works, it's not supposed to follow logic.
reminds of the "why can't the avengers just help" stuff haha
Well, its not like rasicm makes sense in real life. And its not like superheroes arent hated. Ask Spider-Man.I don't really get how the bolded doesn't apply to non-mutant superhumans, who are just as capable of reproducing and have just as many bad apples in their number. It's true that non-mutant villains have been much less likely to claim to speak collectively for all superhumans, but I don't quite buy that the general public would draw such a sharp line between mutant and non-mutant characters, especially as it would be easy for the former to lie about having been in an accident involving radioactive waste or whatever.
Bottom line, the X-Men have a very simple metaphor at their core, and that metaphor gets more and more muddied as you add more non-mutant fantastic elements to their universe.
Well, its not like rasicm makes sense in real life. And its not like superheroes arent hated. Ask Spider-Man.
It's the laugh that sells it.Or probably the relationship is not in the movie at all, and Olsen actually has no idea what the guy is talking about.
It's the laugh that sells it.
Although I don't think the world is ready for (in)HumanXRobot relationships, let me dream
Yep. Humans having prejudice against mutants but not against superheroes who got their powers by other means is believable precisely because racism is supposed to be dumb and based on arbitrary justifications.Well, its not like rasicm makes sense in real life. And its not like superheroes arent hated. Ask Spider-Man.
Paul Bettany talks about Vision, he seems to confirm that it will be a recurring role.
is this allowed?
It's posted on Twitter publicly so I think it's fine
It was posted elsewhere publicly the first time he was reminded not to link to them, so no.
Oh, so I take it from the Empire cover that is going to be Quicksilver's costume in AoU? There won't be any CGI magic to make it look less underwhelming. Kind of hate it.
Paul Bettany talks about Vision, he seems to confirm that it will be a recurring role.
I meant costume in the film production sense more than the superhero sense so should have been more clear.Well they were prisoners.... So no costume. Also QS's fashion sense is crap.
He considers it pointless.
My bad. I thought rule was against direct links.
Hi-res scans from Empire:
This Thanos looks way better than the ugly GotG Thanos.
Hot Toys Thanos figure from Guardians. Hence no guantlet, he's about 15" tall so in between the height of their normal 1/6 figures and shorter than Hulk/Iron Monger/Igor figures
That Gamora is ridiculously accurate.
I meant costume in the film production sense more than the superhero sense so should have been more clear.
I quite like the get-up they have the Scarlet Witch in, so I don't think them being prisoners necessitates his costume design being so meh.