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Banned from ResetEra for wanting to play Hogwarts Legacy

Have you ever been banned from ResetEra?

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lol that is such a creepy picture.

I have to say though, I genuinely don’t understand if that person was banned for saying that men can’t give birth?
Really? You don’t remember what those guys were like when they were still here? It sure sounds like them.


I don’t use much of social media! So I’m always out of touch!

They couldn’t banned me there! I would say they were being homophobic if they done it!

Ah! Me and my stupid jokes!
We gay men usually like our sexualized or femme fatale women in our games… in era that doesn’t bode well… even the women aren’t allowed to like femme fatales on era… it’s that bad when it comes to minority and other stuff.
When they do talk about gaming and news, I think it’s a very good place to get info. But that’s it.

Sega Orphan

I got banned there for some reason I can't remember. So I rejoined with a really offensive user name that they haven't twigged on to yet. Those in the know, know.


We gay men usually like our sexualized or femme fatale women in our games… in era that doesn’t bode well… even the women aren’t allowed to like femme fatales on era… it’s that bad when it comes to minority and other stuff.
When they do talk about gaming and news, I think it’s a very good place to get info. But that’s it.
Oh I know about that, how some feminists view drag queens as bad since they are perpetuating the "wrong views of what is feminine" and so on....I would definitely would be banned there because I think true feminism ended in the turn of the century and now this new form "feminism" - hating men. it's not related at all with what feminism was - It was about women, now it's about men.
All this is a mess.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Funny how being bought out by a bigger company really didn't do anything with that dumpster fire.
Why would it? They knew what it was when they bought it, that's the product they wanted.


Yeah I got banned but I think it was temporary for something Dave Chappelle said and I said it was funny, I think. But yeah fuck that miserable shithole.


That place is a shithole, i got banned for disagreeing with the viewpoint that all men are thrash.

After my ban i asked that all my data be removed from the site.

You should be proud that youre banned from that shithole, it means youre normal!
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I asked to be banned because someone got super angry that I suggested the slogan “acab” is reductive - from my perspective as someone who has been arrested over ten times and seen police brutality first hand many times, done workshops for prisoners etc - I just don’t think it is a helpful slogan. Several people really came at me for the opinion like it was so fucked up of me to say - if they were acting that way just about some other issue on the wrong side of the fence they would’ve been banned. It instead seemed like they were being supported - after seeing the weird behavior around what’s “right” to think and “wrong” to think and discuss - that was the last straw. I don’t mind if people get heated but it shouldn’t be hypocritical like that.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
With mods that are overwhelmingly minorities so if you "step out of line" or catch them on a day they just happened to step out of bed on the wrong side, good luck. They'll openly (and closeted, as revealed in that SalesEra thread which resulted in the most active members leaving the forum) chastise their own community and good luck doing anything about it because call them out on it and they'll bring the hammer down. See: Nepenthe or Royalan especially.


What's especially odd is how many community groups the mods have driven out; despite those groups being minorities themselves, like AsianEra.

Man I haven't even browsed there since before the pandemic, but it still kills me how the mods write up word salad ban reasons. It's what happens when your mods are uneducated and poorly read but have an inflated sense of value. They just throw out words they feel will resonate with their community and tie everything to identity.


I got a permanent ban for saying I was enjoying playing Mordhau and would continue to enjoy it even if they were under the impression that some of the developers might be racist, which of course ended up not being true. They considered me supporting racism by continuing to play the game. That place is a cess pool of basement dwellers
After one whole day of posting (less than 10 posts) I was perma-banned from ResetEra. Apparently you can't say that you won't let J.K. Rowling's comments/actions prevent you from enjoying the Hogwarts Legacy game without it being considered "bigotry" and "ignoring issues concerning transphobia". It doesn't matter if you say, "I don't support bigotry or transphobia," either. I wondered if all of the rumors I had heard about ResetEra being super strict were overblown, but I found out the hard way that they weren't. That site is the epitome of an echo chamber.

Have you been banned from ResetEra? If so, feel free to share your story here! Mods, feel free to move this if it's in the wrong place, or lock/merge it if there's another existing thread this belongs in.
I got banned from Resetera for saying Michelle Obama was hot.

I literally said 'She's hot for her age'. What then happened (and it happened very often prior to that) is that members slowly, one by one, ganged up on my comment, calling me out to the point where the mods just outright banned me. Someone said I was 'Objectifying women' 😂

I've seen that happen to heaps of peoplel. So if your comment gets attention and people start ganging up on you, you may as well stop visiting the site cause you WILL get banned.
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Resetera to me is some leftist agenda. You ask about something and in response they talk only about LGBTQ+ or some other shit.


i got a warning -- or maybe a day ban -- for the dumbest thing. messaged them to delete my account right then and there.

edit: also totally misread the thread title. missed the Harry Potter part. my ban was over Cyberpunk. sorry.
I got perma-banned as a troll for having posted on GAF during E3 2020 IIRC, I requested my account be deleted after & the admin I talked to about it on Discord couldn't even figure out why I was banned (I was advised to appeal it but given I had NEVER gotten a warning or banned in like 15 years of posting on forums, I had zero interest in staying at Era)


Never been banned. I created an account there at the start of it thinking it was curtains for GAF. I barely ever posted, but lurked for a long time. I watched it devolve into a pit of self agrandizing total insanity, finally got disgusted one day and posted about how hostile I felt it had become, and immediately came back to GAF. I haven't been on the site for a really long time, no urge whatsoever.

It's actually hilarious hearing from you guys about how much worse it's managed to get since then.
Basically the same boat for me. Thought this place was done and wanted to follow the sales thread which moved over there. I didn't post very often (especially in the kind of threads where bans were handed out in droves) so I never caught a ban. The last year to year and a half though, I don't know, really felt like you had to walk on eggshells to post anything over there and my posting went from an occasional post to not posting at all.

The vibe really has changed over there, especially with the old owner selling off the site (lol to all that btw). This place seems to be active again, so happy to hang out over here instead without fear of catching the wrath of a vengeful mod who may take something you type wrong. Doubt the site will miss me and I won't miss it /shrug.


Gold Member
Sure, I got a few temp bans and then a perm. Don't miss it! This place is so much more chill, with so much nicer people who don't have it as their purpose in life to be offended and outraged by everything.

(I was here before RE, but went with everyone else in the big exodus because I thought this place was done. Very happy it has bounced back!)
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Got perm'd for pointing out the obvious self-defense argument that Gigachad Kyle Rittenhouse had, and for calling out blatant lies in the related thread. Facts don't matter to those people.

A year later when Kyle was acquitted, I pointed out that I was 100% correct in everything I said in a ban appeal just for shits and giggles and they shut that shit down without comment faster than Kyle deals with a commie bashing him with a skateboard :messenger_tears_of_joy:.


Gold Member
Like all normal people I got temp bans for basically nothing. Never permed though. I stopped posting regularly over a year ago because the place bores me to tears. Don’t even read it anymore.

Dr. Claus

My brother told me about Era shortly after it started. I wasn‘t very aware of GAF or its history, but he knew I was searching for another forum after TheEscapist had died. Was quickly banned because I dared defend Colin Moriarity. Came to GAF and never looked back.

Fuck those cunts.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Resetera is a glorified virtual landfill. And all the trash and waste there is the entire community. You'll get banned for breathing the wrong way.

toronto international film festival GIF by TIFF


I got banned from there for posting here about them over there. my ban clearly was saying something along the lines of me " bad mouthing them in different site "

to be honest, getting banned from there means you are actually a normal person.

you have to be a flaming queer and hate straight people for you not to get banned. and even then your chances are like 50/50.

I say this and I honestly have nothing against the LGBTQ or whatever how many letters do these people keep getting from the alphabetical letters.
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°Temp. member
I got banned in a thread about chick fil a of all things lol. Just just a temporary ban, straight to a permaban lol.


It's amazing how they've made JK Rowling their personal greatest devil, that anything that has to do with her or her works is a sin to speak about. Rowling to my knowledge isn't even directly involved in Hogwarts Legacy's development, they're just using the world she created to an extent, not even fully since it's a different time period. Yet these devs deserve to be punished apparently by lack of marketing for working on a worldwide beloved IP in the gaming space, yet Resetera still allows companies filled with terrible people as CEO and other high ranking positions to have their games talked about there. Even Cyberpunk didn't have such strict zero discussion allowed policies surrounding it.

I'm permabanned over on there because they want to twist everything into something sexist or racist because they're out of touch with reality. I had been thinking about requesting a perm for quite awhile before getting perm'd because of how despicable the place had become, that they let racist as fuck Nepenthe be an admin is inexcusable. I had been uncomfortable with their hypocrisy and extreme left behavior ever since the Jessica Price incident and how they took her side despite her being a toxic POS who was in no way the victim in that situation, but was the abuser who went on a tirade against a guy who thought the world of her work, and never once apologized for her unwarranted outburst against him.


ResetEra will blacklist any game and developers they don't like, Cyberpunk threads are prohibited for example.


Lol I saw that thread. Poor guy you really walked right into the meat grinder there . Always crazy to see when some actual well-meaning 'normal' person posts on that site innocently, not realizing the shitstorm thats about to unload on them. Fuck that place. There's some really sad unhinged people there. Its a pathetic circle jerk.

Om a side note, i'm super glad with the general positive reaction Hogwarts Legacy is getting. Game looks phenomenal, and its pissing off all the right people lol. Hope it reviews well and makes then seethe.
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I thought their site metrics took a nose dive like a year ago. I’m almost confident they want to drive traffic away so the new owners don’t get $$.


Got perm'd for pointing out the obvious self-defense argument that Gigachad Kyle Rittenhouse had, and for calling out blatant lies in the related thread. Facts don't matter to those people.

A year later when Kyle was acquitted, I pointed out that I was 100% correct in everything I said in a ban appeal just for shits and giggles and they shut that shit down without comment faster than Kyle deals with a commie bashing him with a skateboard :messenger_tears_of_joy:.
Oh you missed it then. I was reading their thread on the Rittenhouse trial. Pretty much they just banned anybody that wasn't in lock step with the ERA official view on that case.(You know, having the nerve to explain how the court system works and stuff like that.) Suffice it to say when verdict came in they had no idea how the jury could have found that way. That reminds me, I should check to see if anybody on ERA is using my user name. Since they pretty much ban anybody for being here they'll ban whatever unlucky fool is using my name. (No I'm not on ERA. I totally missed out on the melt down here because I was so busy during that time trying to buy a house I wasn't paying attention to much else.)


The only positive for resetera is that it seems to be a more active forum than this one but yeah, they are pretty intense over there.
Having posted and been subsequently banned from Era for failing to fall in line and declare Cyberpunk 2077 a transphobic game, I decided there was no hope for that place - the game wasn't out, nobody had played it and it was being declared transphobic because of one joke on an advert.

Everything is very black and white at Era and there is no room for interpretation or nuance, it's all either good or evil.

They are children masquerading as adults pretending to converse about serious issues but throwing their toys out of the pram when disagreed with.

Oh and Nepenthe can fuck off, most bitter, racist person I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with anywhere.
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I was going to register for Reset Era a long time ago and didn’t know anything about the forum. Before registration, I decided to first read some of the topics and responses to see what I was getting into and then decided, nope.
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I got banned in a thread about chick fil a of all things lol. Just just a temporary ban, straight to a permaban lol.

Chick fil A owners support Chistian ideals and so make donations to some organizations that have homophobic opinions.

So if you eat at or say anything positive about chick fil A that means you are also homophobic according to Reee. Or maybe because you said you enjoy fried chicken that makes you racist too.


I have a WhatsApp chat with some pals who used to post in the old BritGAF thread, we all moved over to resetera during the great exodus.

Literally 90% of us are perma’d from Era now, those guys are fucking militant. It borders on creepy.
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