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Banned from ResetEra for wanting to play Hogwarts Legacy

Have you ever been banned from ResetEra?

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I got banned many times:

- for defending MKBHD when people started calling him Uncle Tom
- for saying Ricky Gervais is not transphobic
- for saying DF was doing videos just to stir controversy and get clicks
- for saying Lewis Hamilton is a drama queen and craves attention (and called me racist in the process LOL)

I mean it's fun just seeing how the quality of the forum is gone to shit and the Brazilian furry can't do anything about it, well maybe ask for money to pay off his/her/their? car.


Gold Member
Most of the responses in this thread have made me feel way better about my ban. I knew there were people on here who disliked ResetEra (what happened with the NeoGAF/ResetEra split was before my time on either forum, but it seems many current members were around for it), and even a few who were banned, but seeing the many individual stories about similar bans is just vindication that they are the nut jobs, not that I'm some moron who doesn't know how to properly speak on a forum. I was 98% sure that wasn't the case already, but now I'm 100% confident that that site is run by angry teenagers (if not physically then at least mentally) who love throwing around whatever power they have been given.

To the admins/mods at this site, I know that sometimes your decisions are subjective (it's the way of the world), but I'm appreciative that you don't just close down every discussion that you disagree with.


I got banned in the Uncharted lost legacy thread about Nadine Ross not being voiced by a black voice actor for saying I had no idea, and thought she did a good job or something like that. That kinda woke (heh) me up to how things ran over there. Before that I hardly ever posted I think. Anyway, after that I came back to neogaf and set my pronouns to "F You" and got perm'd


Mouse Ball Fetishist
Never got banned there, but I left of my own accord a few years ago.

There are a few genuinely cool folks in that forum, but it was hard to have good discussions when the majority there prefer to talk about things other than gaming.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I got banned many times:

- for defending MKBHD when people started calling him Uncle Tom
- for saying Ricky Gervais is not transphobic
- for saying DF was doing videos just to stir controversy and get clicks
- for saying Lewis Hamilton is a drama queen and craves attention (and called me racist in the process LOL)

I mean it's fun just seeing how the quality of the forum is gone to shit and the Brazilian furry can't do anything about it, well maybe ask for money to pay off his/her/their? car.
MKBHD is a villain in the insanity bubble? Why, for being successful and interviewing Elon a couple times?
Gaf has it's issues, and sometimes we do appear a little bit like an echo chamber, but at least here I can tell someone to fuck off and the mods won't ban me immediately.

The beauty of Gaf is, and always will be, the fact that we can shit on one another (respectfully), for better or worse.

And what's best, is that we all at least seem to have an understanding when a user is expressing his views, albeit emotionally, and when a user is just being a little troll and trying to stir up trouble.

I love you Gaf :messenger_heart:
Banned for saying that just because Japan still has “bathhouses” Section in video games doesn’t mean you can say America is superior to Japanese humor is they find that funny. I was TOO accepting for them.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
The only positive for resetera is that it seems to be a more active forum than this one but yeah, they are pretty intense over there.

I haven't browsed over there in years, but when we used to have a thread here on GAF lampooning them I got the sense that some users put a lot of effort into making quality OT's, and there is a ton of activity, but it's all poor. They'll be a thread with a slammin OT, then like 500 replies and replies every minute that are literally one or two words. Or maybe an in-joke for the community repeated 50 times.

They had some good long running threads, like 50 books / 50 movies a year, that was maintained by passionate people. Problem is those are few and far between. It's mostly a swarm of people repeating far-left fringe stuff with normal people staying quiet so they don't get banned by the racist mods.
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I have a lot to vent from just my observation of that site. Granted, I’ve been temp banned once years ago, and it was probably my fault to be honest. It was a stupid ban.

But seeing others how they’ve been banned for an infraction of something so small is as infuriating as my dislike for Trump. That’s how bad it is.
The problem with Era’s ban happy mods and some of their members is that they will feel like they’re right and nothing will ever convince them of anything else. You have to be aligned with their train of thought or you’re wrong and you can get banned. It seems that while they say you can basically speak your mind, that’s not true. I can’t even speak my mind on the constructive community page without someone gonna piling on with the mod ready to hit the ban hammer for not thinking what they’re thinking.

Yes, there are people who really do deserve their bans and I can justify that (bigots, racists, etc), but I feel even a small thing would set them off based on their ideas.
If you speak out to a problem with a ban, the reason is most commonly:
- Transphobia
- inflammatory commentary
- Modwhining
- Trolling (some yes really do troll, some don’t.)
- Downplaying the issue of (if you like something but you’re told to not like it)

For crying out loud, there are sites dedicated to collecting a list of bans that Era does to show off how ban happy they are. That’s how bad it is. Granted, I visit there because of the buy/sell threads. That I feel hasn’t been corrupted at the least and always had positive experiences there.

Like I’ve also said before, one of the MMO communities were discussing the issue of Era in game and we distanced ourselves from the site and make it our own image. Basically use the Era site to reel people in and just distance from the “Era” name entirely once we get em in.

Irl friends also see ResetEra swirling into the shitter, and we have been around since the Gaming Age Forums.

I’m sure some of the Era loyalists even read these things and still feel like they’re in the right without having time to reflect how bad it is.

To me, originally, it felt like a place to call ‘home’ like a poster said in Era. But it feels like you got a landlord who came in, settled in, started making rules on what you can and can’t do, and what you can and can’t think or feel.

To me, in a way, it hurts. It feels like having to move away and go somewhere else.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
To me, originally, it felt like a place to call ‘home’ like a poster said in Era. But it feels like you got a landlord who came in, settled in, started making rules on what you can and can’t do, and what you can and can’t think or feel.
ResetEra is its own community’s doing. The community made histrionic choices, set GAF on fire, and put incompetent, self-serving, radicalized people in charge at the new place.


Got ban from Defend Valkyria Chronicle 4 . They call the whole game Sexist but it is only less than 1 minute typical anime fanservice cutscene .


similar story, back when the game was first announced, got a 2 week ban for wanting to support the devs and somehow that counted as transphobia

Idk Shrug GIF by Landon Moss


Gold Member
To the admins/mods at this site, I know that sometimes your decisions are subjective (it's the way of the world), but I'm appreciative that you don't just close down every discussion that you disagree with.
Every occupation/job attracts a certain kind of personality. F.ex. according to people like McClelland, there are only three motives: achievement, affiliation and power. Guess what type of person is driven by a need for power? Yes. Forum mods belong to that group. Just like journalists and politicians. You don't do this out of philanthropy.


similar story, back when the game was first announced, got a 2 week ban for wanting to support the devs and somehow that counted as transphobia

Idk Shrug GIF by Landon Moss
It’s like everything counts as transphobia:

- Support a game you’re excited for? Transphobe!
- Don’t want a date a woman who was originally born as a guy? Transphobe!
- Love Harry Potter? You better believe you’re a transphobe!
- Think that maybe Republicans aren’t all evil people and we should stop generalizations? We’ll find a way to call you a transphobe.

Kagey K

These people are idiots. Biological women have periods. If staying the truth like that makes you a transphobic bigot then sign me up
Remember it's ok for women to have standards, like height or income, but you are a homophobe if you don't want your women to have dicks.

Openly stating you wouldn't have sex with someone who has a penis is bannable there.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
The whole culture of everyone must all be on the same page or you will be ostracized/cancelled is just tiresome. People see things differently, and whether we like their views or not, they are entitled to think whatever they want...and express those views. Maybe people are sometimes bigoted jerks or insufferable in their own ways, but so what?!? People have always been assholes and no amount of policing will ever change that.
Plus they have this idea that you can nag and shame people into adopting your more “enlightened” worldview which is completely idiotic.

Since when has that ever worked? All that does is make people less likely to see things your way. At best it’ll make people publicly go along with you out of fear of getting canceled.


They seem to have made an impressively deep impression on you lot. I can't figure out if the whining here is justified without checking it out, so I guess someday I probably will.


NeoGaf complains about them a lot, but they never mention Gaf over there. Obvious who the dumper/dumpee is.

Edit: as pointed out to me, they can’t mention Gaf over there without getting banned. My bad.

More of their iron fisted rules.
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Kagey K

NeoGaf complains about them a lot, but they never mention Gaf over there. Obvious who the dumper/dumpee is.
You get banned there if you mention GAF by name.

There are plenty of references to "the old place" over there.

There is no dumper/dumpee. There is only a concerted effort by a lot of people to make Cerium a bunch of money and it worked.

He sold out and left that dumpster fire behind.
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Sega Orphan

As a person who writes stories focused on a protagonist of the opposite sex, I'm not entirely sure how that can be possible.
In her own tweet she wrote "feeling kinship because they’re vulnerable in the same way as women - ie, to male violence "
She is known as a TERF. Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist.
She is anti men.


you can get banned for just 'exisiting' there, simply due to you not align with their view

they act like having freedom of speech but instead what we see is a fine example of bigotry.
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I have an account there — got it right after The Split. Didn’t take long to realize they were batshit crazy. Can’t remember the last time I was there. A year? Maybe more? I don’t know.


In her own tweet she wrote "feeling kinship because they’re vulnerable in the same way as women - ie, to male violence "
She is known as a TERF. Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist.
She is anti men.
She's anti-men because she tells the truth about women being vulnerable to the physical superiority (in the majority) of men which can potentially escalate / translate into violence in case the male has trouble handling negative emotions?

You sound like the people of the purple palace, taking a statement out of context and creating your narrative which is meant to perpetuate hate.

My point still stands. A person who writes about a character of the opposite sex for DECADES and gives him heroic, noble and good attributes couldn't possibly hate the sex he belongs to. It makes absolutely zero sense.
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Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Seems MOBA didn’t turn it into everything that people predicted it would then? It’s still going and stuff full of triggered arseholes. Oh well.

That retardERA website that was joked about should have been set up.


I was banned once for 3 days because I dared question their stupid logic on Christianity. (you can bash Christianity but not Islam, cos they will throw the word Islamophobic) (But nobody dares to point out that Islam thinks lgbtq is a sin)

Then one of them accuse me of posting Creationist bs (which I nv did cos this was the first christian thread I commented on). Because I didn't want to argue on a thread, I dm'ed him to prove it otherwise he is just a liar. He reported me, and I got banned for being aggressive when I was the one accused with a lie.

Never again will I post anything surrounding any sensitive topic no matter how stupid they are.


I’ve been temp banned from both era and gaf for minor infringements. (I got banned from here a few weeks ago for *asking* a politically leading question which I genuinely didn’t know was against the rules here??

I’ve managed to find a way of enjoying both sites but both can piss me off with the general socio politico views held by the majority of people on either site (left over there and right in here) The way I’ve seen this is that here I’d be considered left wing over there I’d be considered right wing. (For the record I don’t consider myself either. I swing between the two depending on the issue although I probably swing further left than I do right)

Both sites are echo chambers. Era is definitely more heavy handed than gaf but I find gaf can be more aggressive in the jump to ‘fucking left wing socialist baby eating world destroying bat shit crazy.

I do miss the old days of forums where you could just say what you wanted and yeh piss People off but everyone just moved on to the next thing. I really detest the closing down of discussion. For me as long as no one is being aggressive or threatening, let it flow. That’s what a discussion forum is for isn’t it? Or that’s what it used to be for but then, I’m old so….



Being banned from that retarded website is just confirming you’re sane.
This is just so deranged and funny on so many levels.

First, you can't even ask "sincerely" as a curiosity. Every logical question is treated as the worst possible intent to disrupt or commit bigotry etc (whatever new term you can come up with).

Second, no one will reply you with an explanation too, because if they did so logically, then they are a bigot too. The rest will tell you that you have to "already know" and "do your own research etc".

So in an age where information is so readily available and science so advanced, you can't ask "wait, can a men menstruate?". Because the answer is always "No they can't, but please shut up and just follow!"

So asking "wait, can a men get pregnant, was there ever one in all ages?" The answer is again "No they can't, and there is none, but please shut up and follow!"

Resetera's entire idealogy & mod team is as oppressive as any dictatorship that obfuscate, gaslight, and oppress their own citizen with all available disinformation and prejudice.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I’ve been temp banned from both era and gaf for minor infringements. (I got banned from here a few weeks ago for *asking* a politically leading question which I genuinely didn’t know was against the rules here??
There's a notice about the politics ban that remains at the top of the site permanently until you click to hide it.
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