Okay, cool. I hope the game won't take more space after unpacking cuz I have only 18 GB of free space available now.Should be enough, steam says something about 37gb.
3440x1440 @ 60Hz here.
i7 4790k @ 4.6Ghz
2x Titan X SLI
32GB 2400 DDR3
60+ fps Gameworks off
29-45 fps Gameworks on
Hopefully the gameworks can be tweaked or something, I want to game @ 60fps so will leave them off for now...
Windows 8.1 Issues
 [SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] With a 4K display, a TDR occurs after the in-game
resolution is toggled and the application is exited. [200116725]
 [SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Heavy flickering occurs in game after Alt+Tab if SLI is
enabled. [200116723]
 [SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Severe stuttering seen, especially in indoor scenes,
when the game is running at 4K resolution and NVIDIA Gameworks settings are
turned on. [200116722]
 [SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Random flickering occurs in the game if SLI is
enabled. [200116717]
 [GM206, SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] Stuttering occurs and performance drops
after shadow quality settings are toggled. [200116694]
 [GK180, SLI, Batman: Arkham Knights] When SLI is enabled, a crash points to
ntdll.dll shortly after the game is exited. [200116717]
It downloaded a small file a few minutes ago but that didn't change anything.
Didn't I see others in the US talking about the game unlocking?
Rivatuner doesn't work for me...
Thanks. Was about to ask this as I noticed my game locked at 30 for the intro.Capped at 30 fps by default, ini tweek needed unfortunately.
heads up for the people that dislike it, this game uses Denuvo protection so it probably harms performance somewhat.
Capped at 30 fps by default, ini tweek needed unfortunately.
No idea what it is, but my game just got a 1.1GB update.
YesSo is this game broken if you have a SLI setup?
No idea what it is, but my game just got a 1.1GB update
Will this be the game that finally kills my Alienware Alpha, I guess we shall see.
You might want to disable SLI for now: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=169442602&postcount=247
My rig:
i5 [email protected] GHz
GTX 970 Twin FROZR V (FoceWare 353.30)
8 GB Corsair Vengeance 1600 MHz
My results:
This is fucking ridiculous. I'm having everything on Normal with my 280X and the frame drops to lower 10s is so frequent I would call this current state unplayable. The first time riding the Batmobile is even borderline freezing, dropping to single digits. It somehow doesn't even seem to use my GPU, the fans are so quite as if I'm not even playing. Anyone else have this issue? Anyway, to anyone with a 280X (and maybe even AMD in general, but I don't know how other cards perform): for the time being, stay clear. If you have the option to buy it on consoles, do it. If not, don't buy it.
Did you install the beta driver?
Everything maxed out (including Gameworks features)
i5 3570k @ 4.3ghz
12gb RAM
Yes I did, which baffles me thinking it can even get worse than this.
this is blowing my mind seeing ps4 button prompts instead of xbox buttons on the PC
never seen this before
I assume this can be changed. Will be playing with an Xbox One controller
We've had 290 user report fantastic framerates in this thread. Until we see other AMD users on similar cards, we can't comment. I certainly wouldn't run around telling everyone to buy it on console just yet.
this is blowing my mind seeing ps4 button prompts instead of xbox buttons on the PC
never seen this before
This is fucking ridiculous. I'm having everything on Normal with my 280X and the frame drops to lower 10s is so frequent I would call this current state unplayable. The first time riding the Batmobile is even borderline freezing, dropping to single digits. It somehow doesn't even seem to use my GPU, the fans are so quite as if I'm not even playing. Anyone else have this issue? Anyway, to anyone with a 280X (and maybe even AMD in general, but I don't know how other cards perform): for the time being, stay clear. If you have the option to buy it on consoles, do it. If not, don't buy it.
Those screens look very grainy, can you turn the grain off?
Ah it's not using SLI anyway. Not bad then for one Titan X. SLI disabled...
They pushed the SLI bit through games works, use that. (super shitty of them to do that IMO, pretty obvious why they did...)Downloaded new drivers etc...SLI is enabled, yet the game isn't using my second 680 at all. 3% usage.
What do you think this is, some sort of PC game?
Do you know where you are?
They pushed the SLI bit through games works, use that. (super shitty of them to do that IMO, pretty obvious why they did...)
I assume this can be changed. Will be playing with an Xbox One controller
this is blowing my mind seeing ps4 button prompts instead of xbox buttons on the PC
never seen this before
I'm really thinking there's something wrong on my end, because my GPU doesn't make sound at all, as if it's not even under load. May very well be the reason why it performs like shit. I don't know how to make it roar like a beast again, just fired up The Witcher 3 and it sounds loud as usual.
Same card same problem.
Game runs like shit, it's not even a great looker so it feels like there's something wrong with the port, with it being locked to 30fps too something is off.