I played and finished at pretty smooth 30FPS(slowdown only once, which resolved when I downloaded the latest drivers). Other than that, I could see the FPS counter go down to 29 sometimes, but I didn´t notice any impact on gameplay.
I had everything on, except interactive smoke/fog, downsampled from 2715x1527 (weird res to chose, but that´s the option I had, since 4k didn´t work

. Think it´s 2x DSR, not sure).
GTX 970, 4790k, 8GB RAM, SSD, Win 8.1. Nothing overclocked (should do it some day, but don´t know how and I haven´t feeled the need yet).
Your setup should work just fine, but there have been others with similar setups that didn´t, so I can´t say for sure. Seems random.