Junior Member
Developers shiting on our heads again unfortunally... My game still locked out but as i read all this my bat Heart was crushed and... crushed and... crushed....
thanks buddy, but for some reason mine still does not work. im running the GTA V driver do you think that could be why its not showing? however overlay is working fine in other steam games.
my settings are exactly the same as yours, but msi refuses to show, what could it be
Steam says that the content is still encrypted. I've never seen that with a pre-load before. Is that abnormal?
Btw, Greenman Gaming gave me two Steam keys, the first one activated the game for me and it's not letting me put in the second one because the game isn't out yet. What's the second key for?
Steam says that the content is still encrypted. I've never seen that with a pre-load before. Is that abnormal?
Btw, Greenman Gaming gave me two Steam keys, the first one activated the game for me and it's not letting me put in the second one because the game isn't out yet. What's the second key for?
Using a 2GB GTX 760. Can't get a smooth 30fps with any settings unless I drop down to low texture quality, even at 720p.
CPU is an i7 4770k.
Time for an upgrade / slash refund I think. Low textures are pretty ugly.
Win 8.1
i5 2500k at 4GHz
GTX 970 G1 stock
1080p with everything maxed out including Gameworks stuff.
60 FPS when you start playing at the tower but as soon as you start gliding getting weird/random FPS spikes that take the framerate all over the place. Also getting several crashes and seems that the game might have memory leaks according to error messages from Windows. I hope the fix it soon.
On the plus side it seems that 30 FPS lock provides a pretty smooth experience, it doesn't feel as smooth at 60 but it's not jerky as other PC games at 30, I might end up locking it to 30 instead since the random FPS spikes when unlocking the framerate really kill the experience. Also I tried downsampling from 1440p and FPS remained steady at 30 and this game truly benefits from better AA.
As far as the stutter go I haven played enough to notice I was just gliding around the city as soon as you start.
These are just impressions from gliding around as soon as you start playing since the benchmark is shit.
Mine is not working either, same settings.
Using a 2GB GTX 760. Can't get a smooth 30fps with any settings unless I drop down to low texture quality, even at 720p.
CPU is an i7 4770k.
Time for an upgrade / slash refund I think. Low textures are pretty ugly.
Is ANYONE having a smooth experience as of right now?
I want to know this as well.
For what it's worth, if I were having a smooth experience as of right now, I wouldn't be posting in this thread. I'd be in game.
What a mess.
When I drive around in the batmobile it's 60fps, but the moment I get in a shootout with a tank it locks to 30.
So disappointing. I'm sure they'll fix it with a patch, but this shit needs to stop. Don't fucking release your game if it's not ready.
Steam says that the content is still encrypted. I've never seen that with a pre-load before. Is that abnormal?
Btw, Greenman Gaming gave me two Steam keys, the first one activated the game for me and it's not letting me put in the second one because the game isn't out yet. What's the second key for?
My specs are the exact same as yours except I have twice the ram; got my copy from ordering my 970.Well, damn it. If there's one thing I really, really hate it's microstutter. Reading this thread actually makes me regret pre-ordering the game for 30 bucks. Currently rocking an i7-4790K and a single GTX 970 and 8 GB RAM. If the performance is so bad right now, I'll wait until the worst issues are sorted out. Until then I have enough stuff to play. It's pre-loaded, so it's just a matter of time and some work at Rocksteady.![]()
From other people it seems like the bat mobile kills fps. I'd be interested to know how it runs for you, our setups are near identical.
So do we know if this version of Denuvo is decrypting shit while the game is running? That sort of thing could definitely impact performance.
Crack pls.
edit: I'd have preferred them actually announcing the goddamned DRM before launch though. God, this release is depressing.
From other people it seems like the bat mobile kills fps. I'd be interested to know how it runs for you, our setups are near identical.
thanks buddy, but for some reason mine still does not work. im running the GTA V driver do you think that could be why its not showing? however overlay is working fine in other steam games.
my settings are exactly the same as yours, but msi refuses to show, what could it be
What the hell is Denuvo?
So yeah.
970 here, 1080p locked at 30 through DXTory.
Everything high and no game works on.
Getting bad spikes down to 25 every minute when walking around.
Driving the batmobile is a constant 22-27 fps stutter fest. Absolutely awful. Does the console stutter this bad when driving?
What the hell is Denuvo?
So yeah.
970 here, 1080p locked at 30 through DXTory.
Everything high and no game works on.
Getting bad spikes down to 25 every minute when walking around.
Driving the batmobile is a constant 22-27 fps stutter fest. Absolutely awful. Does the console stutter this bad when driving?
Can anyone with stuttering issues stream so we can see how bad it is? is nuts - isnt the PS4 version locked 30 at 1080p?
What the hell is Denuvo?