Is this your Steam? http://steamcommunity.com/id/Lockjaw333/games/?tab=all&sort=name
How are you playing this when it's not even there?
Looks like some of the highres textures on the batmobile are also missing on PC?
WB are a big part of the problem but to not lay any blame at the port house is also not correct, especially if they're not owned by the publisher, like this case. They are often bidding and claiming they can do XYZ in amount of time for amount of money. So at the very least they need to be responsible enough for themselves to know what they can do. It's not their first rodeo. They released Borderlands 2 Vita, one of the more notable bad ports around. If they can't manage the work, they should not be agreeing to contracts stating they can.
Of course, there's a lot of factors we don't know about like if WB or Rocksteady were late with stuff and whatnot, but IG is not blameless.
Is this what it's come to, lying about problems on a game you don't own to be a part of the outrage culture?
Game works great for me, 7 hours in.
Is this your Steam? http://steamcommunity.com/id/Lockjaw333/games/?tab=all&sort=name
How are you playing this when it's not even there?
PC box - rocksteady clearly wanting to take the credit before all the problems hit
Someone should photoshop it with the rocksteady crossed out in red ink with Iron Galaxy above it
Use the support link available within its respective page in your library.For some odd reason I can't even ask for a refund, game is missing from their support database.
picture hosting
THIS. Same with batman armor/coat. I just can't believe that this is not a mistakenly uploaded early build or something. We even saw those effects working in nvidia gameworks promo video.Looks like they also just straight up forgot to put any rain shader either, look at the back panel of the vehicle.
No. That was just idiot PS4 fanboys comparing the earlier, superior, in numerous obvious ways (to anyeon with working eyes), PC footage vs the latter PS4 footage.
They obviously weren't talking about the end result on PC.
Here's a clue: most things PS4 fanboys say about the PS4 should be taken with a big fat grain of salt.
Anyone getting this?
Gemüsepizza;169548335 said:This seems to be the fix for the bug where your game gets deleted when you verify the integrity of your game cache, at least it works now for me.
Anyone getting this?
Anyone getting this?
I think all the patch did was fix file validation. It's actually validating files now instead of instant deleting the game.
Find anyone on your steam list that owns it and show up under Friends who play Batman... and check their games. Nobody got it shown there. At least none of my friends.
Anyone getting this?
I wont call it smooth but i made it run at 60fps after few hours of trial and error and reinstalling. Still not happy and gonna keep working on it in 15 hours after work. Maybe i can get what i want out of it.Yeah, I caught that... My apologies for jumping the gun, but this thread seems so insane to me because it's been running smooth and looks great for me and I have a 760.
So the folks on GAF that were saying that are idiot fanboys? Going by the comparison footage, even though the PS4 footage is softer it DOES look better thanks to it not lacking AO.
Despite my conspiracy cobblers before, having now put in some time with the game...I'm having no problems at all.
I've not touched any .ini files, maxing all the settings out, turning on all Nvidia game works features, and it's constant 30fps for me. Admittedly, the frame rate lock shouldn't be there, but just playing the game 'as is' is fine for me - no stutter or anything.
I'm playing at 1440p too. On a 3570k CPU, 970 overclocked to heaven and 32GB of RAM. Maybe it just likes my RAM? Who knows. Installed on SSD.
I fully expect the massive, rushed-out patch to break it for me.
I think all the patch did was fix file validation. It's actually validating files now instead of instant deleting the game.
Despite my conspiracy cobblers before, having now put in some time with the game...I'm having no problems at all.
I've not touched any .ini files, maxing all the settings out, turning on all Nvidia game works features, and it's constant 30fps for me. Admittedly, the frame rate lock shouldn't be there, but just playing the game 'as is' is fine for me - no stutter or anything.
I'm playing at 1440p too. On a 3570k CPU, 970 overclocked to heaven and 32GB of RAM. Maybe it just likes my RAM? Who knows. Installed on SSD.
I fully expect the massive, rushed-out patch to break it for me.
people spending money on a 970 being happy to play an Unreal engine game at 30fps with dips
Guess that's vindication for all the folks who kept saying the PS4 footage "just looked better".
Wait, what are you talking about?
The people that were saying the PS4 footage we saw a few weeks ago for the first time looked "better" than the original PC footage showed off way back?
'cause that's what I'm talking about. There were those people, and those peopel are idiot fanboys.
Anyone lookign at PC footage TODAY (or last night) and saying PS4 footage looks better is 100% correct.
Use the support link available within its respective page in your library.
This is more akin to an even heavier version of samaritan, which took 3 580s to run @ 1440p with 4XMSAA (at 60fps?), if I remember correctly.people spending money on a 970 being happy to play an Unreal engine game at 30fps with dips
Maybe if you turn down some of the settings.if I can get solid 30fps on my 2gig 680 when I get home im probably just gonna play through the thing tbh
Next step is to buy the PS4 version.
I was talking about the folks on GAF last night / this morning that was saying PS4 version was looking better than the PC versions that were popping up in streams.