Still no ETA on a patch smh.
Dude the external team has our backs no worries!
Still no ETA on a patch smh.
Finally got to sit down and play after re-downloading the game all afternoon. 4770k, 980, 16mb ram, 7200rpm HDD. Here's what I did to lock it to a smooth and stutter-free 30fps (so far).
Nv Inspector:
Max Pre-Rendered Frames "1"
V-Sync Tear Control: Standard
V-Sync 1/2 refresh rate
Nvidia FXAA: On
I also forced 16x AF, not sure if it works but what the hell.
30fps cap
INI config:
Graphics Options:
Everything Max except SmokeWorx and PaperWorx
One of the smoothest 30fps I've ever seen on PC but I don't do this very often. Tearing ass with the Batmobilenever really stutters except in obvious situations where its loading another part of the map, so in other words not frequently.(sorry guys, I love this thing)
Is there a comparison out there that shows better textures on console?
So I tested it again when I got home.
Kicked all options up to max at 1080p, including the NVIDIA stuff. Ran the benchmark:
Closed the benchmark, ran it again, a few seconds later, with no changes to any options:
The fuck?!
I'm pretty sure Nixxes is like 5 people.
if you're expecting a patch this week i think you might be disappointed, the fact that people believe they are working on it right now is funny, they got their money, game will sell shit ton of copies on consoles, they knew the state of the PC version hence no review copies to any outlet, you really think that rocksteady, the company that created the game was unaware of the problems the PC version had? they just decided to give a fuck, sometimes i really wish the government would step in and create a quality control law or some kind of shit like that because this is ridiculous and this people keep getting away with itStill no ETA on a patch smh.
The AA cannot be fixed.
There is Aliasing at 4K , with AA on.
I tried running this game on SLI 980s. -_-. Got a refund instead.
Okay, weird issue:
AK was suddenly performing way worse, thought maybe it was just the areas of the game evolving as the story went on and having more effects.
I decided to load up Witcher 3 was suddenly performing at about half the FPS it usually does too.
Reboot PC, Witcher 3 is fixed. Didn't have a crash or anything that should have caused this. It's reminding of the Watch Dogs launch in which playing it would affect other random ass games for no reason.
Hoping just some fluke, will report back if there's anything notable.
Okay, weird issue:
AK was suddenly performing way worse, thought maybe it was just the areas of the game evolving as the story went on and having more effects.
I decided to load up Witcher 3 was suddenly performing at about half the FPS it usually does too.
Reboot PC, Witcher 3 is fixed. Didn't have a crash or anything that should have caused this. It's reminding of the Watch Dogs launch in which playing it would affect other random ass games for no reason.
Hoping just some fluke, will report back if there's anything notable.
I got a heads up that removing the 30FPS limit in the ini file is what's causing the memory leaks and will crash late game.
Okay, weird issue:
AK was suddenly performing way worse, thought maybe it was just the areas of the game evolving as the story went on and having more effects.
I decided to load up Witcher 3 was suddenly performing at about half the FPS it usually does too.
Reboot PC, Witcher 3 is fixed. Didn't have a crash or anything that should have caused this. It's reminding of the Watch Dogs launch in which playing it would affect other random ass games for no reason.
Hoping just some fluke, will report back if there's anything notable.
if you're expecting a patch this week i think you might be disappointed, the fact that people believe they are working on it right now is funny, they got their money, game will sell shit ton of copies on consoles, they knew the state of the PC version hence no review copies to any outlet, you really think that rocksteady, the company that created the game was unaware of the problems the PC version had? they just decided to give a fuck, sometimes i really wish the government would step in and create a quality control law or some kind of shit like that because this is ridiculous and this people keep getting away with it
thrown their big games to a studio with a bad track record with ports like High Voltage (why people trust them with ports after ZOE is beyond me) and now Iron Galaxy will do that.
and it's really bad especially that there is a big fanbase for both MK and Batman on PC.
just realised how sad my experience is with this game before i've even played it
pre-ordered it after the reveal, for the october 2014 release. now two delays later we've got a total mess of a port.
broke my heart WB. broke my heart.
Let me repost this for all to see, so many people burned by the pre-order:[IMG][/QUOTE]
What the shit, don't post a 170MB gif.
The people at Iron Galaxy are currently working on it. Rocksteady probably don't really care judging by them throwing IG under the bus on twitter.
This is what my CPU and GPU look like when I'm playing.
i7 4770k @ 3.5Ghz
HD 7970
Getting 30FPS most of the time, we the occasional drop by 2-3 FPS. Once it dropped to 20FPS for God knows what reason.
My settings:
And I took a couple of screenshots:
From my personal experience, the game runs decently and is, imo, quite pretty, though there's a few things I have to ask questions about (what's up with the AA? Why the film grain? What the hell does Enchanced Rain do?)
I'm not ready to blame Iron Galaxy, their work hasn't been bad traditionally. Could be a bad time table or something on Rocksteady's end. The fault is always with the publisher anyways, they shouldn't have released the game in such a state.
Gemüsepizza;169559711 said:The comments on their facebook page lol:
Sounds like you guys should be refunding this as fast as possible. Wait for the winter sale at the earliest for this to be fixed up.
Sends a message to WB.
Three is only one solution for this port.
40% GPU usage wut
Gemüsepizza;169559711 said:The comments on their facebook page lol:
Gemüsepizza;169559711 said:The comments on their facebook page lol:
what happened?
Gemüsepizza;169559711 said:The comments on their facebook page lol:
The heck? After the game re-downloaded everything again it's actually semi-playable for me. First time I tried it was like a powerpoint slideshow.
I'm on a GTX 560 Ti OC by the way. On foot the FPS drops with sudden camera movements. With the batmobile it's almost all the time, but since it drives so fast I'm guessing it's the motion blur that causes it.
The opening scene played just fine, and the character gallery in the menu works smoothly as well.
Gemüsepizza;169559711 said:The comments on their facebook page lol:
They're even getting blamed for MKX there. Welp.
If you didn't buy this directly from Steam you can't refund it.
I know, that's what surprised me as well. When I woke up this morning I just assumed it was because of my low end card. But then I went online and saw that the game ran poorly for everyone.560Ti , People are complaining about the game running like Shit on 980s and 970s.
Im tempted to buy still b/c I also never had issues with MKX and I see others are having OK experiences too. So tempting....have PS4 and I only intend to play at 1080p but really REALLY want 60fps. Have 780, i3570
I re-downloaded it tonight and it's actually been mostly fine for me at 1080p, 970 and max 60 FPS. Some big dips when flying around, but mostly pretty good. Definitely a long way from being totally acceptable though.