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Batman AK PC Perf Thread of DARKNESS, NO SETTINGS [30fps cap / intro removal in OP]


Anyone tried switching from borderless to full screen then back to borderless? Origins ran like fucking ass for me and I have to do that every time I play or else I get massive stutter and fluctuations.

I'm in US so I haven't tried, just wondering.
This is disappointing reading all these comments. I preordered because I had no problems with AA or AC. AO was glitchy but the performance was fine from what I recall. Ah well. Lesson learned.


Gemüsepizza;169454960 said:
Not so sure about that... I mean the benchmark runs at nearly constant 60 fps for me, but the game runs like ass.

I just mean if they meant the game to be capped at 30 FPS, they would have capped the benchmark too. I wasn't saying there is a correlation between performance.


Hey, maybe Rocksteady will pull the same thing the other developer did with Arkham Origins and say they can't fix the shitty port because they're too busy working on DLC!

I'm so mad at myself for ordering this on GMG. I want a goddamned refund.

Yeah, that was pretty rich. Still, Origins ran much better than AK does for me. Much better...

I got it from GMG too, premium version and everything. Honestly didn't expect it to be equivalent to some of the worst Ubisoft launches in recent years.
GTX 970 here (OCed to match 980). Running 1440p all maxed out. Getting 60fps when gliding above the city. drops a bit when flying fast in-between buildings close to the ground. And yeah, the batmobile tanks the fps.

I also have noticed the "unpopped" textures. Restarted my game and i think it fixed it. AND i can't get MSI overlay to work in the game.

Game looks gorgeous. No idea what you all fussin about.


GTX 970 here (OCed to match 980). Running 1440p all maxed out. Getting 60fps when gliding above the city. drops a bit when flying fast in-between buildings close to the ground. And yeah, the batmobile tanks the fps.

I also have noticed the "unpopped" textures. Restarted my game and i think it fixed it. AND i can't get MSI overlay to work in the game.

Game looks gorgeous. No idea what you all fussin about.

I'm confused as hell right now


We were due a crazy running port,i guess. They'll fix it up soon guys. It's a PC game...this happens sometimes.


Anyone with Gsync trying to play this? Does it help with the stutter?

It's pretty good for me so far on a 970 and a ROG swift after nuking the Gameworks settings at 1440p. They bring it down too much. Might re-enable like the rain or light shafts once people report on them more.
The benchmark was 60fps+ and during gameplay it's LOCKED to 30

I've tried vsync on and off, windowed modes, etc, frame limiter in RTSS, nothing


so it seems msi afterburner overlay is kinda borked so far, it works and then doesnt. im using the steam fps counter for now


I'm getting confirmation from some users on Reddit that the game is locked to 30 fps outside of the benchmark. Can anyone else confirm?

The benchmark was 60fps+ and during gameplay it's LOCKED to 30

I've tried vsync on and off, windowed modes, etc, frame limiter in RTSS, nothing

For people with the 30FPS issue. Go to the installation folder Batman Arkham Knight\BmGame\ Config\BmSystemSettings.ini and look in the file for "Max_FPS=30" change it to what you want. :)


titan x sli 1440p maxed, games runs terrible when in the batmobile I cant get fraps or the after burner osd working but its defnitly 30 something. Running around is smooth enough only cause I have a gsync monitor I dont think its a consistent 60+ fps though.


Apart from stuttering every now and then I'm getting 60+ most of the time with everything maxed apart from the smoke.

I have it installed on my SSD as well, so it's not because of a slow drive.

i7 4770K@4.3
Win 8.1

Not having high hopes that they will fix the stutter, but it's not the end of the world if they don't. Just a little annoying.


Just drove the bat mobile for the first time and this was after I unlocked it to 60fps. Holy studdering shit batman. Guess that's why it's locked at 30 be default?
Is there a possibility that there's a day one patch that hasn't pushed yet?

I know PS4 has that big ass 3.5 GB day one patch

  • Improved Performance
  • Stability Fixes
  • New feature: Rival Points
  • New feature: Original Batsuit skin available to select
  • Support for “A Matter Of Family” additional content
  • General gameplay, graphical, audio, UI, and localization fixes
Jesus this sounds bad, worse than FC4 or Unity at launch.

30fps lock? Seriously? The only game I've seen do that in like the last decade was that crappy Need for Speed next gen launch title.

I don't understand considering AS and AC were perfect on PC.

Luckily I had placed a PS4 pre order a while ago and had never cancelled it. Got an email from Amazon saying it shipped yesterday, so I guess I'll play it on PS4 for now.

Got it for $36 on GMG so its not a big hit, but no way in hell I'm locking the game to 30fps with a 970.


OK, I was getting stuttering, and screen tearing (even with v-sync on) and low FPS.

Went from fullscreen to borderless window and boom. Smooth as silk! Getting avg 58 FPS everything max, except for nvidia smoke and debris.

780ti 3770k

Also using Nvidia's FXAA instead of the in-game solution.

Lol at the people going for the PS4 verison instead. Common, son. This will get sorted out, PS4 is 30 FPS no matter what.


I've tried both the 353.30s and the 353.06s, the game still runs with memory underclocked to 3000 Mhz on my 970. What the hell is going on?


Does it run well at 30fps at least or even having 30 as your standard is it bad?

I assume half refresh rate, max prerendered frames=1 and RTSS would give better results than in-game cap, correct?


That would be appreciated!

It definitely runs better. For right now if you want to play the game and you have an SLI setup I think this is the way to do it. It still runs pretty poorly though. I'm getting drops into the low 40s driving around the city in the batmobile. Gliding around I'm getting 80-100fps.


I'm starting to wonder if a day-1 patch really is on the way once the official US release unlocks. This just doesn't sound right for a game of this caliber. Rocksteady isn't like Ubisoft where you expect their games to launch on crutches and then be patched over time. This just sounds really bizarre. The rigs listed in this thread should be destroying this game.


I was going to get this but judging by the stream I'm watching and the problems in the thread, thank God I held off and got some stuff from the steam sale. I'll wait until the patches come through.


Jesus ...this thread :/

Unfortunate as the AA and AC ports were fine on the PC (Didn't play the other one). Hopefully they fix the issues asap for the PC crowd


It definitely runs better. For right now if you want to play the game and you have an SLI setup I think this is the way to do it. It still runs pretty poorly though. I'm getting drops into the low 40s driving around the city in the batmobile. Gliding around I'm getting 80-100fps.

I greatly appreciate you testing it out. It's unfortunate that this has to be done, but thanks to my gsync monitor, I can deal with drops to the 40s. Thanks again!


titan x sli 1440p maxed, games runs terrible when in the batmobile I cant get fraps or the after burner osd working but its defnitly 30 something. Running around is smooth enough only cause I have a gsync monitor I dont think its a consistent 60+ fps though.

that's crazy right here


GTX 970 here (OCed to match 980). Running 1440p all maxed out. Getting 60fps when gliding above the city. drops a bit when flying fast in-between buildings close to the ground. And yeah, the batmobile tanks the fps.

I also have noticed the "unpopped" textures. Restarted my game and i think it fixed it. AND i can't get MSI overlay to work in the game.

Game looks gorgeous. No idea what you all fussin about.

I've gotten MSI Afterburner to work reliably by adding the .exe in RivaTuner Statistics Server and setting Stealth mode to ON.
Does it run well at 30fps at least or even having 30 as your standard is it bad?

I assume half refresh rate, max prerendered frames=1 and RTSS would give better results than in-game cap, correct?

Flying works at 30 fps. But combat and the Batmobil feels horrible imo.


Anyone have any info as to why paper debris and fog are disabled and greyed out?Trying to use geforce experience to optimize the game and it says the options are on but once in game it says undefined instead of on.
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