"Superman is kind of like Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen"
Yeah, he is. How did I not make that connection.
That's why he sucks so much. He's a cold, detached, 'above it all' being, the complete opposite of comic Superman who is as down to Earth as a person can get.
He's not like that at all. Come on, friend. Not even a blind man would walk away with that interpretation of this Superman. I think too many of you are projecting false attributes onto the character due to your dislike of it not being what you wanted, if this is what you walk away with.
He's not like that at all. Come on, friend. Not even a blind man would walk away with that interpretation of this Superman. I think too many of you are projecting false attributes onto the character due to your dislike of it not being what you wanted if this is what you walk away with.
Oh he is. Floating around, letting people worship him. Instead of having a conversation he acts like he can't interact with these people. Fucking stoic. When
people get blown to smithereens
he reacts apathetically. He is, for a good amount of moments in the film, this detached space-God. Maybe it's just bad acting.
I definitely enjoyed Batfleck. He was one of the best parts of the movie and it makes me want a batman centric movie with him in it. Suicide squad will have to be the next best thing.
He's not like that at all. Come on, friend. Not even a blind man would walk away with that interpretation of this Superman. I think too many of you are projecting false attributes onto the character due to your dislike of it not being what you wanted, if this is what you walk away with.
He's not like that at all. Come on, friend. Not even a blind man would walk away with that interpretation of this Superman. I think too many of you are projecting false attributes onto the character due to your dislike of it not being what you wanted, if this is what you walk away with.
Yeah, that's a complete misrepresentation of DCEU Supes. He actually cares too much and that's the problem, because he tries to do the best he can and a very vocal minority spend half the movie
shitting on him, framing him for atrocities, and dragging him down to humanity's level.
If he bothered to watch the movie rather than project tired ass memes onto the character, he'd have gotten that.
Oh he is. Floating around, letting people worship him. Instead of having a conversation he acts like he can't interact with these people. Fucking stoic. When
people get blown to smithereens
he reacts apathetically. He is, for a good amount of moments in the film, this detached space-God. Maybe it's just bad acting.
I don't want to go into spoiler territory in this thread, but frankly he's not. His entire arc in the movie is him being conflicted at how everyone is reacting to him at opposite ends, and this is problematic for him, because that's the human qualities in him and he doesn't know how to handle it. Your issue is with his reactions to all of this, and the fact that he's not handling all of this the way you want your preferred version of Superman to. A Superman he's clearly on his way to becoming. You're attributing false characteristics onto him as a result of this. The movie is pretty clear about this, and I don't see how you can misinterpret that unless you're willingly being dumb. To compare him to Dr. Manhattan, a character that I'm sure I'm not misremembering, is beyond silly. It makes no sense.
He flies around the world backwards reversing time to the tornado, saves Pa Kent and says "You're wrong. You've been wrong my whole life. I have to believe they're better than you ever taught me."
I don't want to go into spoiler territory in this thread, but frankly he's not. His entire arc in the movie is him being conflicted at how everyone is reacting to him at opposite ends, and this is problematic for him, because that's the human qualities in him and he doesn't know how to handle it. Your issue is with his reactions to all of this, and the fact that he's not handling all of this the way you want your preferred version of Superman to. You're attributing false characteristics onto him as a result of this. The movie is pretty clear about this, and I don't see how you can misinterpret that unless you're willingly being dumb. To compare him to Dr. Manhattan, a character that I'm sure I'm not misremembering, is beyond silly. It makes no sense.
Fair enough, but I'm seeing the parallels. In those moments when he's in the Superman suit 'cold' comes to mind. Vacant. Even when
he's upset it isn't tears, it's staring out over a balcony like an alien
. There's definitely the plot-line of him wanting to do good, but he's so
in-human so much of the time
Contrast that with Man of Steel, when he's getting interrogated. He has a charm there, a Superman charm, that he's devoid of in this film whenever he has the suit on.
Fair enough, but I'm seeing the parallels. In those moments when he's in the Superman suit 'cold' comes to mind. Vacant. Even when
he's upset it isn't tears, it's staring out over a balcony like an alien
. There's definitely the plot-line of him wanting to do good, but he's so
in-human so much of the time
Contrast that with Man of Steel, when he's getting interrogated. He has a charm there, a Superman charm, that he's devoid of in this film whenever he has the suit on.
That's kind of the point though. Come on, I know you are smarter than this.
This isn't Superman from Man of Steel. This is Superman who's been blamed for thousands of deaths, is having trouble with the fact that people look at him and treat him as an alien, when he's been raised as and very much has the qualities of a human being. This is the central theme of his character. The entire movie is showing that despite these internal conflicts, and the extreme reactions of the world, he's someone who has the best of men within him. Even Batman's entire arc is linked to this since he's the complete contrast. Someone who's more experienced, broken, and on the opposite end of the spectrum. Yet he's also clearly coming around thanks in part to Superman's actions.
It's basic storytelling and the movie pretty much beats you over the head with it. I genuinely don't understand how people are so attached to a character that you're unable to divorce yourselves a little and see what's playing out in front of you. The man is one step removed from being the Superman you're all wishing he was. We're just getting a story of him reaching there which is obviously ending in Justice League.
Well, no actually. Justice League is the end of this arc. You'll get that Superman in the movie after that since he'll have reached that stage. If you actually paid attention to what you're watching instead of being fixated on whatever Superman you wanted from your comic books, this would be pretty apparent.
This is the central theme of his character. The entire movie is showing that despite these internal conflicts, and the extreme reactions of the world, he's someone who has the best of men within him.
That's kind of the point though. Come on, I know you are smarter than this.
This isn't Superman from Man of Steel. This is Superman who's been blamed for thousands of deaths, is having trouble with the fact that people look at him and treat him as an alien, when he's been raised as and very much has the qualities of a human being. This is the central theme of his character. The entire movie is showing that despite these internal conflicts, and the extreme reactions of the world, he's someone who has the best of men within him. Even Batman's entire arc is linked to this since he's the complete contrast. Someone who's more experienced, broken, and on the opposite end of the spectrum.
It's pretty basic storytelling and the movie pretty much beats you over the head with it. I genuinely don't understand how people are so attached to a character that you're unable to divorce yourselves a little and see what's playing out in front of you. The man is one step removed from being the Superman you're all wishing he was. We're just getting a story of him reaching there which is pretty obviously ending in Justice League.
Whatever character they showed me, whatever part of his arc he's on, it wasn't that great. It wasn't well written. It wasn't that interesting. Oh, the only way *spoilers*
they could truly appreciate him was that ending
? How original.
I know what they're doing, it just wasn't done well, IMO.
On a basic level it isn't. He's not supposed to be perfect in the context of this world. And I don't read comics, so you'll forgive me if he's perfect there. He's obviously someone who represent the best qualities in a person however. The same way this new Batman could be, until he ended up broken. It's just that they have different breaking points.
Despite also being a murderous dude himself... Captain America in the MCU has more qualities of being a Superman than Superman in this Snyderverse.
This guy knows that when trying to save people, you can't save them all... but you keep trying because that's what you do. The Superman in the DCU saves a few people then gets upset that he wasn't able to save the others and goes into the Himalayas for some soul searching or goes to ask Ma Kent/Lois Lane for advice.. come on now.
First Avengers was decent. It was enjoyable but not exceptional. The second Avengers was entirely forgettable though. I felt cheated out of a ticket on that one. The first Captain America also was not a great movie. The second was better.
Lets go through the recent superhero flicks.
The first is the Amazing Spiderman 1 and 2. They were both hot garbage. If I had not paid for the tickets my wife and I would have walked out of the theater on the first one. The second one I waited until video.
The recent Xmen films were good and far superior to anything Wolverine only.
Iron Man 1>2>>3 [the last 15 minutes of the movie was just laughably bad]
I like the Dark Knight Trilogy but the second movie was definitely the best for me.
I just saw Bats and Sups go at it and I liked the movie. I liked Man of Steel as well so I guess it made sense. To date, no Superman movie has a credible Lex Luthor. They're all bad and in this movie he was the one thing that was just out of place.
I'm hoping the next Captain America will keep pace with the last iteration and the upcoming suicide squad will be good as well.
BTW, I wasn't a big fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy. I felt that was entirely overrated and I felt the same way about Deadpool. Maybe that was more due to not being a fan or Ryan Reynolds. He has annoyed me since Blade 3.
This isn't Superman from Man of Steel. This is Superman who's been blamed for thousands of deaths, is having trouble with the fact that people look at him and treat him as an alien, when he's been raised as and very much has the qualities of a human being. This is the central theme of his character. The entire movie is showing that despite these internal conflicts, and the extreme reactions of the world, he's someone who has the best of men within him. Even Batman's entire arc is linked to this since he's the complete contrast. Someone who's more experienced, broken, and on the opposite end of the spectrum. Yet he's also clearly coming around thanks in part to Superman's actions.
Okay, so I talked a lot about how Batman is an awful character, but I've left Superman's character arc alone for a bit. Lets fix that.
Ever since Man of Steel came out, I've heard one general idea repeated endlessly: That Zack Snyder focus's more on the super part than the man. He'd rather look at what Superman is as an idea or symbol or god than as a person.
This is double-downed on HARD in BvS, and not only is it to the film's detriment, it's in many ways the source of all the film's problems.
The central conceit of the film is that while Superman goes around saving people, he doesn't actually connect with them. He grabs a space prob, and then lays it down, and people are stretching their hands to touch his body.
The guy isn't even looking at them, let alone talking to them. He's acting as alienating, in every sense of the word, as possible. Which isn't to say that that makes the media's reaction intelligent or rational, but he's not helping matters when he's so distant that he can't bring himself to talk to the people he's going out of his way to save.
And then there's Lex's whole thing. His entire motivation is him
projecting his hangups about God onto
Superman. But at no point does Superman go "Hey, dipstick, can you
stop with this God association bullshit? I'm not God. I'm never claimed to be God. Having powers doesn't make me God. I'm not all powerful. I'm just trying to help people out."
This makes no sense in the wake of even Man of Steel. There, he gave himself over to the military, saved then, and at the end, he even enjoyed a good back and forth with the army general about taking down the drones. If he can get someone to trust him, even insomuch as that a fucking general feels comfortable bitching openly to Superman's face for breaking their toy, then why stop that? Why is
his first attempt to communicate with people something as formal and cold as a senator committee meeting
? Why doesn't he talk to the people who are literally worshiping him so they can get a sense that he's not as different from them as he thinks? Explain that your from Kansas, that you grew up on a farm, that you have a girlfriend. You know, human stuff. When he
begs Batman to save his mother
, as stupid as that scene is, it's the first time that he has a human conversation with someone outside of Lois, and guess what?
Batman is overcome with such empathy that he immediately switches from wanting to kill Superman's BFF ("Hi, Mrs. Kent. I'm a friend of you son.").
And how does this whole character arc conclude?
"The world honored him the only way they knew how. A soldier."
What the fuck, Superman wasn't
a soldier! Not remotely! You don't bury citizens who die trying to save others like military.
It speaks volumes as to how poorly they knew Superman that when they finally turn around on his public image, they go
"Uh, how do be bury him" "Idk, as a soldier I guess?"
The world image turned around on Superman from evil to good, but they never actually connected with him, never understood him as a person.
This problem can do nothing but exasperate itself when
superman comes back
. You think he's worshiped as a god now, wait until
he fucking rises again, bonus points if it only takes 3 days.
You're describing a problem that changes shape, but never actually resolves itself. Superman is as disconnected with people sans Batman as he was at the beginning of the film, with the sole difference being is that they worship him as a benevolent god instead of a potentially malicious one.
Despite also being a murderous dude himself... Captain America in the MCU has more qualities of being a Superman than Superman in this Snyderverse.
This guy knows that when trying to save people, you can't save them all... but you keep trying because that's what you do. The Superman in the DCU saves a few people then gets upset that he wasn't able to save the others and goes into the Himalayas for some soul searching or goes to ask Ma Kent/Lois Lane for advice.. come on now.
Captain America had his development fast forwarded in the form of a montage so that we've ended up with him in his developed state. He went through war and learned all of this off-screen pretty much.
Superman hasn't had the development yet, and these movies are based around him becoming an ideal or whatever. You can dislike that for various reasons, and it's fine, but many of you tend to act dumb about it. It's clear you want these characters in their developed states, but at the same time, there's a blatant ignorance in the level of critical thinking applied that it just comes across as a little bit childish.
"Superman is kind of like Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen"
Yeah, he is. How did I not make that connection.
That's why he sucks so much. He's a cold, detached, 'above it all' being, the complete opposite of comic Superman who is as down to Earth as a person can get.
In Watchmen, they refer to Dr.Manhattan literally as 'The Superman'. That's interesting.
BVS even says 'The world is introduced to The Superman' on white background when the metropolis destruction scene starts. I thought that was very Watchmeny when I finished watching it.
I mean I don't know man, he has had two movies to develop as a character. Characters have more development within a single movie than Superman has had in two.