I have. I do comics for a living partially because I grew up on stuff like Superman and Batman. It might be egotistical to say, but I do believe I "get" Superman, and I know immediately when someone else doesn't.
Zack Snyder doesn't understand Superman. He gave us a guy with the same name, flying around in the same pajamas, using the same powers... but that's not what makes Superman who he is. It's why you can't just stick Jason Todd in Batman's costume and he'd be the same guy; it's why Wally West is a different breed of Flash than Barry Allen. The people UNDER the costumes, behind the powers, are what make them interesting and are what makes them heroic.
I did not see Superman in these films, and I've heard the excuse "Man of Steel was about Clark learning to become Superman" so many times that I'm sick of it, but I waited. I waited patiently. I wanted to see what this "non-Superman" in Man of Steel would become and, here we are, years later... and there was no payoff, no big plan behind Man of Steel. If anything, they doubled down on the problems I had with Clark in the first movie and amplified my issues tenfold.
Someone else already showed a scene in Captain America: The First Avenger where, in two minutes, we realize what kind of a hero Steve Rogers is, what drives him, what motivates him, and why he deserves to be a hero. TWO MINUTES.
I have now sat through FIVE HOURS of Snyder's version of Superman and, in over five hours, I have not seen "Superman" develop from any of it.
So why, tell me, should I have to wait through THREE films to see if Snyder, after around 7 and a half hours, finally "gets" Superman? Even if, miraculously, he pulls it off and "Superman" returns in the next film as the great, heroic, inspirational and aspirational hero he's always been for nigh-on eight decades straight, why should we have to endure all the awful mess preceding it? If you can't get your message across clearly in over five hours, you're probably screwing up. It's like Final Fantasy XIII fans telling me that the game "gets good after around 30 hours". The hell?! Why should I put up with 30 hours of crap just to get a peak at hypothetical goodness?
ESPECIALLY when these very same ideas you claim Snyder is trying to do have already been done, and done better, in other stories and other films in a fraction of the time. There's no shortage of Superman stories that explore his place in the world and his journey for acceptance of the world and his role in it, so why should I put my faith in Snyder's version after he's habitually and constantly demonstrated an acute and fatal misunderstanding of the most iconic superhero of all time?